// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Knockout Custom Weapons V5.6r1 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Combo pack of New Old Weapons Pack V2.1.5 + Tangerine Paint & Grunt's Weapon Addons V2 // Adoptions taken from Renaissance Revival V1 by Yakibomb // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Some of this is not needed, too lazy to cleanup atm // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--New-Old Weapons Pack Entries---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "custom_items_game" { "prefabs" { // Prefabs from Renaissance Revival, a Medieval-Mode Weapons Pack // Version 1.0 // Made by Yakibomb // Might be useful in future //////////////////////////// // EQUIPS FOR ALL CLASSES // //////////////////////////// "medieval_base" //used for every medieval weapons (even melee) { "item_quality" "normal" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "attach_to_hands" "2" "static_attrs" { "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } } // Should go through and cleanup markup to use these prefabs instead of defining the classes each time... "use_scout" { "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } } "use_soldier" { "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } } "use_pyro" { "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } } "use_demoman" { "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } } "use_heavy" { "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } } "use_engineer" { "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } } "use_medic" { "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } } "use_sniper" { "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } } "use_spy" { "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } } "use_civilian" { "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } } } "items" { //this needs to be here to add the custom medibeam attribute "33" { "name" "The Kritzkrieg" "prefab" "valve weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_name" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1" "item_description" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1_Desc" "propername" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_kritzkrieg" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_kritzkrieg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_kritzkrieg_medic.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/kritzkrieg_backpack.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "attributes" { "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "medigun charge is crit boost" { "attribute_class" "set_charge_type" "value" "1" } "ubercharge rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.25" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "custom_medibeamtype" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } } } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--CROWBAR STUFF - 3300 ~ 3309 -- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "3300" // This number corresponds DIRECTLY to the item ID, even if they already exist. Set this to a -new- number if you want to ADD a weapon! My mods will hang around the 3300+ range. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" // Just an internal name for all I'm concerned. "prefab" "weapon_bat" // The weapon type this is based on! Duh. You can set info manually too, but this will do the job most of the time. "show_in_armory" "1" // IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT!!! You NEED this for unlockables!!! Without this, it won't appear in your inventory to select! "item_quality" "rarity3" // NEW As of 2.2.5 - a new-ish item quality! It's an off-lavender, not too dissimilar from Stock, and not as visually loud as the Yellow of Unique Quality "item_name" "Crowbar" // The name of the item. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" // The kind of item it is, in very simplest terms! Probably the same as the name! "item_description" " Good for bashing a chucklehead's skull in. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" // A funny description! Try to keep this short. It can be anything you want, but I'd try to stick with small quotes. Use TF2C's own descriptions as a style-guide. "item_logname" "crowbar" // What you see pop up in the console! Probably just copy the internal name you set. "item_iconname" "crowbar" // A kill-icon!! It's not exactly easy to add new kill-icons, so you can leave this empty or omit it entirely if you like. It just defaults to the weapon type you're using as a base, anyway. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" // Backpack image. Just one needed! ALSO, how this is set up, it searches for a file named "w_crowbar_large.vmt", located in "materials/backpack/weapons/w_models"! Be wary! "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" // 1 is c_models, 2 is v & w models. Here, it's gonna be 2. "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" // Who can equip it. Duh. If it's multi-class, you can specify to have it in a different wep slot (IE: stock shotgun for Engineer) } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" // Just a fix to tidy up the viewmodels in Minimal Viewmodel mode! Otherwise they look kinda weird for some weapons - like these allclass melees! } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.4" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } } "visuals" // This is just for consistency! { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3301" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { } "3302" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { } "3303" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { } "3304" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { } "3305" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" " A good ol' number for building construction! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" // Take note of the Unique part at the end. If a weapon has an important function as a stock, it's good to clarify a weapon is a reskin of that. "item_logname" "crowbar" // ALSO, no, that weird space is NOT a mistake. This is a hacky way to get the game to make a New-Line (Thanks to NotSuspect for finding this). In lieu of the inability to just add /n and have it work, anyway... "item_iconname" "crowbar" // Please keep this in mind as you see these weird spaces all throughout this file! They'll mostly be used for readability and / or to separate flavor text from stats. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "attributes" { "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "2.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" // Some weapons have "unique" sounds - which can usually be found labeled special1, 2, and 3. This one is for building construction! "animation_replacement" // These are a much more neutral position to hold stuff from than melee - so we'll use that! { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3306" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Truly, a good Doctor's weapon of choice! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3307" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "An ol' Crowbar is always handy in the field. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3308" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_knife" // YES, you can backstab with this! "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" " You are unable to backstab while this item is equipped A tool for infiltration - and self-defense. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_spy.mdl" // This supports Spy's new bloody knife feature, too. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" // For weapons that have taunts that actually do stuff, put this so it doesn't get interrupted by other taunts! (Like Thriller) } "attributes" { "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "2.0" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.10" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "3309" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROWBAR" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Crowbar" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crowbar" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Umbrella This used to belong to an old bodyguard of mine, but I need this more than he does! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "crowbar" "item_iconname" "crowbar" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_crowbar_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crowbar_civilian.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" // So he isn't posing strangely with the Crowbar in the Character Select screen! "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" // Theoretically would make the Boost animations play in world view, but still doesn't. Damn. { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--FRYING PAN STUFF - 3310 ~ 3319 -- // V5.6r1 Scout Pan fire rate and damage penalty added, both pans 2x crit chance //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3310" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Making Bacon: Increased crit chance Extra Greasy: Slows down target on hit for 5s Oh, what's the matter, you can't hear me? Here, lemme fix that, pal. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "crit mod disabled hidden" "2.0" // :^) } "attributes" { "mod rage on hit bonus" // Display-only joke! { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" // This, in theory, means that it doesn't even frickin' do anything accidentally if they add in a Rage modifier (a-la Buff Banner) "value" "100" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "UNIQUE tranq on hit HIDDEN" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "2.0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" // Some sounds are different from live TF2's just for extra effect, like this clattering when picking up or dropping a pan! "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3311" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "This Frying Pan has seen the horrors of War - and of spoiled soup! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } // Remove this - V5.5.5 "3312" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" " Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3313" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "taste 'a bacon-grease is nary pleasant. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_demoman.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "TFPlayer.DoubleDonk" // Meme sound! G o o d . "sound_single_shot" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "FryingPan.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3314" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "I have killed mother bear with this. I will kill tiny-baby men with this, too. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3315" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "0" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Wrench Not my first choice, but it'll do for hammerin'. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "attributes" { "mod rage on hit bonus" // Display-only joke! Most other classes don't have it, but Engi does - for a VERY insidious reason. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "100" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" // Yes, you're reading that right. This thing makes pan noises when building. I hope you hate it <3 // "sound_special2" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3316" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "My Diagnosis: 'Chronic Acoustic Trauma'! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3317" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Must-have for cooking and bludgeoning in the great outdoors! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3318" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_knife" // YES, YOU CAN BACKSTAB WITH THIS!! "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Functions identically to the Knife When caught empty-handed, sometimes you must improvise to escape alive. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "special taunt" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" // The succulent sound of a Frying Pan smashing against somebody's spine. Bliss. "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } "3319" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRYING_PAN" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Frying Pan" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FryingPan" "item_description" "Making Bacon: Increased crit chance Extra Greasy: Slows down target on hit for 5s Functions identically to the Umbrella When I'm having a fine breakfast one moment, and running for my life the next! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "fryingpan" "item_iconname" "fryingpan" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/all_pan" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_frying_pan_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_frying_pan_civilian.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_chef.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "crit mod disabled hidden" "2.0" // :^) } "attributes" { "mod rage on hit bonus" // Display-only joke! Same deal as Scout and Engi. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "100" } "UNIQUE tranq on hit HIDDEN" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "5.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "FryingPan.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FINGERPOINT_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_pot_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--OBJECTOR STUFF - 3320 ~ 3329 -- Everything here is shifted to be next to the Crowbar and the Frying Pan. Original range was 3390 - 3399! //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3320" { } "3321" { } "3322" { } "3323" { } "3324" { } "3325" { } "3326" { } "3327" { } "3328" { } "3329" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE NEW-NEW SHORTSTOP - 3340-- First actual weapon, boys! Let's get to it! //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "3340" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--THE FORCE A NATURE - 3341-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3341" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- The first cut-content TF2C weapon! These might provide a glimpse into what these weapons used to look like behind closed doors, but don't take it as gospel - it has some of my influence here too! //--THE AA GUN - 3342-- //--------------------- In the event they re-implement one of these weapons, I'd probably turn these entries into fancy reskins. Sound cool? //--------------------- "3342" { // Assets kept for the Sputnik and because many other weapons use its sounds } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--THE RIGHTEOUS BISON - 3343-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3343" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--INCENDIARY SHOTGUN - 3344-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3344" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--CONCEPT MINIGUN - 3345-- //--V.5.3.6 Heavy 2.0 Soft rework via Wonders //--V.5.3.8 Increased speed while spun-up to be a bit more like the Russian Rioter //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3345" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Heavy Machine Gun" "item_type_name" "Machine Gun" "item_description" " This gun bring memories back to old days of killing many, many baby men. Good times... Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Cosmetics by: 'Sky' 'Pie_Tony' 'Strno8' 'DJB2401' Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "machinegun" "item_iconname" "machinegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_machinegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_machinegun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_machinegun_heavy.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/heavy/ammo_up.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.10" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.075" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_MachineGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_MachineGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MachineGun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_MachineGun.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_MachineGun.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_MachineGun.Spin" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" //Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--THE BLUTSAUGER - 3346-- // V5.4.1 Removed, keeping stats if want to reuse later //------------------------- //------------------------- "3346" { "show_in_armory" "0" "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "3" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_leech_proj.mdl" // Is being used by other items } } } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--THE POWERJACK - 3347-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3347" { // "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_attendant.mdl" // Reuse this on another pyro weapon } //------------------ //------------------ //--THE JAG - 3348-- // V5.3.1 Disabled, need to remake this as its too good to be left out //------------------ //------------------ "3348" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JAG" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "0" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Jag" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " For when I ain't got the time to just sit back. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "wrench_jag" "item_iconname" "wrench_jag" "image_inventory" "" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "Construction rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "1.3" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "Repair rate decreased" // I don't know if this works. I think it does. { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.80" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.67" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--THE ORIGINAL - 3349-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3349" // Yep. As threatened, here it is. The Original! { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ORIGINAL_RL" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Original" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" "Rockets are fired from the center of the screen You had better start quaking in your boots. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "quake_rl" "item_iconname" "quake_rl" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_bet_rocketlauncher/c_bet_rocketlauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bet_rocketlauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bet_rocketlauncher_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" // This used to be on "3", that value makes it so the c_arms don't load in... at the cost of no critglows. Ouch?? "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" // Same deal as before. Unfortunately, this one has a voice line, I believe. But, it's delayed, at least. "min_viewmodel_offset" "-5 0 -10" // 2.0.2 patch - to fix a bug with positioning! } "attributes" { "centerfire projectile" // The centerfire attribute shines here, over the AA Gun. { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_original.mdl" // Oh, yeah, it comes with its own UNIQUE rocket model, too. Try and spot it! } } "visuals" // Fun fact. A lot of these sound-scripts were left over in release TF2C. Weird. They mighta' been testing this. { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/quake_ammo_pickup_remastered.wav" // You can point to ANY sound that's loaded, not just the ones in "sound/ui/.." ! "drop_sound" "#weapons/quake_rpg_reload_remastered.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--TEST PYRO FLAMETHROWER - 3350-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3350" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--REMOTE DEPLOY PDA - 3351-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3351" // Another unused weapon! This one lets you deploy buildings remotely, either by hitting it with a Wrench, or activating "Build" again. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REMOTEDEPLOY_PDA" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Remote Signal" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" "Dispenser generates ammo + metal slowly Original weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_remotesignal_pda" // Prior to 2.2.5, this used the Rush Order's teamcolored PDA model, but I felt that model fit more on that one. "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_remotesignal_pda.mdl" // So, I found a new model for this that ALSO looks like it could remote deploy! Hopefully it works? "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_remotesignal_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "pda can remote deploy" { "attribute_class" "pda_remote_deploy" // Note: Bots don't understand how this works, but generally unintentionally build their stuff anyways! "value" "1" // ...except the Teleporters, which almost always remain in the toolbox. } "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "3.0" } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "3.0" } "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "2.5" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dispenser_rate" // Dispensers give significantly less ammo and generate less metal per tick of those "value" "0.5" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--JUMP PAD PDA - 3352------- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3352" // And another one! This one replaces both of your Teleporters with 2 independent Jump Pads. They activate immediately, and don't need upgrading. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JUMPPAD_PDA" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Jump Pad" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" " Build up to 2 Jump Pads to allow your teammates to reach new heights Jump Pad model by: 'Wendy' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_jumppad_pda_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_jumppad_pda.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_jumppad_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "teleporter is jump pad" { "attribute_class" "set_teleporter_mode" // Note: Bots don't really understand this, either! They'll build the Jump Pads, but won't know that "value" "1" // the buildings no longer teleport them. And they just stand around like a dope until an Enemy comes by. } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "4.25" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" // (Funnier if they find out themselves - it's a pretty natural extension of using the Jump Pad tbh) "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_teleporter_type" "value" "2" // Jump pad, this only sets the model for it. } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--SPEED WATCH TEST - 3353-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3353" // Round III of cut weapons! This is just a watch that makes you go fast. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPEEDWATCH" "prefab" "weapon_invis" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Tactical Retreat" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Watch" //Speed Watch "item_description" " For when things get out of hand. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop_partner/weapons/v_models/v_hm_watch/v_hm_watch" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_hm_watch_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "0" // This is unique to watches, any other value has very strange behavior... "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "set cloak is speed" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "3" } "move speed bonus while cloaked" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" "value" "1.3" } "lose cloak on damage" { "attribute_class" "lose_cloak_on_damage" "value" "15" } "cloak consume rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "1.5" } } "visuals" { // "sound_deploy" "Player.Spy_SpeedCloak" // Apparently, setting the weapon mode to 3 or higher makes Speed Watch's sounds? Well, works out. // "sound_empty" "Player.Spy_SpeedUnCloak" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_watch_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_watch_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--CIV HOLY MACKEREL - 3354-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3354" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--KGB & GRU - 3355 - 3356 -- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3355" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOXING_GLOVES" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Killing Gloves of Boxing" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Gloves" "item_description" " 'I am going to kill you, and kill you, and kill you!' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "gloves" "item_iconname" "gloves" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_boxing_gloves/c_boxing_gloves" // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_boxing_gloves_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves_alt.mdl" // So the gloves appear on his hands even when holding other weapons. Dummied out - they're really, REALLY bulky. "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } } // "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1" // V2.1.5 - I believe this should fix the weird hands bug if a Heavy dies with either of the gloves equipped "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hands" "1" // Hide 'em. } "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.Miss" // Funny thing, these sounds were ALSO in the game still, and not just the sound scripts, but also the sound files themselves. Guess they were planning on KGB for a bit. "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_drop.wav" } "3356" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOXING_GLOVES_URGENT" // I'll be honest - this is just since it's almost basically a reskin of the KGB. Still, works out, Да? "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Gloves of Running Urgently" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Gloves" "item_description" " Tiny cowards think they can run from me? Hah! They are wrong. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "gloves_running_urgently" "item_iconname" "gloves_running_urgently" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_boxing_gloves_urgency/c_boxing_gloves_urgency" // "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves_urgent.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_boxing_gloves_urgent_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_boxing_gloves_urgent_alt.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "2" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.3" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } } // "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1" "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hands" "1" } "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--EXPLOSIVE JARATE - 3357 -- // V5.4.1 Removed but sound assets kept, weapon markup kept as good to reference for a throwable //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3357" // THIS, was a process and a half to get working. Buckle up, lemme start from the top. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EXPLOSIVE_JARATE" "prefab" "weapon_smg" // Loads the SMG's data as a base to work off of. This is largely irrelevant, but it's a Secondary Weapon and Sniper-only. "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // Immediately, convert that weapon to tf_weapon_mirv - the only throwable in the game. "show_in_armory" "0" "anim_slot" "item1" // Sniper, luckily, has his Item1 animations intact for some reason, so we can set this to force those to load for world model. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" // Make the projectile resemble Jarate's behavior: { "override projectile type" "2" // Changes it to a Rocket (2) or a Pipe Bomb (3), instead of MIRV (too powerful!) Both have their pros and cons, but Rocket behaves more like actual Jarate. "damage bonus hidden" "0.002" // Just enough to register as "Damage" - it doesn't actually do any damage, but makes the hit enemies "flinch" a bit. "add condition on hit" "30 10.0" // Effect "30" is Marked for Death. Triggers when an enemy takes "damage", and lasts for 10 seconds. // "add condition on hit" "24 10.0" // Effect "24" is Jarate's overlay. It only kinda works, and conflicts with Marked for Death, so this is dummied out. "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Yes, SOMEHOW this stuff escapes otherwise. God dammit! { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "jarate description" // Nonfunctional, this neither puts out teammates nor douses enemies in pee (sadly). HOWEVER, it DOES mark enemies for minicrits! { "attribute_class" "desc_jarate_description" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" // Set the new projectile to use the Jarate model. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_urinejar_projectile.mdl" } // Backend stuff. Also yes, none of the below is actually what the attribute name suggests. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" // Charge Rate nerf { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "1.75" // More specifically, this recharges in 16 seconds. } "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.15" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" // Nerfs Jarate Jumping a bit - you'll still get air, just not absolutely DISGUSTINGLY insane air. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.55" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_special1" "Jar.Explode" "sound_special2" "Jar.Explode" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--ENGI REVOLVER - 3358------- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3358" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_ENGI" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Six-Shooter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" "Just need one ol' gun and six shots. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "sixshooter" "item_iconname" "sixshooter" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_sixshooter" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sixshooter.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sixshooter_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // Nothing hugely remarkable about this. These stats basically just turn it into a Revolver. { "damage bonus hidden" "2.66" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.5" "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.4" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.18" // This nukes the ammo pool to 36 - so Engineer isn't sitting here all day with that bloody 200 reserve ammo pool! "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_EngiRevolver.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EngiRevolver.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Revolver.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" // Coilgun reload looks closer to the action of reloading a Revolver! // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--COW MANGLER 5K - 3359-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3359" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--THE EYELANDER - 3360-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3360" // The cursed weapon returns. { } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--OF DM GRENADE LAUNCHER - 3361-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3361" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_DM" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Ol' Brimstone" "item_type_name" "Pump-Action Grenade Launcher" "item_description" " A wee lad in a mask was in a mighty hurry and left this pretty bloody thing behind. T'is me lucky day! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" // IS THAT A FUCKIN' 「OPEN FORTRESS」 REFERENCE!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? "item_logname" "grenadelauncher_dm" "item_iconname" "grenadelauncher_dm" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_grenadelauncher_dm" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenadelauncher_dm.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_grenadelauncher_dm_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Okay it's -technically- a rocket. "damage bonus hidden" "0.77" } "attributes" { "explosive bullets" // Wow! Display only! { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.65" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "torso_scale" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_grenadelauncher_dm_RL.mdl" // The "normal" grenade is still in the files too, but Rockets don't come with teamcoloring. This is just a neutral variant. } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.5" } "damage force increase hidden" // Nerfs Grenade Jumping, since you got absolutely insane air. You still get mad height, just slightly less { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.8" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.DrumLoad" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--BLEED SYRINGEGUN - 3362-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3362" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--MINICRIT SNIPER - 3363-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3363" // The idea with this weapon was to make a "support" Sniper Rifle - where instead of picking off key targets, Sniper "marks" key targets for nearby teammates to go after. The most experimental of the bunch, so this might change in the future. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WA2000_MARKER" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Marksman's Marker" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SniperRifle" "item_description" "Mark multiple opponents for death! (3s each) Sometimes, you can let the rough-types do the dirty work for you. Animations by: 'SedimentarySocks' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "wa2k_marker" "item_iconname" "wa2k_marker" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_items/c_ess_eliminator/essendon_eliminator" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_wa2k_marker.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_wa2k_marker_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" // Just like with the Nailgun, the Revolver Rifle's class select is fairly neutral, and nice for this weapon! } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no scope" // For some reason, this one attribute controls both the rendering of the scope AND the headshot damage multiplication. Heck. { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" // Marked for Death, like with Jarate above. Only 3.5 seconds this time, though! { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 3" } "mark for death" // Since I wanna signpost it this time, this is here. This ALSO does not work! Weird!!! { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "damage bonus hidden" // Side effect of the no scope thing. Because otherwise, you do like what, 6 damage? { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "8.75" } "damage penalty" // DISPLAY ONLY, since the Hunting Rifle is a bit buggy for my purposes. { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "0.7" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_WA2K_Marker.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_WA2K_Marker.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SniperRifle.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //-ENGINEER METAL BACKPACK - 3364-- // V5.6r1 Added add construction on hit, increased metal bonus to 100, increased movement penalty to 25% //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3364" // This is a wearable backpack for Engi that gives him more metal - in exchange for an item slot. Hmm. Better think about it, yeah? { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BACKPACK" "item_class" "tf_wearable" // Yes! This is a wearable item - like the Gunboats, or the Cozy Camper from live. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" // I debated for a while whether to replace Primary or Secondary, still up in the air about it. It's Primary, for now. "equip_region" "back" // Probably vestigial, not sure. "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" // I actually need these here, for once. This item doesn't load from a prefab, so it needs info for the bounding boxes of the icons! "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Storage Backpack" "item_type_name" "Backpack" "item_description" " Adds 100 metal to your metal reserve Damage upgrades/repairs buildings Replaces your Shotgun You are unable to use a Primary Weapon while this item is equipped Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Modified by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/engineer/dec15_winter_backup/dec15_winter_backup" "model_player" "models/player/items/engineer_winter_backup_backpack.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer_winter_backup_backpack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "add construction on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_construction" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" //"maxammo metal increased" // 250 metal seems fair. 300 metal seemed like way too much. { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "100" } "move speed penalty" // So you can't bugger off as fast { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.75" } "dmg taken increased" // Not actually sure if this works? It'd be so even if you have more metal to make a Nest, you'd be even more vulnerable to the people who would ransack your nests to begin with - Soldier and Demoman. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--QUICK FIX- 3365-- // 5.4.1 Stats kept, may reuse later //------------------- //------------------- "3365" { "show_in_armory" "0" "attributes" { "lunchbox adds minicrits" // This attribute is magic, and I'm honestly not entirely sure what it does. { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" // Setting it to "1" gives it Kritzkrieg particles, though. } "heal rate bonus" // This works. { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "1.4" } "ubercharge rate bonus" // This works. { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.55" } // Backend stuff "powerup duration" // Display Only! { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "5" } "voice pitch scale" // This is a weird rebalance, and also hidden I hope. It reduces the time Medic's Ubercharge lasts. { "attribute_class" "add_uber_time" "value" "0.625" } "ubercharge overheal rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_overheal_uberchargerate" "value" "0.2" } } } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--MOLOTOV TEST - 3366-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3366" { // "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/pyro_firemans_essentials_backpack.mdl" // Reuse this on another pyro weapon } //------------------ //------------------ //--SANDMAN - 3367-- //------------------ //------------------ "3367" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--DISCIPLINARY ACTION HYBRID - 3368-- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "3368" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--HOMEWRECKER - 3369-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3369" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--RESCUE RANGER - 3370-- //------------------------ //------------------------ // Keeping the stats to work off as a reference, everything else has been deleted "3370" { "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "engineer building teleporting pickup" // THIS WORKS!? Like, it's the only thing about the Rescue Ranger that works, but it works perfectly. Huh. { "attribute_class" "building_teleporting_pickup" "value" "100" } "add construction on hit" // This is the attribute that does the heavy lifting - hitting an enemy upgrades and repairs your buildings, as if you had hit them with a Wrench { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_construction" "value" "1" } "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.25" } // "mark for death on building pickup" // Not entirely sure this is functional? // { // "attribute_class" "mark_for_death_on_building_pickup" // "value" "1" // } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.1" } "custom projectile model" // Changes it to the repair claw. { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_repair_claw.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" // whoops lmao I forgot this { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } } //------------------ //------------------ //--STENGUN - 3371-- //------------------ //------------------ "3371" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--HEAVY SHOTGUN - 3372-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3372" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--REVOLVER THING - 3373-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3373" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--FUNNY KNIFE - 3374-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3374" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v1.5.0 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--SCOUT THROWABLE - 3375-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3375" { } //------------------- //------------------- //-MANTREADS - 3376-- //------------------- //------------------- "3376" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_TANKERBOOTS" "item_class" "tf_wearable" // Using the Gunboats as a guideline, this is a wearable too! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" // It's manually defined later, but we NEED this here so it shows up to begin with! "equip_region" "feet" // Probably vestigial, not sure. "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" // I actually need these here, for once. This item doesn't load from a prefab, so it needs info for the bounding boxes of the icons! "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Mantreads" "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Boots" "item_description" " Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "mantreads" "item_iconname" "mantreads" // I almost forgot you can kill with these! "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/soldier/mantreads/mantreads" "model_player" "models/player/items/tankerboots.mdl" "model_player_per_class" // This is new! I'll have to do testing with this. It's copied from the Gunboats, of course. { "soldier" "models/player/items/tankerboots.mdl" "demoman" "models/player/items/tankerboots_demo.mdl" // LOOK WHO'S HERE, EH? The model's kinda crappy, but it's the thought that counts. } "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "secondary" "demoman" "primary" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" } "attributes" { "damage force reduction" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "0.25" } "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier" { "attribute_class" "airblast_vulnerability_multiplier" "value" "0.25" } "armor footsteps" // Thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk! { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //-SANDVICH ITEM TEST - 3377-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3377" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--CIV HEAL MELEE - 3378-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3378" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--INSIDE JAB - 3379-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "3379" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DIRECT HIT - 3380 -- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3380" { } //-------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------- //--INCENDIARY ROCKET FLAREGUN - 3381 -- //-------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------- "3381" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ROCKET_FLAREGUN" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" // Defined manually only to avoid the display-only crit attribute that's on the flaregun prefab! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Firecannon" // Sheesh. It took a while to figure out what I wanted this to be. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "item_description" " Fires incendiary shells that explode on contact with any object Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "rocket_flaregun" "item_iconname" "rocket_flaregun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_concept_flaregun_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Rockets! // "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.5" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Quick fix for the min. viewmodels bugging out! "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.55" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "1.25" } "rocket limited lifetime" // Semi-fix for the DF fucking stuff up? { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.85" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_concept_flaregun_shell.mdl" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" // Lowers the blast radius by about half. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.5" } "damage force increase hidden" // Jump Height increase. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "1.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Detonator.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Detonator.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Detonator.Detonate" "sound_reload" "Weapon_FlareGun.WorldReload_Alt" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--TEST NAILS - 3382-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "3382" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SYDNEY SLEEPER - 3383-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3383" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--POCKET PISTOL - 3384-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3384" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v1.7.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //----------------------- //----------------------- //--DISGUISE GUN - 3385-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3385" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DERRINGER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Covert Operator" "item_type_name" "Derringer" "item_description" " Death walks in plain sight: Dealing damage gives you one second of mini-crits. A discrete gun for undercover operations. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "derringer" "item_iconname" "derringer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_derringer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_derringer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_derringer_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "keep disguise" // Makes it so you don't undisguise when shooting! { "attribute_class" "set_keep_disguise" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.4" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.6" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } // Backend stuff "add condition on hit" // decided this would make it easier to spot these sneaky twats! { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Derringer.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Derringer.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Derringer.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- This is only a temporary stopgap! Ideally, I want the thing to be an AOE wrench, or a long-distance wrench - that sorta thing! //--ENGI REMOTE UPGRADE WEAPON - 3386-- Maybe wrench hits would create a small explosion that does stuff. Like a CM5K explosion / repair pulse? //------------------------------------- Expect this to change over time... //------------------------------------- "3386" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--CHAINSAW TEST - 3387-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3387" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CHAINSAW" // BOY THIS IS A WEIRD ONE TOO "prefab" "weapon_minigun" // A Heavy Chainsaw is cool, but kinda odd to implement. Here, it's based on a Minigun "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Warsaw Fact" "item_type_name" "Chainsaw" "item_description" "This weapon has limited range Go ahead, keep running, coward! You cannot run from chainsaw forever! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "chainsaw" "item_iconname" "chainsaw" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_chainsaw" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_chainsaw.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_chainsaw_heavy_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "5" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "4" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.2" } "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.8" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.25" } "voice pitch scale" // This is the main mechanic of the Chainsaw - this attribute somehow works on hitscan, so his effective range is shortened by a large amount! { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.0145" } // Backend stuff "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" // Surprisingly works. Increases your move speed while you're revved up { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "2.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Chainsaw.Rev" // This used to have a clip empty sound, but it makes no sense in this context! "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Chainsaw.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Chainsaw.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Chainsaw.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Chainsaw.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Chainsaw.Rev" "tracer_effect" "bullet_pistol_tracer01" // Mostly removes stray bullet tracers if they happen to appear } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.0.0 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--SCOUT HOLY MACKEREL - 3388-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3388" { } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--FIRE HOSE - 3389-- --REMOVED though be weary i think this thing's sounds are used elsewhere... //-------------------- //-------------------- "3389" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--MEDIC FAST BOOTS - 3410-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3410" // This is a wearable satchel for Medic that boosts his evasiveness, at the cost of his Syringe Gun. Hmm. Keep reading... { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--HEAVY AA12 - 3411--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3411" { // "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/heavy_buckshot_ammobelt.mdl" // Reuse this! } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DEMO BOTTLE- 3412--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3412" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOTTLE_RUM" // "prefab" "weapon_bottle" // Not super amazing, but I did want another Bottle-type item. "item_class" "tf_weapon_lunchbox" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Scottish Handshake" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" " How about another drink this time, eh? Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Modified by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "scotland_shard" "item_iconname" "scotland_shard" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_scotland_shard/c_scotland_shard" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_scotland_shard.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_scotland_shard_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "SET BONUS: chance of hunger decrease" "1.07" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for slowfire" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "120" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_caffeine.mdl" } } "visuals" // This is for future reference! { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Bottle.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Bottle.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Bottle.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Bottle.Break" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.IntactHitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Bottle.IntactHitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.BrokenHitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Bottle.BrokenHitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--LEAD PIPE- 3413----- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3413" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--GLOCK 17- 3414------ //---------------------- //---------------------- "3414" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GLOCK" // IS THAT (another) HALF LIFE REFERENCE!?!?!?!?!? "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Standard Issue" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " 'Hey knucklehead, you ain't gonna win.' Model by: 'G o a t K i n g' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "glock" "item_iconname" "glock" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_glock" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_glock.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_glock_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "3" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Glock.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Glock.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--RESERVE SHOOTER- 3415------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3415" { } //---------------- //---------------- //--UMP45 - 3416-- //---------------- //---------------- "3416" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_UMP45" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Deep Dive" // IS THAT A - okay I'll stop. "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SMG" "item_description" "Hunter becomes Hunted: this weapon deals critical damage to disguised spies 'I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya!' Model by: 'Momo the Momoderator' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "ump45" "item_iconname" "ump45" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_ump45" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ump45.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ump45_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit vs wet players hidden" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "16" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MK18.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MK18.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--CIV FUNNI GUN - 3417-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3417" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_CIVILIAN" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_name" "Backup Plan" "item_type_name" "Break Action Revolver" "item_description" "Civilian cannot handle firearms effectively Just the right size for me pocket! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Animations by: 'Indigo' Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "snubnose_civ" "item_iconname" "snubnose_civ" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_snubnose_melee" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_backup_plan.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_backup_plan_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" // So he isn't posing strangely // "clip size penalty hidden" "0.5" // 3 shots! "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "1.5" // 36 ammo in secondary! // "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.8" // Around 14% slower compared to the Shortstop // "damage bonus hidden" "0.10" // "reload time increased hidden" "0.9" // Slightly faster reload, to match the Pistol's..? "fire rate penalty" "1.2" "Reload time increased" "1.25" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" } "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- //--PYRO RESERVE SHOOTER- 3418------ //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- "3418" { } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--AXTINGUISHER HYBRID - 3419-- // V5.3 Weapon switch time decreased //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3419" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--SCATTERGUN TEST - 3420-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3420" { } //------------------- //------------------- //--SBL TEST - 3421-- //------------------- //------------------- "3421" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_QUICKIEBOMB_LAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Quickiebomb Launcher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PipeBombLauncher" "item_description" " 'If you were huntin' trouble, lad, ya found it!' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "quickiebomb_launcher" "item_iconname" "quickiebomb_launcher_v2" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_kingmaker_sticky/c_kingmaker_sticky" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_kingmaker_sticky.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_kingmaker_sticky_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.67" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.75" } "stickybomb charge rate" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0.3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "max pipebombs decreased" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-4" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_kingmaker_stickybomb.mdl" // Technically this stickybomb does have gibs, but something about precaching makes them not appear. Weird... } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_AirBurster.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AirBurster.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_AirBurster.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--EQUALIZER - 3422-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3422" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.1.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //------------------------- //------------------------- //--REVOLVER RIFLE - 3423-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3423" { } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--CLOAK & DAGGER TEST - 3424-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3424" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEATHER_WATCH" // This is a weird, experimental one! I'm sure you're all used to it already, but this doesn't behave exactly like the one in Live TF2... "prefab" "weapon_invis" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Cloak and Dagger" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Watch" "item_description" " Ah, the lost art of hiding right in plain sight. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_leather_watch/parts/c_leather_watch" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_watch_leather_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "0" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { // "set cloak is movement based" // Probably better to leave this text disabled for now! "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "2" } "mult cloak meter regen rate" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate" "value" "2" } "cloak consume rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "0" } "lose cloak on damage" { "attribute_class" "lose_cloak_on_damage" "value" "20" } // Backend stuff "move speed penalty" // Has a bit of back-end to make the text appear right! This lowers movement speed while cloaked - opposite of the Tactical Retreat. { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" "value" "0.85" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_watch_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_watch_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--ENGI REVOLVER 2 - 3425-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "3425" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_ENGI_WEST" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Texas Star" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" "Texas Style: This weapon mini-crits High noon and other Texas Star users. Any coward who goes invisible to escape will receive critical damage from this weapon. For when time ain't on your side, pardner. Model by: 'NeoDement, Square' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "colt_engineer" "item_iconname" "colt_engineer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_cowboy_revolver" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_cowboy_revolver/c_cowboy_revolver.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_cowboy_revolver/v_cowboy_revolver.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // Nothing hugely remarkable about this. These stats basically just turn it into a Revolver. { "damage bonus hidden" "2.25" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.5" "fire rate penalty hidden" "2.5" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.18" // This nukes the ammo pool to 36 - so Engineer isn't sitting here all day with that bloody 200 reserve ammo pool! "crit mod disabled" "0" } "attributes" { "crit vs wet players hidden" // Lmao crits invis players, anti-spy spy gun. { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "32" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_EngiRevolver.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EngiRevolver.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Revolver.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" // Coilgun reload looks closer to the action of reloading a Revolver! // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" // "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--NAILGUN TEST - 3426-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3426" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_NAILGUN_METAL" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" // Defined manually so Scout doesn't have it! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Pneumatic Pulverizer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_NailGun" "item_description" "Default Clip: 25 Nails Convenience and lethality at its finest! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" // Have to put it here, since no clip is rendered if your ammo is metal. "item_logname" "nailgun_metal" "item_iconname" "nailgun_metal" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_necrotic_nailgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_necrotic_nailgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_necrotic_nailgun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" "clip size penalty hidden" "2" "fire rate bonus" "0.9" "damage penalty" "0.7" } "attributes" { "mod use metal ammo type" // This attribute is a little weird. { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "mod ammo per shot" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--HEAVY WEARABLE - 3427-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3427" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BANDOLIER" // Still unsure, might entirely refactor this later if and when they add new attribs that can act passively "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Arms-Deal Armament" "item_type_name" "Bandolier" "item_description" "Running Mann: You get access to a Hunting Shotgun primary weapon. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heavy_shotgun" "item_iconname" "heavy_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/heavy/jul13_bagdolier/jul13_bagdolier" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_heavyshotgun/c_heavyshotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_heavyshotgun/c_heavyshotgun.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/heavy_bagdolier_ammobelt.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt03" // This would work in theory, but he just stands still anyway if his Primary is replaced. } "attributes" { "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.25" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "5" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "2" } "maxammo grenades1 increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "2" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-100" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "3.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HuntingShotgun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HuntingShotgun.FireCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--PROBLEM SOLVER REVOLVER - 3428-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3428" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER_AUTOMATIC_ENGI" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Problem Solver" "item_type_name" "Custom-Engineered Revolver" "item_description" "Medical Engineering: Building Dispensers with this item will grant them massive healing rate. Six shots sometimes ain't enough, so you solve the problem with a new solution. Model by: 'Wowza' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "problem_solver_revolver" "item_iconname" "problem_solver_revolver" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_sentry_revolver/c_sentry_revolver" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_sentry_revolver.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sentry_revolver.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "4.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "4.33333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.1666666666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2.16666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.02" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with a machine gun, maggot! "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_dispenser_healrate" "value" "3.0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TwentySixShot.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TwentySixShot.FireCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--QUAKE GL TEST - 3429-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3429" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ORIGINAL_GL" // This weapon is like, a mishmash of a lot of completely different elements - like a frankenstein's monster of Quake "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "primary" // Weird choice... but it's the anim set that best matches this weirdly shaped weapon! "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Trailblazer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_description" "Grenades are fired from the center of the screen T'is like music to the ears. Model by: 'YumYumShisha' 'Kiyoshi' 'Kevinsk' 'Pie_Tony' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "quake_gl" "item_iconname" "quake_gl" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bet_grenadelauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bet_grenadelauncher.mdl" // The model for this GL was scuffed as hell! I had to spend a while manually fixing the smoothing... "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bet_grenadelauncher_demo.mdl" //('Smoothing' is basically what seperates your curved surfaces from hard edges. Imagine a table with no edges at all - that's what this Grenade Launcher was like!) "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "-5 0 -5" "class select override vcd" "taunt01" } "attributes" { "centerfire projectile" { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bet_grenadelauncher_grenade.mdl" // THE BOUNCE SOUNDS ARE HERE! They make use of some otherwise unused sound entries, so it might break in the future. } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_QuakeGL.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_QuakeGL.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_QuakeRPG.Explode" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY_END" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/quake_ammo_pickup_remastered.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/quake_rpg_reload_remastered.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--BLEED TRANQ - 3430-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3430" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DARTGUN_WOOD" // This was suggested by a (not-involved-in-this-rarity3) friend, and I liked it enough to give it a go. "prefab" "weapon_tranq" // It's a Tranq that inflicts bleed! "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Saboteur" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Tranq" "item_description" " So long as they do not bleed on my suit - this should go quite smoothly. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "dartgun_wood" "item_iconname" "dartgun_wood" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_dartgun_wood" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dartgun_wood.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dartgun_wood_spy.mdl" // The viewmodel was a bit iffy - I think it was animated for its own animations separate from the retail Tranq anims "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "30" } "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "3.0" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dart_wood.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DartgunWood.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DartgunWood.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--HEAL BONESAW - 3431-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "3431" { } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--NEW HEAVY SHOTGUNS- 3434 - 3435-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3434" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DRUMSHOT_HEAVY" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Dmitrov Demolisher" "item_type_name" "Shotgun" "item_description" " Heavy no longer requires reloading, means more killing tiny cowards! Model by: 'Maxxo' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "drumshot_shotgun" "item_iconname" "drumshot_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_drumshot_heavy/c_drumshot_heavy" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_drumshot_heavy/c_drumshot_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_drumshot_heavy/c_drumshot_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod max primary clip override" "value" "-1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.67" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.7" } "maxammo secondary ammo reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DrumShot.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DrumShot.FireCrit" } } "3435" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SUSTAIN_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Saratov Survivalist" "item_type_name" "Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon has reduced pellet count Medic is good, but this gun good too! Model by: 'Ertz' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "survivalist_shotgun" "item_iconname" "survivalist_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_tankshotty/c_tankshotty" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tankshotty/c_tankshotty.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tankshotty/c_tankshotty.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.3" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "30" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.67" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.35" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Saratov.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Saratov.FireCrit" } } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--HEAVY SHOTGUN 2 - 3436-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3436" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MOB_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Soviet Silencer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Baby would do well to shut up, before gun makes you shut up, Да? Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "mob_shotgun" "item_iconname" "mob_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mob_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mob_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mob_shotgun_heavy.mdl" // The port and bolt already are rigged to move back by the OG creator - and they look great! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.3" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.8" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.6" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MobShotgun.Single" // This gun came packed with some custom sounds, but I found they were kinda iffy, so I opted to find some other sounds to use... "sound_burst" "Weapon_MobShotgun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--RPG TEST - 3437 -- // V5.4.1 The model is too good to remove, lets rework it, disabled for now //-------------------- //-------------------- "3437" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RPG_HL1" // It was hard coming up with good ideas for a new rocket launcher, might refactor this as we get more attribs! "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Combatant Directive" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_description" "Alt-fire (Mouse2): Toggle user control of rockets! Hard Strike: Direct hits have no damage fall-off The duty to serve is no regular duty, son! You must fight until you can fight no more! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "rpg_tracker" "item_iconname" "rpg_tracker" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_rpg_tracker" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rpg_tracker.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rpg_tracker_soldier.mdl" // Uses the RPG animations, just since I wanted to. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v3" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.4" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.2" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.25" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.4" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_libertylauncher.mdl" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.9" } // Attribute for homing "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_rocket_homing" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_rocket_homing_rate" "value" "0.6" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPGTracker.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPGTracker.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_BetaRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--EX EXPLOSIVE SSG TEST - 3438--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--People didn't like the explosive factor, turned it into a normal supershotgun, removes the ability to rocket jump-- //--V5.3.6 Modified pellet/damage ratio, added spread penalty and reduced fire rate via Wonders //--V5.3.7 Reduced damage considerably and minor increase in spread //--V5.4 Another damage nerf holy shit //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "3438" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SSG" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_DoubleBarrel" "item_type_name" "Double-Barrel Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon cannot blast jump For optimal effect, place barrels within ass-kicking distance of your enemy. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack / Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Weapon edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "dm_ssg" "item_iconname" "dm_ssg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_supershotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_supershotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_supershotgun_soldier.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/doomguy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "0.63" "reload time increased hidden" "2.66" "min_viewmodel_offset" "7 -6 -5" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "-0.25" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.1" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.33333333333" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.35" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.75" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2" } "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.33" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "mod ammo per shot" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Null" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" } "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--FUNNY KNIFE II - 3439-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3439" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EOSD_KNIFE" // IS THAT A - "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Scarlet Rose" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_description" " You must think fast, and kill faster, if you've any chance of surviving. Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "eosd_knife" "item_iconname" "eosd_knife" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_eosd_knife" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_eosd_knife.mdl" // I hate when models don't have smoothing "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_eosd_knife_spy.mdl" // Like with the Eternal Reward, this has bloodied skins! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Oh my god why does this escape { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "8" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "15" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.35" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_EOSDKnife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Knife.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Knife.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EOSDKnife.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--LEVERRIFLE TEST II- 3440-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3440" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SNIPER MELEE- 3441-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3441" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //-ENERGY DRINK TEST - 3442-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3442" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--- UPDATE v2.2.5 STUFF --- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //----------------------- //----------------------- //--SPY TRAP PDA - 3443-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //----------------------- //----------------------- "3443" { } //------------------- //------------------- //--M249 SAW - 3444-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------- //------------------- "3444" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LMG" // This weapon went through a lot of growing pains, and it still needs work. But, here it is for now! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Screaming Eagle" "item_type_name" "Machine Gun" "item_description" "'Last one alive, lock the door!' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Cosmetics by: 'blueNES' 'CoBalt' 'NeoDement' 'Void' 'JPRAS' 'Texman' Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "lmg" "item_iconname" "lmg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_lmg" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lmg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lmg_soldier.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/vietnam_vet.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "13.33333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.111" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "6.66666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.65" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.025" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with a machine gun, maggot! "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LMG.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LMG.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_LMG.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--MARKET GARDENER TEST - 3445-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "3445" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MARKET_GARDENER" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Market Gardener" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shovel" "item_description" " Boots on the ground won't cut it, soldier. Blast off, and give 'em hell! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "market_gardener" "item_iconname" "market_gardener" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_market_gardener/c_market_gardener" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_market_gardener.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_market_gardener_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "mod crit while airborne" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--CLOAK KNIFE - 3446-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //---------------------- //---------------------- "3446" { } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--MAKESHIFT - 3447-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "3447" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CHEMTHROWER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Makeshift Mutilator" "item_type_name" "Chemical Thrower" "item_description" " Spray a lethal cocktail of chemicals over your soon-to-be past-enemies! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "chemthrower" "item_iconname" "chemthrower" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_chemthrower" // Internal name: "Chemthrower" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_chemthrower.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_chemthrower_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" // With v2.3.5, I totally upended this from its TF2C B4 stats to, this? Kinda a flamer that you have to pay more attention to, to use it. Also, airblast is back! { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.15" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoop" "sound_special3" "Weapon_ChemThrower.WindDown" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--NEON ANNIHILATOR - 3448-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3448" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--FLECHETTE GUN - 3449-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------ //------------------------ "3449" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--MEDIC SHOTGUN - 3450-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE //------------------------ //------------------------ "3450" { } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--GOLF CLUB- 3451------ //----------------------- //----------------------- "3451" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SCOUT SMG TEST - 3452-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "3452" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--SLAPPERS -------- 3453--- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "3453" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SUPER NAILGUN - 3454-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3454" { } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--MARKET GARDENER DEMO - 3455-- THIS WEAPON IS IN AN INCOMPLETE STATE AND I'LL WORK ON IT MORE // V5.4.1 Disabled, assets kept for now // V5.6 Assets removed for cleanup //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "3455" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--MINI BUILDINGS PDA - 3456- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3456" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MINIDEPLOY_PDA" // Loosely inspired by something in KOCW, but may be more or less balanced - will have to see! "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Rush Order" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" "Dispenser generates ammo + metal slowly -70% max building health Deploy fast-building yet fragile buildings! You are unable to upgrade with the Wrench Original weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mini_pda_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mini_pda.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mini_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { // Sentry "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" "2.5" // Dispenser "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" "2.5" // Teleporter "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" "2.5" // General "building cost reduction" "0.8" // The numbers here aren't perfect, but I can't fine-tune it to all buildings, and the next closest I found with acceptable numbers is... 50% building cost. Which is too much } "attributes" { "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_engy_building_health" // Sentry and Dispenser have 100 health "value" "0.67" } "voice pitch scale" // Note; It's still possible to upgrade the buildings, you just need either the Rescue Ranger or another Engineer { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" // Even so... at max, the buildings have 144 health, so they get trampled by ANY resistance "value" "0" } // Attribute for custom buildings "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_dispenser_type" "value" "1" // Mini dispenser } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--DISPENSERIZER - 3457-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3457" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DISPENSERIZER" // Not even a joke, this weapon came to me in a fit of divine inspiration while half asleep "item_class" "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher" // NOTE: I would move this to PRIMARY if I could - but doing so causes really weird behavior so bleh. Actually, same deal as the Conc. Tripmine "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Dispenserizer" "item_type_name" "Building Launcher" "item_description" " Launch an explosive Mini-Dispenser that can be detonated at will! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "dispenserizer" "item_iconname" "dispenserizer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_dispenserizer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dispenserizer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dispenserizer_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "mod max primary clip override" "-1" // "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.33333333333" // 8 minis to work with - hopefully to encourage more strategic placement or usage "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.25" // VERY slow fire speed; even with best usage, you have to wait until the other dispenser blows up before firing another } "attributes" { "proximity mines" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_is_proxy" "value" "1" } "stickybomb charge rate" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0.2" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.95" // Does less damage so Engi isnt stomping with a SECONDARY- Kiri, this is a fucking FIVE shot secondary, what the fuck } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/mini_dispenser_projectile.mdl" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" // He can do 1-2 jumps on average, each takes out like 1/3rd or 1/2 of his health "value" "2" } "damage force increase hidden" // Jump Height decrease - Engi gets a sticky jump essentially so don't let him abuse it relentlessly { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.55" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Dispenserizer.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Dispenserizer.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Dispenserizer.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--SNIPER DM CROSSBOW - 3458-- // V5.4.1 Disabled, might reuse the model asset for the other crossbow, backpack image deleted however //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "3458" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_CROSSBOW" // In name only, I'm sure it's nowhere as functional as the real deal or even as cool feelin "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "0" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Bushman's Ballista" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crossbow" "item_description" "Fires explosive crossbow bolts Fancy yourself a blast-fisher, mate? Here, lemme show ya how it's done! Model by: 'OverPovered' 'aceman11100 Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "dm_crossbow" "item_iconname" "dm_crossbow" "image_inventory" "" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_dm_crossbow.mdl" // To be honest, almost EVERY crossbow model for Sniper has reloading logistical problems - this is no exception "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dm_crossbow_sniper.mdl" // I honestly got fed up with it and just cobbled together this - I hope it gives the impression he just throws the gun away like Reaper "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DMCrossbowSniper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DMCrossbowSniper.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Sniper.AngryGrumbles" // yeah same "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--SCOUT MELEE TEST - 3459----- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3459" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--BLACK BOX - 3460 --- //---------------------- //---------------------- "3460" { } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--PYRO FLAMETHROWER TEST 3 - 3461-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3461" { } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--S. V. Fragment-------- 3462---- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "3462" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--DEMO MELEE II - 3463-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3463" { } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--MINIGUN LIVE PORT TEST 1 - 3464-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3464" { } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--MINIGUN LIVE PORT TEST 2 - 3465-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "3465" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--EVICTION NOTICE- 3466----- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "3466" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRASS_KNUCKLES" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Eviction Notice" "item_type_name" "Brass Knuckles" "item_description" " You have 5 seconds to run from tiny base, or else Heavy will make you regret choice... Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "eviction_notice" "item_iconname" "eviction_notice" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_eviction_notice/c_eviction_notice" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_eviction_notice_heavy.mdl" // Never noticed until recently, doesn't it hurt to just slap your fist into the palm of your hand if you're wearing BRASS KNUCKLES??? but Heavy's a big boy he can tank the pain "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_eviction_notice_alt.mdl" // I tried this out, but it doesn't really work as well as I intended... "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.55" } "move speed bonus" // Honestly I don't know why they even added this stat in Live, but it adds minor depth to the weapon so let's roll with it { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" // In the latest Live version, it changed to "speed boost on hit", and I think that would work really well on both this AND the BFB "value" "1.15" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.50" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.10" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "EvictionNotice.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "EvictionNotice.Impact" "sound_melee_hit_world" "EvictionNotice.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" // Eviction Notice is one of those weird weps where the crits are tied to the actual impact sound. But since it already shares sounds with the gloves... might as well use those! } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--FRONTIER JUSTICE TEST - 3467-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "3467" { } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--AMPUTATOR UBER TEST - 3468-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "3468" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SNIPER MELEE 2- 3469-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "3469" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--BASEBALLGUN- 3470-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "3470" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--PYRO PROJECTILE LAUNCHER 2 - 3489-- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "3489" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MOLOTOV_LAUNCHER" // I settled if I wanted to make a new Pyro primary, I wanted a new projectile launcher... so here it is. "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" // Based on a GL, this time! "anim_slot" "primary" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Molotov Launcher" "item_type_name" "Molotov Launcher" "item_description" "This weapon cannot Airblast Launches Molotov Cocktails that explode into flames after a short delay" "item_logname" "molotovlauncher" "item_iconname" "molotovlauncher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_molotovlauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_molotovlauncher.mdl" // Modified minigun my BELOATHED "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_molotovlauncher_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "reload time increased hidden" "2.75" // Takes a moment to "reload" before firing another salvo - this doesn't animate and I think it's better if it doesn't! "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "2.25" // About 40 ammo total, exactly the same as the DF "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.7" // Boosts the fire rate to be pretty fast, comparable to the Baseball Gun "damage bonus hidden" "0.41" // Nerfs the damage to about 40-ish, mild but the firerate is sufficient "crit mod disabled hidden" "0" // This wasn't originally here but I do not like it just nuking people suddenly with no warning } "attributes" { "scattergun no reload single" // "Pauses" to reload its entire clip in one sitting - this doesn't animate though! { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" // You know. This is a Pyro weapon. Of course it lights people on fire! { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "airblast disabled" // Display Only! Since this is a modified Grenade Launcher, it can't, well... airblast. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "Projectile speed decreased" // Organically gimps the usable range without making them do any bullshit like explode after x distance { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.6" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.35" // 5s should be... decent? } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_molotov_projectile.mdl" // I'll be honest I don't really know where this model is from } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.1" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MolotovLauncher.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MolotovLauncher.SingleCrit" // "sound_empty" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuildStop" "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuild" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Molotov.Explode" "animation_replacement" // These would be the Airblast animations, for visual consistency! { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// This is usually for weapons that came directly from other folks - either assets or inspiration. //-------------------------------------------------------------------// Generally, most weapon ideas / ports I do mostly by myself, though there's some occasions where other folks will have done //rarity3 CONTRIBUTED ITEMS (4500 - 4999)--------------------------// a lot of the assembly / weapon-making themselves. In these cases, if I like the weapon enough, it goes here! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// That said, usually I also make tweaks to the weapons for them to better fit into NOWP, so they won't be cut-and-dry copy-pastes! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--CRUSADER'S CROSSBOW - 4500-- (By Yakibomb) //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "4500" { } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--OF BOUNCER-CYCLOPS - 4501--- (BY PRIVATE POLYGON) //--V5.3.7 Switched proj speed and damage values, reduced blast radius and only holds 1 shot at a time //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "4501" { "name" "Cyclops" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_name" "#TF_Weapon_Cyclops" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_description" " 'I had me good eye on ye the whole time!' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "cyclops" "item_iconname" "cyclops" "item_quality" "rarity3" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cyclops_bouncer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cyclops_bouncer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_cyclops_bouncer_demoman.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.35" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.35" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_cyclops_bouncer.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Cyclops.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Cyclops.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncher.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--THERMAL THRUSTER- 4502------ (By Basil PFP / OCsonic) // V5.4.7r1 Fixed projectile time bleed //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "4502" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JETPACK_PYRO" // This weapon was largely inspired by OCSonic, creator / co-creator of the TF2 Un-Classic pack - which includes some funky techniques! "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // Un-Classic includes an interesting take on the Thermal Thruster - it inspired me to try to make a similar variant with some recent attribute magic I learned! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Thermal Thruster" "item_type_name" "Jetpack" "item_description" "Jetpack has 2 charges of boost, with a 12 second recharge time each Supercharge your jumps, and blast into the skies! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" // MIRV used here as a "Secondary Weapon w/ Recharging Ammo" for these boosts! "item_logname" "rocketpack" "item_iconname" "rocketpack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rocketpack/c_rocketpack" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketpack_pyro.mdl" // Fun Fact: If I had to guess, Live TF2 has a special exception to animate the Backpack away, since trying to load the weapon onto the animations leads to the BP covering the screen! "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketpack.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" // This is an AMALGAM of weapons, but mostly it's based on the Brick and Force-A-Nature { "override projectile type" "2" // This fires a rocket! Not much to say. "damage bonus hidden" "0.001" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "fire rate penalty hidden" "3" // This feels... about right? "special taunt" "1" "armor footsteps" "2" // "crit mod disabled hidden" "1" // Unnecessary but eh } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "1.5" // To-Do: Add knockback vuln to other weps that need it } "centerfire projectile" // Actually rEALLY important - otherwise rockets will send you slightly to the right when exploding { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" // SHOULD be 13s { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "1.35" } // Backend stuff. Yes, basically all of it is backend stuff. "torso scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "2" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" // JUST small enough to avoid hitting enemies unless you're practically touching } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" // Rockets explode INSTANTLY - which is somewhere in front of your torso! } "strange restriction type 2" // This is a messy fix for bugs with the Dragon's Fury, but it's obviously not ideal... { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "50" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" // Obviously necessary } "damage force increase hidden" // Negative propulsive force generally means this sends you in the direction you were looking! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "-0.55" } "strange restriction type 3" // Enough lift-off force on taking damage to get you off the ground, even if you use it from a standstill { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "175" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RocketPack.BoostersQuickFire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RocketPack.BoostersQuickFire" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "player_bodygroups" { "backpack" "1" // I think this is totally useless rn given Pyro doesn't have a BP bodygroup, but hey. } "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_VC_FISTPUMP_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_LOSERSTATE" // I just kinda like how the Loser anims look with this weapon "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_END_MELEE" "ACT_MP_JUMP_END_LOSERSTATE" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_MELEE" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_LOSERSTATE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// This is a section for weapons that are overall entirely optional to keep around in your NOWP! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// For now, it's just the Jumpers, the promo TTG Sam & Max guns, and the Brick. Other stuff that goes here would probably include; //MISC. / FOR FUN ITEMS (5000 - 5499)--------------------------------// 100% useless Joke Weapons, Gimmick Weapons (more jumpers, infinite ammo variations), //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------------------------------------// Essentially, this section is for weapons to add or remove on a whim that won't really affect your experience with these Custom Weapons! //-------------------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- //--THE JUMPER SET - 5000 - 5010 --- Extended far past what's needed, just in case I want to add more Jumpers. Currently, that would be about 1 per Class, give or take. //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- "5000" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ROCKET_JUMPER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Rocket Jumper" "item_type_name" "Training Tool" "item_description" " For when I want to take to the skies and don't have enough feet to do it! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "rocketjumper" "item_iconname" "rocketjumper" // You shouldn't physically be able to kill with this. If you do, SOMEHOW, get a funny icon. "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rocketjumper/c_rocketjumper" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketjumper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketjumper_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "no self blast dmg" // It works just like in live TF2 - he doesn't even make pain noises when jumping! { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "2" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "3.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" // DO YOU THINK THEY GET IT YET!? "value" "0.004" } "cannot pick up intelligence" // This actually works, surprisingly. { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_rocketjumper.mdl" // And just like before, it has a custom rocket model too. What can I say? I have an eye for detail. } } "visuals" // This and the Sticky Jumper play a little whistling sound that's undocumented here for some reason - it's been restored in v2.0.0! { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Rocket_Jumper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Rocket_Jumper.Single" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RPG.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Rocket_Jumper.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "5001" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_STICKY_JUMPER" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Sticky Jumper" "item_type_name" "Training Tool" "item_description" " For when I don't want tae lose more body parts than I'm already missing! Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "stickyjumper" "item_iconname" "stickyjumper" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_sticky_jumper/c_sticky_jumper" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sticky_jumper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sticky_jumper_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "14" // AlliedModders says this is specifically for the Sticky Jumper, but I don't really notice the difference. } "attributes" { "no self blast dmg" { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "1" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "3.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.004" } "max pipebombs decreased" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-5" } "cannot pick up intelligence" { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_stickybomb2.mdl" // Teamcolored, too! } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sticky_Jumper.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sticky_Jumper.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sticky_Jumper.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "5002" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--TTG GUNS- 5011 - 5013------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "5011" { } "5012" { } "5013" { } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--TF_WEAPON_BRICK - 5015 - 5024-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "5015" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" // TF_Weapon_Brick my beloved "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. 'Hit the bricks pal, ya done!' Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" // Pipe Bomb or Rocket, just like Jarate. "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" // Does about 50 dmg? "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Same deal as the gas can. // Stuff moved up here to save on space, since this is gonna be duplicated a LOT "bleeding duration" "2" // Originally was "view punch on hit", but then I figured this would get too annoying to play with for something that gets spammed... "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. Also yes, none of the below is actually what the attribute name suggests. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" // Mostly removes the blast radius - you have to score a direct hit for this to do anything. { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" // If it's a rocket, it travels in an arc. If not, no visible change! { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" // So you don't instagib yourself. { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5016" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. Anything can be a weapon if you throw hard enough and scream loud enough! Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5017" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5018" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. Ach, ol' Bessie... split wide open many a skull a' those daft enough to be in me way! Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_demo.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "special taunt" "1" "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5019" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. 'More rubble, less trouble!' Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_ITEM1" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_ITEM1" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_ITEM1" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5020" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. 'Y'ain't to fast for me and my machines now, are ya? Heh, are ya?' Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5021" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { } "5022" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. Blimey, do you know how embarassing it is to get killed by a load a' rubble? Heh. Well, now ya do. Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.2" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } "5023" // Remove this - V5.5.5 { } "5024" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BRICK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Brickhouse Beatdown" "item_type_name" "Concrete Brick" "item_description" "Throw at enemies to bludgeon them! That's gotta hurt in the morning. What a fine old concrete-laden chap! I shall name him... 'Burt'. Model by: 'Sims_Doc' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "brick" "item_iconname" "brick_brickkill" // Civ gets BRICK KILL! text for funnies "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_brick" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick_civilian.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_brick_demo.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_balaclava.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" // Stats are the SAME across all permutations - feel free to copy across all of them! { "class select override vcd" "taunt06" "override projectile type" "3" "damage bonus hidden" "0.255" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "bleeding duration" "2" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_brick.mdl" } "attributes" { // Backend stuff. "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.35" // Civilian is a special boy and gets slightly reduced (but not removed) cooldown time since it's his ONLY weapon! } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.265" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Brick.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------- //--ALLCLASS FISTICUFFS -------- 5025 - 5034--- //--------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------- "5025" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" // Allclass Melee / Berserk Fists! Not quite a reskin, more like a new stock melee that everyone gets. "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" // Not exactly original I understand, but I wanted to have some fun with it! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Knuckle Sandvich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" "'Put 'em up, pal!' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" // For Scout: Might need a new model? I can't find any GOOD ones though. Maybe Parkour Fortress fists? If the files even exist anymore. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" // General note: This is for everyone except Heavy (he already has fists) and Spy (lots of technical issues, + can't modify backstab so he'd be unstoppable) } "static_attrs" // The base form of this is a very fast-swinging, 25 DMG flurry of punches. Slightly modified for a few classes! { "fire rate bonus" "0.5" "damage penalty" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" // The usual anim replacement for playermodel crit-swings (tf_weapon_fists plays an animation when you crit - only one that does!) { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5027" { } "5028" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DM_FISTS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Drunkard Brawling" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_description" "On Hit: Lose up to 10 health 'Oh, I'm gonna beat you so hard - you'll have a twitch!' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Modified by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "dm_fists" "item_iconname" "dm_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_berserk" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_berserk.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.5" "damage bonus hidden" "0.39" "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "heal on kill" // "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // So you don't start with totally full health on transforming - more impactful for light classes { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" // "heal_on_kill" "value" "-10" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } "5029" { } "5031" { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--New Custom Weapon Entries---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Knockout Custom Weapons V5.3.7 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Heavy's Fists for All Classes // V5.3.7 Mostly replaced by New Olds //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // V5.3.4r1 Turned into MannChop // V5.6 Given backstab on disguise, silent cloak, massively reduced damage and melee range // - Item renamed from MannChop to Contract Killer // - Couldn't do the head tho, classic doesn't support facial flexes on weables and it clipped too much, f "6996" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ALLFIST_SPY" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } "prefab" "weapon_knife" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_name" "Contract Killer" "item_description" "Reduced melee range Silent Assassin: Disguise is kept on attack For when discretion is advised... Model by: 'heinous' 'Zxo Pink' 'The Winglet' Cosmetic by: 'Ertz' 'Kibbleknight' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "spy_chop" "item_iconname" "spy_chop" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/spy/spy_maskless_bald/spy_maskless_bald" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spy_chop_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/spy/hitman.mdl" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" "melee range multiplier" "0.55" "melee bounds multiplier" "0.55" "class select override vcd" "taunt05" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "SET BONUS: quiet unstealth" { "attribute_class" "set_quiet_unstealth" "value" "1" } "keep disguise KNIFE" { "attribute_class" "set_keep_disguise" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.25" } } "visuals" { "styles" { "0" { "skin_red" "2" "skin_blu" "3" "v_skin_red" "2" "v_skin_blu" "3" "selectable" "0" } } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/hitman_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/hitman_pickup.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // V5.2 Joke weapon go // V5.4.1 No joke now, potentially change to knuckle dusters though, that would be a neat idea //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "6997" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ALLFIST_SOLDIER" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_name" "Fists" "item_description" " Come 'ere maggot, I want to beat you to death! Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "show_in_armory" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_fist_heavy" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists.mdl" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" } "visuals" { "styles" { "0" { "skin_red" "2" "skin_blu" "3" "v_skin_red" "2" "v_skin_blu" "3" "selectable" "0" } } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } // V5.3.4r1 Turned into KARATE! "6998" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ALLFIST_SNIPER" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } // "prefab" "weapon_club" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_name" "Karate!" "item_description" " Nothing personal, mate, I'm just better. Model by: 'FiveEyes' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "item_logname" "sniper_karate" "item_iconname" "sniper_karate" "show_in_armory" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_fist_heavy" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_karate_sniper.mdl" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Karate.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Karate.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } // V5.3.1 New model added, easily identify who is using fists now // V5.3.3 Dropped building health from 150% to 120% // V5.3.4r1 Can now upgrade and repair buildings at a heavily decreased rate, can also now remove sappers // V5.6r1 Removed on active and add construction on hit // "7000" "9146" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ALLFIST_ENGINEER" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "1" } "prefab" "weapon_wrench" // "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "item_name" "Texas Strongmann" "item_description" " Well ain't that a mighty fine shirt to go with me gloves Animations from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "engineer_fists" "item_iconname" "engineer_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/engineer/c_buffengineer/c_buffengineer" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists_engineer.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/engineer/c_chad.mdl" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" "class select override vcd" "taunt01_vocal04" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "5" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.25" } "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.4" } "Repair rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.2" } "Construction rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0.001" } "upgrade rate decrease" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_FISTS_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_HITLEFT" "ACT_FISTS_VM_HITLEFT" "ACT_VM_HITRIGHT" "ACT_FISTS_VM_HITRIGHT" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_FISTS_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_FISTS_VM_DRAW" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // All class shotguns, literal meme weapon that started this //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7002" { } "7003" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Gatling Shotgun //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7004" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GATLING_SHOTGUN" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Russian Rioter" "item_type_name" "Revolving Auto-Shotgun" "item_description" " For when you just need another minigun, but different Model by: 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "gatling_shotgun" "item_iconname" "gatling_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_russian_riot" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_russian_riot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_russian_riot.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/heavy_buckshot_ammobelt.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.2" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.80" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_R870.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_R870.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Shotgun.WorldReload" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Menshevik Microgun ex. TFC Assault Cannon // V5.3.4 Repurposed, now a low ammo, high mobility minigun // V5.3.6 Heavy 2.0 Soft rework via Wonders //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7005" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // MAC10 // V5.6 - Reverted back to primary //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7006" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MAC" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Ghetto Blaster" "item_type_name" "Compact Sub Gun yo" "item_description" " You want some cheese with that? Model by: 'Greg' 'BE NICE 2 ME' 'Colteh' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "ghetto_blaster" "item_iconname" "mac_smg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mac_smg" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_mac.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_mac.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_nailgun" "override projectile type" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.2" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.72" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.25" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_UMP45.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_UMP45.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Bouncing Betty // V5.2 Now bounces! Increased projectile speed slightly // V5.3.2 Removed projectile speed debuff, lowered blast radius penalty, the pills now go wherever they want due to them bouncing, feels like a fair trade now // V5.3.7 Demo 2.0 soft rework, now leans more into bounce spam //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7007" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BOUNCINGBET" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Bouncy Betty" "item_description" "Fired grenades are 'bouncy' 'Tis not a mine Model by: 'Ertz' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "bouncing_betty" "item_iconname" "bouncing_betty" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bouncingbetty" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_bouncingbetty.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_bouncingbetty.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.4" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.85" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_grenade_bouncingbetty.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Cyclops.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Cyclops.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncher.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Cerberus // V5.3.4 New sounds // V5.3.5 Increased spin-up time and added no random crits :^) // V5.3.8 Flipped the weapon on it's head, now it's somewhat similar but less bullshit? // V5.3.9 Added no ammo from dispensers and reduced max ammo //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7008" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRIGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Cerberus" "item_type_name" "Quad Barrel Triple Barrel Minigun..?" "item_description" " More gun for your gun? Model by: 'FiveEyes' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "trigun" "item_iconname" "trigun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_trigun" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_trigun/c_trigun_new.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_trigun/c_trigun_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "3" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "mod ammo per shot" //Ammo go sclurp { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "minigun spinup time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.33" } "minigun spindown time time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.33" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.666666666666666667" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.75" } "no primary ammo from dispensers while active" { "attribute_class" "no_primary_ammo_from_dispensers" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Cerberus.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Cerberus.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Cerberus.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Cerberus.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Cerberus.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Cerberus.Spin" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Explosive Bow // V5.3.2 Disabled due to causing server crashes //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7009" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BACKWOOD_BOW" "prefab" "weapon_huntsman" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Backwood Modified Bow" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "item_description" " Now this is a real bushman's modification. Model by: 'Nicolas' Weapon by: 'Reagy' Modified by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "bow_backwood" "item_iconname" "bow_backwood" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_exploderbow/c_exploderbow" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_exploder_bow/c_exploder_bow.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_exploder_bow/c_exploder_bow.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "no damage falloff over distance" "1" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.5" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2.0" } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.50" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_exploder_bow/c_exploder_bow_arrow.mdl" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Medigun Meme Thing IDK // V5.3.4 Removed no damage falloff over distance, removed damage penalty //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7010" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // RPG Nuke - This was a mistake // V5.1 Removed the health penalty // V5.3.4 Increased blast radius from 130% to 150% :) // V5.3.8 Soldier 2.0 Rework via Wonders // V5.3.8 Needed something... more - Reagy // V.5.3.9 Nerfed the everliving goddamn heck out of it via Wonders //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7011" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Deagle // V5.2 New view model, upped mag size to 7 // V5.3.5 New sounds :D //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7012" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEAGLE" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Deagle Brand Deagle" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " For when you need something with a bit more, oomf... Model by: 'The_Fanciest_Of_Pants' Animations by: 'GHOST CAGE' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "deagle_spy" "item_iconname" "deagle_spy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_deagle_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_deagle.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_deagle_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "clip size penalty hidden" "1.2" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.875" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.50" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.44" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.2" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.95" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Deagle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Deagle.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // 7.62mm LMG // V5.3.6 Heavy 2.0 Soft rework via Wonders // V5.3.7 Increased damage and accuracy //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7013" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MACHINEGUN762" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "7.62mm Machine Gun" "item_type_name" "Machine Gun" "item_description" "This weapon fires one medium-sized bullet with high damage For when you don't need custom tooled cartridges to kill baby man Model by: 'Gadget' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "762_machinegun" "item_iconname" "762_machinegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_machinegun762" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_machinegun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_machinegun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "aiming movespeed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.5" } "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.8" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.8" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.5" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.22222222222" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_MachineGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_MachineGun762.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MachineGun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Tomislav.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Null" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // The Break-Actions // V5.2 Boomstik Buff, removed health penalty, quicker reload, lowered ammo reserve // V5.3.5 Added knockback? Its very inconsitant... //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7014" { } // 5.3.4 Adjusted fire rate, removed blast radius penalty as it doesn't actually work with explosive bullets (bug), adjusted damage penalty (now 50%), added no random crits penalty (no more lucky 1hks) "7015" { } // V5.3.7 Renamed from Texas Discipline "7016" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SUPERSHOT" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Texas Two Step" "item_type_name" "Double Barrel Break-Action Shotgun" "item_description" "Fires both barrels at once Lock, stock and two smoking barrels Better start praying boy Model edit by: 'DereBobblet' Animations from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "texas_doublebarrel" "item_iconname" "texas_doublebarrel" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_supershot" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_supershot_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_supershot_engineer_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "reload time increased hidden" "2.2666" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.35" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.2" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.8" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.33333333333" } "scattergun no reload single" // This one is -half- functional. It'll reload your entire clip at once, yes, but it's also based on the Scattergun's reload times. { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "mod ammo per shot" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "2" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // BERG! // V5.3 Regen changed to 10hp/s, max health boost now 50hp // V5.3.7 Reworked, now speedy sandwich but take more damage //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7017" { "name" "The Sandvich" "prefab" "weapon_sandvich" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Bergur" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" "Eat to gain up to 120 health As AMERICAN as you can get! Model by: 'Zoey' 'Square' Item by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_bunger" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_bunger.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_bunger.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "item_meter_charge_type" "1" "item_meter_charge_rate" "10" "meter_label" "#TF_Sandwich" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for slowfire" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "120" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/items/custom/bunger.mdl" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_drop.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_pickup.wav" } "7018" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BERG_SOLDIER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_lunchbox" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Bergur" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" "Eat to gain up to 120 health As AMERICAN as you can get! Model by: 'Zoey' 'Square' Item by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_bunger" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_bunger.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_bunger.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "item_meter_charge_type" "1" "item_meter_charge_rate" "10" "meter_label" "#TF_Sandwich" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for slowfire" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "120" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/items/custom/bunger.mdl" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_drop.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_pickup.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Slug Rifle // V5.3.6 Halved headshot damage bonus, added a steeper health penalty and increased fire rate penalty via Wonders //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7019" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // 360 No Scope // V5.3.6 Removed health penalty //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7020" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // I don't even fucking know // V5.3.9 Re-named to avoid confusion with the actual Poacher's Pride //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7021" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // v3 Batch //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // The ProPain // V5.4.1 Merged with old Axtingisher //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7023" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PROPAIN" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Propain" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FireAxe" "item_description" "This weapon has increased range Propain and Propane accessories Model by: 'Glitch' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "propain" "item_iconname" "propain" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_propain" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_propain.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_propain.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_attendant.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "crit vs burning players" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "1" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.5" } "switch from wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.67" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Crowbar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "FryingPan.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // 6 Star Grenade Launcher - REMOVED // V5.3.7 Complete rework via The One Of Wonders //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7024" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // S.P.U.D // V5.3.8 Toned back damage bonus, added no fall-off on damage, faster velocity with less gravity //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7025" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // V4 Batch //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // BEEG BORIS // V5.3.4r1 Adjusted self blast damage to reflect its utility more // V5.6r1 Gave an extra rock //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7026" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BORIS" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Beeg Boris" "item_type_name" "Beeg Grenade Shotgun Thing (Mobility Tool)" "item_description" " Thats a huge B! Model by: 'Reagy' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "big_boris" "item_iconname" "big_boris" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_boris" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_boris.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_boris.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "class select override vcd" "taunt03" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.8" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "7.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "7.5" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.5" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.50" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "10.0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_moyai_mirv_demo_projectile.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { // "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.Single" // "sound_burst" "Weapon_BackShot_Shotty.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Moyai.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Moyai.Hit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // So much for z-block // V5.3.4r1 Can no longer pickup intel when using // V5.3.8 Disabled //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7027" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Trash Cannon //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7028" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TCANNON" "prefab" "weapon_aagun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Dirty Bomb" "item_type_name" "Improvised Cannon" "item_description" "This weapon has limited range [ Maniacal laughing ] Model hack by: 'Reagy' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "trashcannon" "item_iconname" "trashcannon" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_trashcannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_trashcannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_trashcannon.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/heavy/buff_boi.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate penalty hidden" "8.0" "damage bonus hidden" "1.2" "rocket limited lifetime" "1" "rocket gravity" "1" "blast dmg to self increased" "3" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "2.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/dirty_bomb_projectile.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_AAGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TrashCannon.Fire" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_TrashCannon.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TrashCannon.Fire" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- // Jar o Ants // V5.4.1 Removed tranq effect //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "7029" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_EXPLOSIVE_JAR_ANTS" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "item1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Ant-a-Jar" "item_type_name" "Jar of Soldier Ants" "item_description" "Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time Ant Assist: This item can 'blast jump', no damage is taken Mean little buggers these are Model by: 'Reagy' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "jarate_ants" "item_iconname" "jarate_ants" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/antjar" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_antjar.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_antjar.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "damage bonus hidden" "0.002" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "10" } // "tranq on hit" // { // "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" // "value" "4.0" // } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_antjar.mdl" } "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "1.5" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.15" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_special1" "Jar.Explode" "sound_special2" "Jar.Explode" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_bottle_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Sniper Crossbow // V5.3.4 Increased projectile speed by 50% // V5.4.1 Note: Take kiri's animations from the Bushman's Ballista and redo this kk //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7030" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SCROSSBOW" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Arbalest's Bolter" "item_type_name" "Crossbow" "item_description" " How does this work? Model by: 'Reagy' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "rflxbow" "item_iconname" "rflxbow" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rflxbowl" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_rflxbow.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_rflxbow.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" "centerfire projectile" "1" "override projectile type" "30" "no damage falloff over distance" "1" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no scope" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "soft zoom" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.5" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "25.0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/crossbow_bolt.mdl" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "arrows" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_CompoundBow.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_CompoundBow.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_CompoundBow.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // V5 Batch //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The Big Iron // V5.3.2 Reworked, slowed down fire rate, increased accuracy, increased damage, removed deploy speed bonus //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7031" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BIG_IRON_ENGI" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Big Iron" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" " Bigger iron on his hip Model by: 'Aftroid' Animations by: 'Raptor Dan' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "bigiron" "item_iconname" "bigiron" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_bigiron" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_bigiron_engineer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_bigiron_engineer_raptor.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/spurs.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.8" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.175" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "3.5" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.75" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.4" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BigIron.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BigIron.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Revolver.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Flame aka lil puff // V5.1 Reworked blast distance, should function same on linux now // V5.3.2 Fixed attribute bleed when using with Dragon's Fury, increased the explosion timer by a tiny bit so you no longer run into your own blasts when firing, damage penalty also removed //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7032" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Battleaxe // V5.3.7 Reduced damage and speed bonus, increased health drain //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7033" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BATTLEAXE" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Battle Axe" "item_type_name" "Axe" "item_description" " Demoknight Melee: this weapon has slower deploy and holster times Striker's Wrath: Gain mini-crits on hit for a second This ain't your woodcutters axe boyo Model by: 'IteGood' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "battleaxe_ko" "item_iconname" "battleaxe_ko" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_axe" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_axe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_axe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_skullhelm/demo_skullhelm.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.15" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.25" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.33" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "2" } "add condition on hit" // mini-crits { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Ekaterina // V5.1 Damage upped to 150%, increased accuracy to 50% //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7034" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // 357 // Remove this - V5.5.5 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7035" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Laika // V5.3.4 New sounds //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7036" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_LASERCANNON" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Laika III" "item_type_name" "Laser Cannon" "item_description" " Soviet Prototype: This weapon fires a large laser beam that causes violent burns What weird weapon! Heavy likes to cook bears with this. Model by: 'Rozzy' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "laika_iii" "item_iconname" "laika_iii" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_laika_lasercannon/c_laika_lasercannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_laika_lasercannon/c_laika_lasercannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_laika_lasercannon/c_laika_lasercannon.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.01" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_burn_pyro" // yes, this sets other pyros on fire god save us all. "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.3" } } "visuals" { "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Laika.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Laika.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Laika.SpinUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Laika.StopSpin" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Laika.Spin" "tracer_effect" "laser_tracer" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Improvised Imblazer // V.5.3.9 Removed the flame spread bonus, replaced with airblast cost bonus //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7037" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DIYTHROWER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Household Blazer" "item_type_name" "Improvised Flamethrower" "item_description" " Model by: 'heinousbanana' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "diythrower" "item_iconname" "diythrower" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_improvised_imblazer" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_improvised_imblazer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_improvised_imblazer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on afterburn" { "attribute_class" "add_burn_heals" "value" "1" } "airblast cost decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_airblast_cost" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.25" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.6" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" // Why was this set to 1? } } "visuals" { "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireHose.FireLoop" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Injuste / 3 Barrel Revolver -- REMOVED // V5.4 Minor increase in accuracy //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7038" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Jury / Snakeshot Revolver // V5.2 Upped pellets to 12 // V5.4 Converted to scattergun base and extra fluffers //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7039" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JURY" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_logname" "jury" "item_iconname" "jury" "item_type_name" "Shotgun Cartridge Revolver" "item_name" "Jury" "item_description" "Fire multiple pellets per shot with increased damage ramp-up Far more easier to conceal than a full size shotgun Model by: 'CoryP2001' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_jury" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_jury.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_jury.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "20" } "reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.9" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "0.075" } // backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jury.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jury.SingleCrit" } } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Vulcan Halo HMG // V5.1 Buffed the fuck out of damage, now on par with other miniguns // V5.3.6 Heavy 2.0 Soft rework via Wonders // V5.3.9 Reduced damage bonus by a decent amount to stop it overshadowing brass beast //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7040" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Colt Crusher // V5.4 Gave this ugly fuck some love, now it's a pretty stronk close range crowd cleaner //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7041" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Tokamak // V5.3.4 New sounds // V5.3.9 Smacked the damage down to something more reasonable //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7042" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TOKAMAK" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Tokamak" "item_type_name" "Laser Cannon" "item_description" "Fires lasers that can ricochet Weapon from soviet space program, I thinks Model by: 'Barno' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "tokamak" "item_iconname" "tokamak" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_tokamak" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_tokamak.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_tokamak.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "Projectile speed increased" "2.75" "override projectile type" "32" "ragdolls become ash" "1" "centerfire projectile" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "4.33" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "4.9" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.3" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.50" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Tokamak.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Tokamak.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Tokamak.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Tokamak.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Tokamak.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Tokamak.Spin" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The Fortunate Son / Soldier M4 // V5.5.5 Reverted back to nailgun from feedback //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7043" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_M4_SOLDIER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_logname" "m4_soldier" "item_iconname" "m4_soldier" "item_type_name" "Assault Rifle" "item_name" "Fortunate Son" "item_description" " Some folks are born made to wave the flag Model from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Cosmetics by: 'blueNES' 'CoBalt' 'A_Guardian' 'JPRAS' 'Texman' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_assaultrifle" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_assault_rifle_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_assault_rifle_soldier_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/tactical_op.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "1" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "5" "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.0556" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.223" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "5" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.03" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with an assault rifle, maggot! "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_AR.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AR.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_AR.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Soldier Thompson // V5.3.8 Did some tweaks to favor mobility at a cost of damage, accuracy little better as well //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7044" { } // THATS WHY IT WAS MISSING //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Enginer Jetpack // V5.2 Fixed projectile range leak bug // V5.3.4 Made projectile centerfire, should fix weird positioning bug // V5.3.7 Updated with newer method shown in New Old Weapons Pack, adjusted metal usage as Engineer can get some absolutely insane mobility with this now //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7045" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JUMPPACK" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" // "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_type_name" "Rocket Jump Pack" "item_name" "Fly Boy" "item_description" "Fires a short-duration blast that launches the Engineer in the direction they are aiming. Remember to jump before firing. Hoowee! Cosmetic by: 'Pie_Tony' 'Tabby' Item by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/pyro/furious_flyer_mk2/furious_flyer_mk2" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketpack_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/flyboy_new.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "damage bonus hidden" "0.001" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.75" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "class select override vcd" "taunt01" // "mod max primary clip override" "-1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "mod use metal ammo type" // This attribute is a little weird. YOU DONT SAY?? { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "5.4" } "mod ammo per shot" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "65" } "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "" } "centerfire projectile" { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } // Stuff "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" // JUST small enough to avoid hitting enemies unless you're practically touching } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" // Rockets explode INSTANTLY - which is somewhere in front of your torso! } "strange restriction type 2" // This is a messy fix for bugs with the Dragon's Fury, but it's obviously not ideal... { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "50" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" // Obviously necessary } "damage force increase hidden" // Negative propulsive force generally means this sends you in the direction you were looking! { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "-5.0" } "strange restriction type 3" // Enough lift-off force on taking damage to get you off the ground, even if you use it from a standstill { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "125" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPG_FC.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPG_FC.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" "sound_reload" "Weapon_FlareGun.WorldReload_Alt" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_PDA" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PDA" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_PDA" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PDA" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_PDA" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK_PDA" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_JUMP_START_PDA" "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_JUMP_FLOAT_PDA" "ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_JUMP_LAND_PDA" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The Rainmaker's Barrage // V5.2 !New! weapon inspired by Liberty Launcher Typo // V5.3.7 Now has 100% crits when player is airborne, 4 degree of rocket spread also added // V5.3.8 Added a small blast radius penalty, clarified description to say crits on rocket jump, not airborne! //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7046" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RAINMAKER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_class" "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_slot" "primary" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_RocketLauncher" "item_name" "Rainmaker's Barrage" "item_description" " For when you need just more rocket... Model by: 'Corvalho' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "rainmaker_barrage" "item_iconname" "rainmaker_barrage" "propername" "1" // "item_quality" "normal" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/c_barrage" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_barrage.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_barrage.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "mod crit while airborne" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "1" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2" } "projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.50" } "rocket jump damage reduction" { "attribute_class" "rocket_jump_dmg_reduction" "value" "0.50" } "self dmg push force increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "1.5" } "reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.2" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.25" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.67" } "strange restriction value 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.08" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "4" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_barrage_rocket.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Liberty_Launcher.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Liberty_Launcher.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_RPG.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The H.A.G.I.S // V5.2 New weapon, fires big rolly boi // V5.3.1 Halved recharge time // V5.3.5 Removed drawspeed penalties //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7047" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HAGIS" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "item_slot" "secondary" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "H.A.G.I.S" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_GrenadeLauncher" "item_description" " Ka-boom! Sounds by: 'Sevan' Model by: 'Linko' Projectile by: 'Jack112' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "hagis" "item_iconname" "hagis" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_mirvgrenadelauncher_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_mirvgrenadelauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_mirvgrenadelauncher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" // "override projectile type" "3" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.35" } "maxammo grenades1 increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "3" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "6" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "2.0" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "2.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // "single wep holster time increased" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" // "value" "2.0" // } // "deploy time increased" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" // "value" "2.0" // } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_mirvgrenadelauncher_grenade.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Hagis.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Hagis.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncher.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Hagis.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The FireArm // V5.2 New weapon //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7048" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The Classical Protection -- REMOVED // V5.2 New wearable // V5.3 Removed Speedboost // V5.3.1 Removed resistance and replaced with 75HP bonus, 10% Speed penalty applied, secondary ammo bonus removed //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7049" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The Security Measure // V5.2 New wearable // V5.3 Removed health regen, dropped resistance to 45%, speedboost to 10% and applied +15 max HP on equip, moved from PDA2 to Melee slot due to stacking bug // V5.3.1 Replaced resistance with flat HP buff, raised from +15 to +75hp // V5.4 Streamlined the thing down so it's not as tanky anymore, added extra bonuses too // V5.6r1 Removed //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7050" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The Bat Fat // V5.2 New wearable //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7051" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // The W.A.L.L // V5.2 New wearable? // V5.3 Resistance now 50% instead of 95%, can still be stacked with Robo // V5.3.1 Renamed to "Slightly Immovable W.A.L.L", can now move at 47HU/s when active // V5.3.4r1 Adjusted damage resistance to 65% as robo no longer applies 20%, reduced medic healing by 100% when active // V5.3.7 Damage resistance now 50% (previously 35%), movement penalty lowered to 55%, +3hp/s health regen when active // V5.4 Added crit resistance and also now is almost (literally) immovable by knockback and airblast // V5.6 Increased HP regen + health bonus when active, Tank Duty has more effective HP than this and can deal damage, wat // - Yes knife can still instantly kill from backstab //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7052" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_SHEILD" "item_class" "tf_weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Slightly Immovable W.A.L.L" "item_type_name" "SWAT Shield" "item_description" " Bulwark: On deploy 50% general damage resistance, improved crit and airblast resistance, zero capture rate. Only Heavy can use such an outrageously heavy thing... Model by: 'PogoTheMunty' Cosmetic by: 'Jukebox' 'Sync' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "primary" // "item_quality" "normal" "min_ilevel" "1" "max_ilevel" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_riotshield_heavy/c_riotshield_heavy" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_riot_heavy/w_riot_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_riot_heavy/v_riot_heavy.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/heavy/bullet_resistant_vest.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -9" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "override projectile type" "0" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "200" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "0.5" } "damage force reduction HIDDEN" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "0.05" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier HIDDEN" { "attribute_class" "airblast_vulnerability_multiplier" "value" "0.05" } "dmg taken from crit reduced HIDDEN" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "0.333333333333333333333" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "15" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.45" } "kill eater" { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "101" } "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0" } "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.25" } "armor footsteps" { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_capture_rate" "value" "-1" } } "visuals" { "sound_reload" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "sound_empty" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "sound_double_shot" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "sound_special1" "Selection.HeavyEquipment1" "sound_special2" "Selection.HeavyEquipment2" "sound_special3" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "sound_burst" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_minigun_constant" "tracer_effect" "bullet_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PREFIRE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_POSTFIRE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" //Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Drunkards Wrath // V5.2 New weapon // V5.3.7 Complete rework via The One Of Wonders //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7053" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BIGREVOLVER" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Drunkard's Wrath" "item_type_name" "Big Revolver?" "item_description" " And then I'll grow yer arse's arse and I'm the grass man, punk yeah heaven's heathen... Model by: 'FiveEyes' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "drunkgun" "item_iconname" "drunkgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_drunkwrath" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_drunkwrath.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_drunkwrath.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.6" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.50" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.6" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.7" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/w_drunkwrath_grenade.mdl" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.6" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_special1" "Weapon_RPG_BlackBox.Explode" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // THE CHAIRS // V5.3.1 New weapon //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7054" { } "7055" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // THE Sputnik Special -- REMOVED // V5.3.3 New weapon, designed by Zadrave // V5.3.4 Can not longer pickup intel //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7056" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Flare Launcher // V5.3.4 New weapon, designed by Zadrave // V5.3.4r1 Increased projectile speed, added one extra flare //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7057" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FLARELAUNCHER" "item_name" "Flare Launcher" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_logname" "flare_launcher" "item_iconname" "flare_launcher" "item_type_name" "Flare Gun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_description" "Flare Gun, but primary. Shoots flares fast and crits flaming targets. Mmphh mmph mppph! Model by: 'CoBalt' Weapon by: 'Zadrave'" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_lakeshot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lakeshot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lakeshot_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.2" "override projectile type" "6" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.335" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.75" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pilot_flaregun_shell.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Lakeside.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Lakeside.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.DrumLoad" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Leviathan // V5.3.4 New weapon // V5.3.4r1 Adjusted rate of fire, damage profile, bullet spread, movement speed when spunup, spinup delay and total ammo pool (due to lower rof it eats ammo less quickly). Removed health penalty and added +25hp bonus. Added an extra 2 bullets to each shot, added movement speed penalty when equipped (its heavy afterall) // V5.3.5 Herewegoagain, another balance change, should reduce the fps hit as well when multiple heavies are using it, keeps similar/same constant firing time and ttk // V5.3.8 Added negative z force attribute, anything in the air will be forced down to the ground // V5.6 Tweaked movement speed, its still slow but not painfully anymore //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7058" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEVIATHAN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Leviathan" "item_type_name" "Repurposed Aircraft Cannon" "item_description" " CIWS Engage: Knocks airborne enemies out of the air Heavy found crashed jet Gun still good Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "leviathan" "item_iconname" "leviathan" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_leviathan" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_leviathan.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_leviathan.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.33" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.33" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.75" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.666666666666666667" } "minigun spinup time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.75" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.4" } "single wep deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.9" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.25" } "no primary ammo from dispensers while active" { "attribute_class" "no_primary_ammo_from_dispensers" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "apply z velocity on damage" // Hahaha CIWS BRRRRRRRT rip rainmaker jumpy bois { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "-200" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "boots falling stomp HIDDEN" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Leviathan.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Leviathan.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Leviathan.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Leviathan.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Leviathan.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Leviathan.Spin" "tracer_effect" "bullet_hunting_revolver_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Scout shotgun secondary // V5.3.4 New weapon, moved from primary to secondary // V5.3.7 Moved back to primary // V5.3.7r1 Fixed typo //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7059" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Molotov // V5.3.4 New weapon // V5.3.4r1 Halved initial damage, dropped afterburn damage by half // V5.3.7 New model // V5.3.9 Minor increase in splash radius but reduced afterburn damage by a third //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7060" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Sticket Launcher // V5.3.4 New weapon //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7061" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Combat Crossbow // V5.3.4 New weapon // V5.3.5 Fixed marked for death bleeding to other weapons //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7062" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // HL1 Spas12 // V5.3.5 New weapon, all class // v5.3.6 Adjusted damage profiles, playtesting found to be far weaker than stock shotgun at most played ranges, bot testing only goes so far yet again... //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7063" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_SOLDIER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_soldier" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_soldier" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "7064" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_pyro" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "7065" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_HEAVY" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_heavy" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "7066" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_ENGINEER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_engineer" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_soldier.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.95" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.7 Moved back to primary // V5.3.7r1 Fixed slot bug, oops "7067" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_SCOUT" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_scout" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "7068" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_DEMO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_demo" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_demo.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // 5.3.6 Added the tie... "7069" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_MEDIC" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_medic" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_medic.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_pyro.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/medic/the_tie_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.75" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "7080" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_SNIPER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_sniper" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_sniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } "7081" { // Spy spas, poof } "7082" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPAS12_CIV" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "SPAS-12" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" "Civilian cannot handle firearms effectively Found this in the Office Complex Not sure how it ended up there... Model by: 'Sparkwire' 'Svdl' Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spas_civ" "item_iconname" "spas" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spas" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_spas_civ.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_spas_pyro.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "clip size penalty hidden" "1.4" "damage bonus hidden" "0.75" "fire rate penalty" "1.2" "Reload time increased" "1.1" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Spas.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Spas.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Spas.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Express Coffee // V5.3.5 New weapon //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7083" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_COFFEE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_lunchbox" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_name" "Express Coffee" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" "Drink to gain up to 120 health. Who ate all the donuts? Model by: 'ZombiePlasticClock' 'NassimO' Item by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_caffeine" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_caffeine.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_caffeine.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "item_meter_charge_type" "1" "item_meter_charge_rate" "20" "meter_label" "#TF_EnergyDrink" "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -5" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for slowfire" { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "120" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_caffeine.mdl" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" // These are a much more neutral position to hold stuff from than melee - so we'll use that! { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_cardboard_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_cardboard_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Tau Cannon // V5.3.5 New weapon //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7084" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TAUCANNON" // "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_class" "tf_weapon_coilgun" "item_name" "Gauss Gun" "item_type_name" "XVL1456 Experimental Particle Accelerator" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "taucannon_soldier" "item_iconname" "taucannon" "item_description" "Caution: Do not overcharge! Put that down, it's a prototype! Model by: 'Choev' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_taucannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_taucannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_taucannon.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" "mod max primary clip override" "-1" "damage bonus hidden" "1.2" "hidden secondary max ammo bonus" "0.05" "ragdolls become ash" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" } "attributes" { "energy weapon no ammo" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "-1" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.5" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.80" } "self dmg push force increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "2.0" } "Blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.5" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "2.0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Tau.Single" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Tau.Double" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Tau.Charged" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Tau.Discharge" "sound_empty" "Weapon_Pistol.ClipEmpty" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Tau.Double" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // BooM Sheild // V5.3.5 New wearable // V5.3.7 Reduced health bonus but granted small resistance boost // V5.4 No longer the best demo secondary, still pretty okay though for spamming primary //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7085" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_DEMO_SHEILD" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "equip_region" "shirt" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Hell Barrier" "item_type_name" "Energy Shield" "item_description" "Mouse 2: Charge forward! (10 sec cooldown) 15% damage resistance on wearer You are unable to use a Secondary Weapon while this item is equipped Model by: 'Choev' Wearable by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/demoman/argent_shield" "model_player" "models/player/items/custom/demoman/argent_shield.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/demoman/argent_shield.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" "armor footsteps" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "0.85" } "dmg taken from crit reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "0.5" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } // Attribute for charge "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_leap_ability" "value" "10" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // BooM Axe & Long Sword // V5.3.5 New weapons // V5.3.6 Dropped ranges // V5.3.8 Additional nerfs to the Crucible Sword //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7086" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MARUADER_AXE" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Marauder's Axe" "item_type_name" "Demonic Axe" "item_description" " Demoknight Melee: this weapon has slower deploy and holster times Axe of the Marauder: This weapon has an extended range Deals increased damage to burning players My eyes have been opened. Let me help you to see, Slayer. Model by: 'Choev' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "crucible_axe" "item_iconname" "crucible_axe" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crucible_axe" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_crucible_axe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_crucible_axe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/demoman/demo_marauder.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.55" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "2" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.10" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.67" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.2" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.10" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "7087" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CRUCIBLE_SOLDIER" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Crucible Long Sword" "item_type_name" "Demonic Sword" "item_description" " Blade of the Slayer: this weapon has massive range Deals huge damage to burning players We will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done! Model by: 'Choev' Cosmetic by: 'emrfish6' 'frying dutchman' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "crucible_sword" "item_iconname" "crucible_sword" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_crucible_longsword" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_crucible_longsword.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_crucible_longsword.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_sheath.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.8" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.666" "ragdolls become ash" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "3" } "deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "0.5" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "40" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.10" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Classic Medkit // V5.3.5 New utility // V5.3.6 No longer clashes with other grenade1 ammo type items, added medkit item to playermodel, reduced charge time //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7088" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MEDKIT" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "0" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_taser" "item_slot" "melee" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "Medical Kit" "item_type_name" "Medkit" "item_description" "Heals teammates for 100% HP Provides 50% overheal if already at full health You cannot attack with this item EXCUSE ME! I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION! Model from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Cosmetic by: 'FiveEyes' 'Stev the Recalcitrant Epizeuxis' 'Sims_doc' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "medkit" "item_iconname" "medkit" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_classic_medkit" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_classic_medkit.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_classic_medkit_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/medic/medical_emergency.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" "effect bar recharge rate increased" "0.66" } "attributes" { "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "2" } "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.01" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "sound_melee_hit" "HealthKit.Touch" "sound_melee_hit_world" "WallHealth.Recharge" "sound_burst" "HealthKit.Touch" "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolinUber" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#items/smallmedkit1.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_taser_drop.wav" } "7089" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MEDKIT" "tags" { "can_deal_damage" "0" } "item_class" "tf_weapon_taser" "item_slot" "melee" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "Medical Kit" "item_type_name" "Medkit" "item_description" "Heals teammates for 100% HP Provides 50% overheal if already at full health You cannot attack with this item EXCUSE ME! I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION! Model from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Model edit by: 'Majro' Cosmetic by: 'FiveEyes' 'Stev the Recalcitrant Epizeuxis' 'Sims_doc' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "medkit" "item_iconname" "medkit" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_classic_medkit" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_classic_medkit_paintrain_reference.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_classic_medkit_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" "effect bar recharge rate increased" "0.5" } "attributes" { "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "2" } "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.01" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "BaseCombatCharacter.StopWeaponSounds" "sound_melee_hit" "HealthKit.Touch" "sound_melee_hit_world" "WallHealth.Recharge" "sound_burst" "HealthKit.Touch" "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolinUber" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#items/smallmedkit1.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_taser_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // HL Magnum // V5.3.5 New weapon // V5.4.1 Disabled, will replace with new assets at some point //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7090" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_357MAGNUM" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "Magnum" "item_type_name" ".357 Cal Revolver" "item_description" " [ .357 calibre handgun, acquired ] Ported by: 'ficool2' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "magnum_spy" "item_iconname" "magnum_hl" "image_inventory" "" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.75" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.35" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.4" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Cursed L85 // V5.3.6 New weapon // V5.4.1 LOL //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7091" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Medical Protection // V5.3.6 New wearable // V5.3.7 Dropped health bonus to 35hp, removed Ubercharge duration bonus and movement speed bonus // V5.4 Streamlined the thing down a bit, now prioritizes healing over ubercharge //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7092" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BVEST_MEDIC" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Oathbreaker" "item_type_name" "Ballistic Vest" "item_description" "Automatically heals nearby teammates Healing builds rage, increasing damage dealt by up to 30% Just a little bit of extra protection... Model by: 'Jukebox' 'Juodas Varnas' 'Sync' Wearable by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "bvest_medic" "item_iconname" "what" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/medic/tactivest/tactivest" "model_player" "models/player/items/custom/medic/medic_vest.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2.0" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" { "attribute_class" "custom_maximum_overheal" "value" "0.0" } "kill eater score type" { "attribute_class" "custom_medigun_type" "value" "4" } } "visuals" { } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--BIG GOON - 7093--- //------------------------ //------------------------ "7093" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_HEAVYMACHINEGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Oppressive Force" "item_type_name" "Heavy Machine Gun" "item_description" "This weapon fires single, powerful bullets per shot Ha! now this is a weapon made for Heavy! Model by: 'Snood' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "m2hb_heavy" "item_iconname" "m2hb_heavy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_m2heavy/c_m2heavy" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_m2heavy/c_m2heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_m2heavy/c_m2heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "5.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.6" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_MachineGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_M2HB.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_M2HB.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "null" "sound_special2" "null" "sound_special3" "null" "tracer_effect" "bullet_hunting_revolver_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--TOXIC MINIGUN- 9073--- //--V5.4 Reduced bleed to just (one) second, accuracy bonus gone //------------------------ //------------------------ "7094" { } //------------------ //------------------ //--RIVET GUN - 9074-- //--V5.3.9 Removed non-functional building cost reduction and reduced damage a bit //------------------ //------------------ "7095" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RIVET_GUN" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Hann-D Rivet Gun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Nailgun" "item_description" "This weapon fires 6 powerful rivet nails before reloading These aren't only good at putting stuff together, y'know. Model by: 'crazy-g' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "rivet_gun" "item_iconname" "rivet_gun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_pistol_c_weldgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_pistol_weldgun/c_pistol_c_weldgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_pistol_weldgun/c_pistol_c_weldgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "29" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "3.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.33" } "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.33" } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.5" } "Projectile speed increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "mod use metal ammo type" { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--QUICKDRAW CLOAK REVOLVER - 9075 // Remove this - V5.5.5 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7096" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SACRIFICE KNIFE - 9076-- //--V5.4 Removed useless sapper health penalty //---------------------- //---------------------- "7097" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SACRIFICE_KNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Cutting Devotion" "item_type_name" "Rapier" "item_description" "This weapon has increased range and slower deploy time Sometimes you question your motivations, but the rewards are worth it. Model by: 'spike nitros' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "sacrifice_blade" "item_iconname" "sacrifice_blade" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rapier" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rapier/c_rapier.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rapier/c_rapier.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/hats/spy/spy_zorro/spy_zorro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "3" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "100" } "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "1.5" } "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "1.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.37" } "sapper health penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_sapper_health" "value" "0.5" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SERIOUS KNIFE - 9077-- // v5.3.7 Changed model over until can be bothered to fix positioning // V5.4 Fuck you Reagy the old model's back now that it works //---------------------- //---------------------- "7098" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BAYONET_KNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Proof of Authority" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_description" " Fighting is tough business, sometimes you just feel extra stabby. Model by: '[N-Cognito]' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "wonderland_knife" "item_iconname" "wonderland_knife" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_xms_cold_shoulder/c_commando" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_xms_cold_shoulder/c_commando.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_xms_cold_shoulder/c_commando.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.33" } "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "cloak consume rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "0.8" } "cloak regen rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate" "value" "0.3" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "10" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRAW" "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_ITEM2_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_END" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_END" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--BIG FUCKING DRILL - 9078--- //--V5.3.7 Decreased health on hit and increased spin-up time //------------------------ //------------------------ "7099" { // Removed V5.5.7 // DELETE ASSETS LATER } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--MICRO MISSILE LAUNCHER - 9079--- //------------------------ //------------------------ "7100" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // FAL TEST - 7101 --- // v5.3.6 New weapon for Soldier, Sniper and Medic // V5.3.7 Updated damages for Sniper (15% Penalty) and Medic (10% Bonus) // V5.3.8 Modified a few properties to make it stand out more from Medic and Sniper's FAL // V5.5.5 Reverted soldier FAL due to feedback //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "7101" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FAL_SOLDIER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_logname" "fal_soldier" "item_iconname" "fal" "item_type_name" "Battle Rifle" "item_name" "Right Arm Of the Free World" "item_description" " Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil, Commie! Model by: 'Nanodesu64' 'lolripk' Cosmetics by: 'blueNES' 'CoBalt' 'NeoDement' 'Void' 'JPRAS' 'Texman' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_fal" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_fal.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_fal.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/vietnam_vet.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "1" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "3.33333333333" "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v2" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "attributes" { "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "3.33333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.02" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with a battle rifle, maggot! "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FAL.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FAL.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_AR.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } "7102" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FAL_SNIPER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_logname" "fal_sniper" "item_iconname" "fal" "item_type_name" "Battle Rifle" "item_name" "Right Arm Of the Free World" "item_description" " Long live the king! Bloody hell... Model by: 'Nanodesu64' 'lolripk' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_fal" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_fal.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_fal.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/sniper/sniper_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "scattergun no reload single" "1" "clip size penalty hidden" "3.25" // "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.5" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "1.7" "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" } "attributes" { "no scope" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "10" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.4" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.04" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FAL.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FAL.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_AR.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } "7103" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FAL_MEDIC" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_logname" "fal_medic" "item_iconname" "fal" "item_type_name" "Battle Rifle" "item_name" "Right Arm Of the Free World" "item_description" " Illicit Hardware: This weapon has a higher fire rate and reduced damage A marvel of not-german engineering... don't tell Soldier about how I got this! Model by: 'Nanodesu64' 'lolripk' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_fal" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_fal.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_fal.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/medic_messenger_bag.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 0 -10" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "3.33333333333" } "attributes" { "add uber charge on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "0.03" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "3.33333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.0775" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.033" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // What do you think you're doin? "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FAL.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FAL.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_AR.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Jolly Rancher - 7103-- // V5.3.9 New model // V5.4 No longer best engineer primary and no longer beats the frying pan in terms of crit rate // V5.5.5 New animations, doesn't eat the screen anymore //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "7104" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JOLLYRANCHER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Jolly Rancher" "item_type_name" "Lever Action Rifle" "item_description" " This weapon has no damage falloff Son, this the gun that won the west.. Model by: 'Batandy' Animations by: 'Raptor Dan' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "jollyrancher" "item_iconname" "jollyrancher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_leverrifle_engineer_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_leverrifle_engineer_new.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_leverrifle_engineer_raptor.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Apparently the no damage falloff attribute spreads to other weapons { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "8.0" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.35" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.35" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.25" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LeverRifle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LeverRifle.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Cop Sheild - REMOVED // V5.3.7 New wearable // V5.4 No longer the best demo secondary, offers highest survivability still but you're not a better heavy anymore tanking wise. //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7105" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Cop Stick // V5.3.7 New weapon // V5.4 No more melee removal on hit, already annoying enough without it. //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "7106" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEMOCOP_STICK" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Bobby's Baton" "item_type_name" "Blunt Trauma Device" "item_description" " Oi oi oi what's all this then? Model by: 'Elbagast' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "democop_melee" "item_iconname" "democop_melee" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_democop_stick" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_democop_stick.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_democop_stick.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/demo/democop.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--NEST BREAKER GL - 7107-- //--V5.4 Cut back on building damage for player damage //------------------------- //------------------------- "7107" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUILDING_BREAKER" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Trench Breaker" "item_type_name" "Grenade Launcher" "item_description" " Just you try and bloody set up your toy factory now! Model by: 'cobalt' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "building_grenadelauncher" "item_iconname" "building_grenadelauncher" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchlauncher/c_trenchlauncher" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchlauncher/c_trenchlauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_trenchlauncher/c_trenchlauncher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.67" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TrenchLauncher.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TrenchLauncher.FireCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--FIGHT MAKER STICKY - 7108-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "7108" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FIGHTMAKER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_soldier" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Combat Control" "item_type_name" "Heavy Gun" "item_description" "This weapon fires massive slugs with knockback Keep yer distance so I can shoot you properly! Model by: 'cobalt' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "fightmaker_demoman" "item_iconname" "fightmaker_demoman" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_flechettegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tommysticky.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tommysticky_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.04" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "9" } "apply look velocity on damage" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "600" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.66666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.625" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "30" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/bfb.mdl" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_DemoRiotGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_DemoRiotGun.FireCrit" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_grenadelauncher" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--ANTI-TANK LAUNCHER - 7109-- //--V5.3.8 Removed random crits and crits on overhealed players, added damage resist bypass instead. //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "7109" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BIGGERSTICK" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Bigger Stick" "item_type_name" "Anti-Tank Cannon" "item_description" "This weapon fires anti-tank shells that bypass damage resistances No amount of scrap metal will save you from this! Model by: 'grampa' soldier' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "bigger_stick" "item_iconname" "bigger_stick" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_biggerstick" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bigger_stick/c_bigger_stick.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bigger_stick.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.5" } "dmg pierces resists absorbs" //Counters Tank Duty, WALL and Hell Barrier. { "attribute_class" "mod_pierce_resists_absorbs" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.05" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_biggerstick_shell.mdl" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BiggerStick.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BiggerStick.FireCrit" } } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--DEMACHINE GUN - 7110-- - REMOVED (KEEP FIRING SOUNDS, USED FOR TIMMY) //------------------------- //------------------------- "7110" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--PRIMARY BLAST SHOTGUN - 7111-- // V5.3.7r1 Nerfed //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "7111" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BLASTSHOTGUN_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Burning Vengeance" "item_type_name" "Incendiary Cannon" "item_description" "This weapon fires a limited-range incendiary barrage Pyro doesn't want you to know what's loaded in this. Model by: 'deity link' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "shotgun_blast_pyro" "item_iconname" "shotgun_blast_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_blastshotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_blastshotgun/c_blastshotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_blastshotgun/c_blastshotgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "weapon burn dmg increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.875" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.8" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "Projectile range decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.05" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ShotgunBlast_Pyro.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ShotgunBlast_Pyro.FireCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--HEAVY SYRINGE GUN - 7112-- //--V5.3.8 Reworked the gimmick so it gets mini-crits on hit instead of crits on bleed, extra nerfs applied too //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "7112" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_HEAVY" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Practitioner's Pride" "item_type_name" "Heavy Syringe Gun" "item_description" "This weapon fires toxic slugs that gain mini-crits on hit for 2 seconds Now this is my greatest weapon experiment yet! Now who goes first? Model by: 'Haa' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heavy_syringegun" "item_iconname" "heavy_syringegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_syringe_shotgun/c_syringe_shotgun" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_syringe_shotgun/c_syringe_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_syringe_shotgun/c_syringe_shotgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" "no damage falloff over distance" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "2" } "add condition on hit" // Mini-crit boost! it's not all that special and is just a lesser version of the crit combo from 5.3.7. { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.175" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.28" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "2.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.44" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-2" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.8" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_slugneedle.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HeavySyringeGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HeavySyringeGun.FireCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Caber Toss - 7113-- // V5.3.7 New weapon by Majro // V5.3.9 Removed ammo penalty and reduced projectile speed penalty //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "7113" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DYNAMITES_FRAG" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Caber Toss" "item_type_name" "Martial Art" "item_description" " 'Hey, as long as it works!' Model by: 'Blase005' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "dynamites_frag" "item_iconname" "dynamites_frag" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_dynamitesfrag" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dynamitesfrag_even_newer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_dynamitesfrag_even_newer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "stand_melee" } "attributes" { //THE POSITIVES "mod max primary clip override" //No clip, only reserve ammo. { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.45" } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" //The "No reload necessary" text. Hopefully. { "attribute_class" "mod_no_reload_display_only" "value" "1" } //THE NEGATIVES "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.75" } "Projectile speed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } //THE NEUTRAL "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/wp_dynamitesfrag_new.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_deploy" "Weapon_Grenade_Pipebomb.Draw" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Throw" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ThrowCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Big Mean Mother Hubbard - ????-- // V5.3.9 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11011" { "name" "TF_BMMH_V2" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Big Mean Mother Hubbard" "item_type_name" "Scrap Shotgun" "item_description" " Using spare resources effectively is the pinnacle of practical engineering. Original Model by: 'Oobersli' Edited by: 'wolfcl0ck' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "bmmhv2" "item_iconname" "bmmhv2" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_bmmh/c_bmmh" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity3" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bmmh/c_bmmh.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bmmh.mdl" //Ouch, my OCD. "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" //"maxammo primary increased" Christ almighty, it uses your ammo reserve as metal. Why?! { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "168" } "mod ammo per shot" //So I have to load up 10 shots every time to shoot 10 shots. { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "20" } "mod use metal ammo type" //But it needs a metal increase to works, not a primary ammo increase! What?! { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "scattergun no reload single" //Why can't I just shoot 10 of my reserve ammo instead?!?!? { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" //"clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "3.33" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" //"Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" //Well this IS meant to make it look like it needs no reloading. "value" "0.1" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" //"fire rate bonus" This is to match the shot speed of the stock shotgun. I hope. { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" //These are TF2 stock sounds so they need to be added I reckon. { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_WidowMaker.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_WidowMaker.SingleCrit" "sound_empty" "null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Sandmate - ????-- // V5.3.9 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11012" //Replace with whatever you want. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SANDMATE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Sandmate" "item_type_name" "Cricket Ball" "item_description" "Launches a ball that slows opponents. This weapon can NOT be used as a melee weapon. The hell's this Baseball knock-off? Model by: 'Haau' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "sandmate" "item_iconname" "sandmate" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_sandmate/c_sandmate" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity3" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_sandmate/c_sandmate.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sandmate.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "3" "meter_label" "Ball" //Oh how I wish this worked. "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" } "attributes" { "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "1.5" } "view punch on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_viewpunch_onhit" "value" "1.5" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" //"damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.1665" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" //"Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" //"self dmg push force decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } "elevate quality" //"no self blast dmg" { "attribute_class" "no_self_blast_dmg" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cricket_ball.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_deploy" "Weapon_Bat.Draw" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitBall" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitBall" "sound_special1" "TFPlayer.StunImpact" //Found in stock TF2's game_sounds_player.txt } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Anesthetizer - ????-- -- REMOVED // V5.4.1 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11013" //You know what to do { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Civvie backhand - ????-- // V5.4.1 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11014" //Number of your choice, as always { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOVE" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Backhand" "item_type_name" "Rude Gesture" "item_description" "Enemies hit are flung a short distance away Don't touch me, underpaid scum! Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "shove" "item_iconname" "shove" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_shove/v_shove" "model_world" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shove_v2.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shove_v2.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "200" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "275" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_deploy" "Weapon_Fist.Draw" "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Bat.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Bat.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Laser Pew for Pyro - ????-- // V5.4.1 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11015" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PEWPEW_PYRO" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "BL4STIN-A1000" "item_type_name" "Laser Gun" "item_description" "Projectiles travel in an arc Space weapons were just not made with gravity in mind. Model by: 'doggoh' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "pewpew_pyro" "item_iconname" "pewpew_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_pewpew/c_pewpew" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pewpew.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pewpew.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -10" "override projectile type" "32" "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus hidden" //Bonus. That's a good one. { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled hidden" //"damage bonus" I'd show it but compared to what? The Nailgun? { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.7" } "mod max primary clip override" //"rocket gravity" Rockets? Nah, man. { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.25" } "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "hidden primary max ammo bonus" //"maxammo primary increased" 200 ammo, yep. { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.6" } "force level display" //"Set DamageType Ignite" I'd show this if this weren't a Pyro gun. { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "rocket limited lifetime" //So you can't fire across the entire bridge on 2fort { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "2" } "rocket limited lifetime" //"weapon spread bonus" I think? Does this even work? { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.01" } "mod flamethrower push" //Well...yeah. Just for show, naturally. { "attribute_class" "set_flamethrower_push_disabled" "value" "1" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" //Meme attribute aside, the Nailgun crits waaaaay more than I thought! { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Laserblaster.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Laserblaster.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--DOOM civvie - ????-- // V5.4.1 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11016" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GLORY_KILL" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Glory Kill" "item_type_name" "Berserk Pack" "item_description" "Enemies you punch are marked for death for 5 seconds Rip and tear, lads! Original Model and Animations from Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Original Weapon by: 'Reagy' Repurposed by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "glorykill" "item_iconname" "glorykill" "image_inventory" "backpack/hats/doomguy" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists_civ_doomguy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists_civ_doomguy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "8 0 -6" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "5" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.4" } "item_meter_damage_for_full_charge" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "5.0" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "48 5.0" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Fist.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Fist.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_fists_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_fists_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--BIGWELD - ????-- // V5.4.1 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11017" //Replace with whatever, as usual { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WELDKIT" "prefab" "weapon_Flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Magic Wand" //I prefer the name "Weldkit" though. "item_type_name" "Welding Kit" "item_description" " Blood Boil: This weapon mini-crits bleeding players Model by: 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "weldkit" "item_iconname" "weldkit" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_weldkit/c_weldkit" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_weldkit/c_weldkit.mdl" //A c_model for a change! "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "attributes" { "provide on active" //Because afterburn properties on Flamethrowers affect everything. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" //Guaranteed crit weapons should not random crit, in my opinion. { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" //I do not have any flamethrower sounds, send help. { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoop" "sound_special3" "Weapon_ChemThrower.WindDown" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Ice Axe - ????-- // V5.5.3 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11018" //Sorry for being a bother. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_POLAR_ICEAXE" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Glacial Gouger" "item_type_name" "Ice Axe" "item_description" " Model by: 'Ona', 'Flubbman' and 'Sedimentaryocks' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "polar_iceaxe" "item_iconname" "polar_iceaxe" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_polar_iceaxe/c_polar_iceaxe" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_polar_iceaxe/c_polar_iceaxe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" } "attributes" { "bleeding duration" //So with this it deals 40 damage of bleed over the 5 seconds { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "5" } "crit vs bleeding players" //It's a combo tool. With or without other bleed weapons. { "attribute_class" "crit_vs_bleeding_players" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" //And with this it deals like 33 damage. 98 on crit. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" //So basically a full duration bleed on this deals slightly over normal melee damage. { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } "crit mod disabled" //Weapon crits on hit. No crits allowed. No exceptions. { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Cleaver.ImpactFlesh" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Gas flamethrower? - ????-- // V5.5.3 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11019" //As you please. { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Invigorator - 11020-- // V5.5.6 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11020" { // Removed V5.5.7 // DELETE ASSETS LATER } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Ultimatum - 11021-- // V5.5.6 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11021" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ULTIMATUM" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Ultimatum" "item_type_name" "Marking Device" "item_description" "Shots deal no splash damage Yer marked for demolition now, lad. Model by: 'Elbagast' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "ultimatum" "item_iconname" "ultimatum" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_ultimatum" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_ultimatum/c_ultimatum.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.33" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.75" } "custom projectile model" //With a custom trail to boot! { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_ultimatum.mdl" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" //Well, there *is* a chance it'll deal splash damage, but... "value" "0.025" } "voice pitch scale" //Don't want no rocket jumping shenanigans here. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.25" } "no damage falloff over distance" //So it deals damage like a grenade would. Except when it doesn't. { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "hidden primary max ammo bonus" //20 reserve ammo when you have 3 in the clip? Not on my watch. { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.15" } "strange restriction type 1" //Why must this also have the text attached to it? Whyyyyyyy. // Hey Majro deez tiddes { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.65" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NightRevolver.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NightRevolver.SingleCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Burster.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Whine Opener - 11022-- // V5.5.6 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11022" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WHINE_OPENER" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Whine Opener" "item_type_name" "Wine Opener" "item_description" "Your health cannot exceed maximum overheal. 'Would you like a little cheese with that whine?' Model by: 'Amouro' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "whine_opener" "item_iconname" "whine_opener" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_corkscrew/c_corkscrew" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_corkscrew/c_corkscrew.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "225" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--Pyro Crossbow - 11023-- // V5.5.7 New weapon by Majro //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "11023" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ARROW_FLARE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "propername" "0" "item_name" "Searing Skewer" "item_type_name" "Flare Crossbow" "item_description" " Piercing Ignition: This weapon can set other Pyros on fire. Old warfare methods stand the test of time, this is no exception. Model by: 'goober of the goof' Weapon by: 'Majro' Name by: 'The One of Wonders'" "item_logname" "crossbow_pyro" "item_iconname" "crossbow_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_crossbow_pyro/c_crossbow_pyro" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_crossbow_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_crossbow_pyro.mdl" //Curse you, Huntsman arrows! "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_burn_pyro" // yes, this sets other pyros on fire god save us all. "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_CompoundBow.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_CompoundBow.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- //--CIVILIZED PACK - 8058-8059 // V5.3.2 Added pack to collection, created by shualdock // V5.3.2r1 Tweaks and bug fixes // V5.3.5 Rebalanced the civilian guns, civ can't handle them as well as previously... //---------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------- // V5.3.3 New model and attributes, makes it into a funky single shot! "8048" { "item_name" "Shot" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" // "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_revolver" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_description" "Civilian cannot handle firearms effectively Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice Model by: 'A Paint Bucket Named Huey' Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Original weapon by: 'shualdock' Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_shot" "item_iconname" "civ_shot" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_shot" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_shot_civ.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_shot_civ_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" // "bullets per shot bonus" "10" // "reload time decreased" "0.35" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.2" // "spread penalty" "2.25" // "damage penalty" "0.18" // "maxammo secondary increased" "1.5" "fire rate penalty" "1.25" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "attributes" { "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "10.0" } "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.45" } "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.45" } "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.15" } "weapon_stattrak_module_scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.35" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jury.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jury.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.3 New model and functional animations! "8049" { "item_name" "Gun" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_description" "Civilian cannot handle firearms effectively I'm not a guns fellow, but I'd be lying if I said I've never seen these before Engravings clearly give a tactical advantage too! Model by: 'goldenjohnson' 'Gadget' Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Original weapon by: 'shualdock' Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_gun" "item_iconname" "civ_gun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_desertrose" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_pistol_civ.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_pistol_civ.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" "fire rate penalty" "1.2" "Reload time increased" "1.1" "crit mod disabled" "0" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.2r1 Changed from passive to manual boost // V5.3.3 New model and name! // V5.3.5 Changed from speed boost to forcing target into melee for 10 seconds // Remove this - V5.5.5 "8050" { } // V5.3.3 New model and name! "8051" { } // V5.3.3 New model and name! "8052" { } // V5.3.3 New model! "8053" { } // V5.3.2r1 Fixed restock, was using wrong prefab "8054" { "name" "Sandvich" "prefab" "weapon_sandvich" "show_in_armory" "0" // Disabled "anim_slot" "melee" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Sandwich" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Lunchbox" "item_description" "Even I'm not so posh that I would pass up a sandwich." "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_sandwich" "item_iconname" "what" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_sandwich" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sandwich.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sandwich_heavy.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_chef.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" } "visuals" { "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_drop.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_sandwich_pickup.wav" } } "8055" { "item_name" "Armstrongs" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_description" " Utility weapon: Cannot give minicrit boosts Deals 'normal' melee damage Lad, I used to box. Could have gone pro if I didn't go to Oxford and get a masters in economics. Animations by: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Original weapon by: 'shualdock' Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_fists" "item_iconname" "fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/v_models/v_fist_heavy" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/v_models/v_fist_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/buff_civ_arms.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "crit mod disabled hidden" "0" "damage bonus hidden" "1.54" "melee range multiplier" "1.25" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.35" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "100" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.3 New model! "8056" { "item_name" "Spanner" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_description" " Utility Weapon: Cannot give minicrit boosts Can repair and speed up building construction, but not add construction Is this what turns it off and on again? Model by: 'ColonelBD' Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Original weapon by: 'shualdock' Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_wrench" "item_iconname" "civ_wrench" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_civwrench" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_civwrench.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_civwrench.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civilian_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.2r1 Lowered boost time to 5 seconds // V5.3.3 New model! // V5.3.5 Changed from Hypercharge to 3s uber "8057" { } // V5.3.3 New model, name and sounds! "8058" { "item_name" "Positive Reinforcement" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_type_name" "Whip" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_description" " Manual Boost (Mouse2): Marked for Death Manual Boost applies to enemies only Get to it lads! Model by: 'Gadget' Cosmetic by: 'Suomimies55' Original weapon by: 'shualdock' Edited by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_whip" "item_iconname" "civ_whip" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_whip" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_civwhip.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_civwhip.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_devo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" } "attributes" { "civ boost cond override" { "attribute_class" "add_civ_boost_override" "value" "30 1" } "civ boost targets enemies" { "attribute_class" "add_civ_boost_enemies" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Whip.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Whip.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Whip.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Whip.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.2r1 Changed from passive to manual boost, lasts ~8 seconds // V5.3.3 New model! // V5.3.7 Disabled "8059" { "item_name" "Balisong" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_description" "No backstabs Manual Boost (Mouse2): Give friendly invisibility w/ attack I know a quite rotund fellow who would have an interest in this." "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "item_logname" "civ_knife" "item_iconname" "civ_knife" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_civknife" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_knife_civ.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_knife_civ.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "attributes" { "civ boost cond override" { "attribute_class" "add_civ_boost_override" "value" "64 0.75" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } // V5.3.3 New weapon, much like the Balisong except applies to civ only, designed by Zadrave "8069" { } // V5.4r1 Dropped active ammo count and increased fire delay "8060" { } "8061" { "item_name" "Lord of the House" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_type_name" "Money" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_description" " Manual Boost (Mouse2): Give friendly 5s of Crit Boost Get some wonga. Models by: 'Liney' & 'cobalt' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "dosh" "item_iconname" "dosh" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_cashgrab" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_cashgrab/c_cashgrab.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/v_models/v_cashgrab/v_cashgrab_civ.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/hats/civilian_magician/civilian_magician_complete.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "blood_trail_red_01_money" "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "melee range multiplier" "1.7" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" } "attributes" { "civ boost cond override" { "attribute_class" "add_civ_boost_override" "value" "34 0.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.25" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "5" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.Miss" // Funny thing, these sounds were ALSO in the game still, and not just the sound scripts, but also the sound files themselves. Guess they were planning on KGB for a bit. "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoxingGloves.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------- // PAINT + GRUNT STUFF (Starting at 9000)--------- //----------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------- //--------------------- //--------------------- //--L'ETRANGER - 9001-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "9001" { } //----------------- //----------------- //--HK SMG - 9002-- //----------------- //----------------- "9002" { } //--------------- //--------------- //--AR18 - 9003-- //--------------- //--------------- "9003" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--SCOUT SLUG SCATTERGUN - 9004-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9004" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEAGLE_SCOUT" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Elimination Imperative" "item_type_name" "Magnum Pistol" "item_description" " Kicks like a mule, kills my enemies harder! Model by: 'DeRosaJ' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "supermag_scout" "item_iconname" "supermag_scout" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_supermagnum_scout/c_supermagnum_scout" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_supermagnum_scout/c_supermagnum_scout.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_supermagnum_scout/v_supermagnum_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_nailgun" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.04" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.16666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" "value" "1" } } "visuals" // This is just for consistency! { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Deagle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Deagle.SingleCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_hunting_revolver_tracer01" } } //--------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------- //--OFFICER TAVISH/MUNDY - 9005 - 9008 -- - BIG SHOT, 50K VOLT AND SCOPER'S SCOPE OUT REMOVED //--------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------- "9005" { // "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_scotchbonnet.mdl" // Reuse this } "9006" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--THE MAGNUM OPUS- 9009-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9009" { // "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_deagle2" Keeping for reference, to be used on the Scout deagle } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SNIPER SHOTGUN - 9010-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9010" { "name" "Buck's Banter" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_soldier" "item_logname" "revolver_shotgun" "item_iconname" "revolver_shotgun" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_shotgun" "item_name" "Buck's Banter" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_description" " Oooh ya wouldn't want to know what goes on down in that cylinder mate - It's far worse than you'd expect from a gun like this. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_sydney_buck" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_sydney_buck.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_sydney_buck_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "reload time increased hidden" "3.25" // The Shotgun's first reload is fast. We slow it down, way down, to match Hunting Revolver's reload time. } "attributes" { "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } // "reload time increased hidden" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time_hidden" // "value" "3.25" // } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RevolverShotty.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RevolverShotty.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_r870.WorldReload" } } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--THE TREBLE REBEL - 9011-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9011" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--TOMMY GUN TEST - 9012-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9012" { } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--GLOCK MELEES - 9013 - 9014-- // V5.3.1 Bug fix, technically if demo or soldier somehow got "metal" they could upgrade buildings with this, idk //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "9013" { } "9014" { "name" "Gaelic Gat" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Gaelic Gat" "item_type_name" "...Pistol?" "item_description" " Just because it doesn't work doesn't mean it isn't a weapon, son. Model by: 'G o a t K i n g' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "glock_melee_soldier" "item_iconname" "glock_melee" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_tfc_glock" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_glock_melee.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_glock_melee_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage applies to sappers" // This doesn't actually work, BUT, since we set the weapon to be a Wrench, now it does. { "attribute_class" "set_dmg_apply_to_sapper" "value" "1" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.67" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.67" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.00" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0" } "rocket limited lifetime" // To hopefully prevent rockets disarming enemies { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--CLEANER'S CARBINE - 9015-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9015" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--TFC MINIGUN - 9016-- // V5.3.1 33% Damage bonus added //---------------------- //---------------------- "9016" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ASSAULTCANNON_TFC" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "0" "item_name" "Assault Cannon" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Minigun" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage fall-off This weapon feels strange, like it came from one of my predecessors. Model by: 'Svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "tfc_minigun" "item_iconname" "tfc_minigun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_tfc_minigun/c_tfc_minigun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tfc_minigun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tfc_minigun_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.7" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.33" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.1" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.7" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_TFC_Minigun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_TFC_Minigun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TFC_Minigun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_TFC_Minigun.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_TFC_Minigun.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_TFC_Minigun.Spin" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--THE AMBASSADOR - 9017-- // V5.2 Removed damage penalty, increased accuracy to near pin-point, snipers will hate this gun even in TF2C, fuck you snipers // V5.4.1 Disabled, will reuse the stats on another weapon model, sounds kept too as used on other weapons //------------------------- //------------------------- "9017" { "name" "Ambassador" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_logname" "ambassador" "item_iconname" "ambassador" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_name" "Ambassador" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage falloff Engravings give no tactical advantage whatsoever, but they look cool and that's all that matters. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_ambassador/c_ambassador" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_ambassador.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_ambassador_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } // "static_attrs" // { // "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.25" // } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Apparently the no damage falloff attribute spreads to other weapons { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Ambassador.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Ambassador.SingleCrit" } } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--FAT SCOUT SHOTGUN - 9018-- -- REMOVED // V5.2 Removed intel pickup restriction, dropped damage penalty and damage taken a bit //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9018" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--DISPENSER SHOTGUN - 9019-- // V5.3.1 Dispenser radius increased from 50% to 100% //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9019" { "name" "Lead Spitter" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Lead Spitter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Allows your dispenser to spit lead to your teammates farther away. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "lead_spitter" "item_iconname" "lead_spitter" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_buckshot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_buckshot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_buckshot_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "primary" } "model_player_per_class" { "pyro" "models/weapons/v_models/v_buckshot_pyro.mdl" "engineer" "models/weapons/v_models/v_buckshot_engineer.mdl" } "attributes" { "engy dispenser radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dispenser_radius" "value" "2" } // "mult_deploy_time" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" // "value" "0.66" // } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "no primary ammo from dispensers while active" { "attribute_class" "no_primary_ammo_from_dispensers" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_R870.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_R870.SingleCrit" "reload" "Weapon_Shotgun.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--W.A.S.P. ROCKET LAUNCHER - 9020-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9020" { "name" "Ground W.A.S.P." "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "wasp_launcher" "item_iconname" "wasp_launcher" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Rocketlauncher" "item_name" "Ground W.A.S.P." "item_description" "You are unable to rocket jump It's time for some old-fasioned boots on the ground action, soldier. Model by: 'ZombiePlasticClock' 'Gadget' 'Vipes' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_law_launcher" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_law_launcher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_law_launcher_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" "override projectile type" "2" // "32" } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.35" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.85" } // "projectile speed increased" // { // "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" // "value" "1" // } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.0" // Might be an interesting fold - you tell me how this goes! } // Backend stuff "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_law.mdl" } // "crit vs wet players hidden" // { // "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" // "value" "262144" // } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Law_Launcher.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Law_Launcher.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Law_Launcher.Explode" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Law_Launcher.Explode" } } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--THE LIBERTY LAUNCHER - 9021-- //------------------------------- //------------------------------ "9021" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--DESTINY 2 SIDEARM - 9022-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9022" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--FC COMBAT KNIFE - 9023-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9023" { "name" "Striker's Shank" "prefab" "weapon_club" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" // "item_class" "tf_weapon_fists" "item_logname" "combat_knife" "item_iconname" "combat_knife" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_name" "Striker's Shank" "item_description" "This weapon cannot Backstab A standard military combat knife, not ideal for fightin', but it works. 'Take care of this thing for me, got it?' - Striker Model from: Final Combat Animations by: 'DudeTheNinja' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_combat_knife" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_combat_knife.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_combat_knife_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.616" } } "visuals" { // "sound_deploy" "Weapon_Sknife.Draw" "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sknife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sknife.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sknife.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sknife.MissCrit" } } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--MECERNARY'S P38 - 9024 - 9025-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "9024" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_P38" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol" "item_logname" "p38_pistol" "item_iconname" "p38_pistol" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" // "item_quality" "vintage" "item_name" "Combat Pistol" "item_description" " Fight Harder: on hit, gain mini-crits for 2 seconds. A memento from a year long past... it still fires true, probably waiting for you. Model from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_walther_p38" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_walther_p38.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_walther_p38_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 2" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.66666666666" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_PistolDM.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_PistolDM.SingleCrit" } } "9025" { "name" "Combat Pistol (Melee)" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "p38_pistol_whip" "item_iconname" "p38_pistol_whip" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Combat Pistol (Melee)" "item_type_name" "...Pistol?" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_walther_p38" "item_description" " Fight Harder: on hit, gain mini-crits for 3 seconds. Watch these pistol whips knucklehead! they come with extra hurt! Model from: Open Fortress - openfortress.fun Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_walther_p38_whip.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_walther_p38_whip_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" // "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Bat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--ALLCLASS SHOTGUN 2- 9026 - 9029-- // V5.3.1 Bleed removed, now fires a single powerful slug //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9026" { } "9027" { } "9028" { } "9029" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--MEDIC MINI-CRIT - 9030-- // V5.6r1 Increase magazine size slightly //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9030" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_SUPER" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Super Nail Gun" "item_type_name" "Nail Gun" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage fall-off The best medicine is laughter they say, well I sure am laughing with this in my hands! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "tfc_syringegun" "item_iconname" "tfc_syringegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_tfc_syringegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_tfc_syringegun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tfc_syringegun_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "29" "no damage falloff over distance" "1" } "attributes" { "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_reload_display_only" "value" "1" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.001" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_SMG.ClipEmpty" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ClassicSyringeGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ClassicSyringeGun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--ENGINEER TRANQ- 9031-- // V5.3.1 Slightly tweaked damage profile // V5.5.5 Moved to Civ //------------------------ //------------------------ "9031" { "name" "The T.R.A.N.Q" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "T.R.A.N.Q." // Still can't think of its acronym "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Tranq" "item_description" "Fires tranquilizer darts For stopping a Heavy in their tracks. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "military_pistol_tranq" "item_iconname" "military_pistol_tranq" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_military_pistol" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_military_pistol_civ.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_military_pistol_engineer.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "override projectile type" "30" // Tranq Dart } "attributes" { "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "1.0" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.5" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.25" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.3" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" } "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_1911.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_1911.ShootCrit" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--PYRO PILOT FLAREGUN - 9032 -- // V5.3.1 Removed projectile arc and damage bonus //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9032" { "name" "Pilot Light" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" // Defined manually only to avoid the display-only crit attribute that's on the flaregun prefab! "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Pilot Light" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FlareGun" "item_description" " Fuel to the fire: Deals double damage to burning players Fires straight-moving incendiary shells that explode on contact with any object This Firecannon is just built different. Model by: 'NeoDement' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons Edited by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "spitfire" "item_iconname" "spitfire" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_pilot_flaregun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pilot_flaregun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_pilot_flaregun_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Rockets! "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Quick fix for the min. viewmodels bugging out! "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.75" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.35" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "4" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.2" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.5" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_pilot_flaregun_shell.mdl" } // Backend stuff "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.2" // 2s } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPG_FC.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPG_FC.SingleCrit" // "sound_special1" "Weapon_Detonator.Detonate" "sound_reload" "Weapon_FlareGun.WorldReload_Alt" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--THE DISPLACER - 9033-- // V5.1 Slight Nerf // V5.2 Buffed back lol, re-added the spread bonus and increased damage slightly // Plugin still active, add item to give minicrits and crits on projectile reflect, must use coilgun projectile //------------------------ //------------------------ "9033" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--SWAT BATON - 9034-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "9034" { "name" "Healer's Shield" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Healer's Shield" "item_type_name" "Baton" "item_description" " Protect and hit. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "baton" "item_iconname" "baton" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/medic/batonshield_shield.mdl" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_batonshield" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_batonshield.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_batonshield_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "5.0" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "30" } "health drain" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "-4" } "move speed penalty" // So you can't bugger off as fast { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.875" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.615" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BaseballBat.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_pole_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--METAL MACHINE PISTOL - 9035-- - REMOVED // V5.3.1 Mag size increased from 20 to 30, damage penalty raised, rate of fire increased //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9035" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--ENGINEER ZAPPER - 9036-- // V5.2 Damage bonus removed //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9036" { } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--SHIELD SCATTERGUN - 9037-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9037" { "name" "Silencer" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "silencer" "item_iconname" "silencer" "item_type_name" "#TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" "item_name" "Silencer" "item_description" " On Hit: Gain a protective aura for 3 seconds Shhh! I've got somethin' to say - so shut up before this gun shuts you up! Model by: 'Svdl' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" // "image_inventory_size_w" "128" // "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_silencer" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_silencer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_silencer_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.80" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.80" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.90" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "111 3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Silencer.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Silencer.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--BULKY PISTOL - 9038-- // V5.4 Moved to spy //----------------------- //----------------------- "9038" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPISTOL_SPY" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Peebee and Jay" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_description" " Be the whisper of death that makes the enemies fear sleeping at night. Model by: 'Chickenman' 'Wendy' 'Extra Ram' Original weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons Modified by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "spistol_spy" "item_iconname" "spistol_spy" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_spistol" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_spistol_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_spistol_spy_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "SET BONUS: quiet unstealth" { "attribute_class" "set_quiet_unstealth" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.95" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.35" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Suppressed_Pistol.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Suppressed_Pistol.SingleCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SUPPORT PDA - 9039---- // V5.1 Left as is, don't agree with Tangarine's 50% build speed nerf //------------------------ //------------------------ "9039" { "name" "Handy Partner" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "pda_handy" "propername" "1" "item_name" "PDA: Handy Partner" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" " Adds 75 metal to your metal reserve Makes support buildings build faster and increases the Dispenser's range at the cost of reducing the Sentry's construction speed by 50% Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_handy_partner_pda" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_handy_partner_pda.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_handy_partner_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "engy dispenser radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dispenser_radius" "value" "2.25" } "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "2.25" } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "2.25" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "75" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.35" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--TEST PYRO FLAMETHROWER 2 - 9040-- // V5.3.1 Heal on afterburn removed //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9040" { } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--SUPPORT SHOTGUN - 9043-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9043" { } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //--GUN SPY HAND CANNON - 9044-- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "9044" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--ASTRAL BOW - 9045-- // V5.3.2 Disabled due to causing server crashes //--------------------- //--------------------- "9045" { } //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- //--SCOUT SLUG SCATTERGUN 2 - 9046-- //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- "9046" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--SOLDIER CHINA LAKE - 9047-- // V5.3.1 Firerate bonus removed, 20% damage penalty applied //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9047" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LAKESIDE_PRIDE" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "lakeside_rl" "item_iconname" "lakeside_rl" "item_type_name" "...Pump-Action Grenade Launcher?" "item_name" "Lakeside Pride" "item_class" "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_description" " Grenades are for chumps, real men fire rockets out of their Grenade Launchers! Model by: 'CoBalt' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_lakeshot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lakeshot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lakeshot_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.4" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.7" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_law_small.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Lakeside.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Lakeside.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.DrumLoad" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--FIRE HOSE TFC - 9048-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9048" { } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--BIRDSHOT SHOTGUN -9049 -- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9049" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BIRDSHOT_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "VogelJager" // If you translate the name in english it means Bird Hunter which is the opposite of medic's interest in his pet Archimedes :p "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Shotgun" "item_description" " Medical Malpractice: This weapon fires slugs that mark enemies for death for 3 seconds. Hmmm it seems here that you have lead poising on you're chest - Let me make zhat worse for you! Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "birdshot_medic" "item_iconname" "defender" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_shell_shock" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shell_shock.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_shell_shock_medic.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" } "attributes" { "add condition on hit" // Mark for death { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 3" } "mark for death" // Display only { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "4.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.4" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ShellShock.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ShellShock.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------- //---------------- //--SCOUT MACHINE PISTOL - 9050-- //---------------- //---------------- "9050" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--LONG-SHOTGUN SOLDIER- 9051------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9051" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LONG_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Extended Exterminator" "item_type_name" "Full-Length Shotgun" "item_description" " Listen here maggot, if you dare step on my capture point - You will be exterminated!, got that creampuff? Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "long_shotgun_soldier" "item_iconname" "shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_long_shotgun_soldier.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.70" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.34" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.10" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LongShotgun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LongShotgun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--LONG-SHOTGUN PYRO- 9052------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9052" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LONG_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Extended Exterminator" "item_type_name" "Full-Length Shotgun" "item_description" " Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "long_shotgun_pyro" "item_iconname" "shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_long_shotgun_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.70" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.34" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.10" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LongShotgun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LongShotgun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--LONG-SHOTGUN ENGINEER- 9053------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9053" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LONG_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Extended Exterminator" "item_type_name" "Full-Length Shotgun" "item_description" " Boy this 'ere gun was made by the texans for the texans and there's no denying that. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "long_shotgun_engineer" "item_iconname" "shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_long_shotgun_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.70" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.34" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.10" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LongShotgun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LongShotgun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--LONG-SHOTGUN HEAVY- 9054------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9054" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LONG_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Extended Exterminator" "item_type_name" "Full-Length Shotgun" "item_description" " Now this is heavy shotgun for heavy! Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "long_shotgun_heavy" "item_iconname" "shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_long_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_long_shotgun_heavy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.70" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.34" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.10" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LongShotgun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LongShotgun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--ENGINEER SLUG SCATTERGUN- 9055------ //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9055" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--LEVER RIFLE SNIPER - 9056-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9056" // The idea with this weapon was to make a "support" Sniper Rifle - where instead of picking off key targets, Sniper "marks" key targets for nearby teammates to go after. The most experimental of the bunch, so this might change in the future. { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CANBERRA_CARBINE" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Canberra Carbine" "item_type_name" "Lever-Action Rifle" "item_description" "This weapon deals reduced headshot damage Sometimes I'm able to spin the lever on the bugger... but I just can't get it right. Model by: 'Svdl' Animations by: 'Sparkwire' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "lever_carbine" "item_iconname" "wa2k_marker" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_canberra_carbine" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_canberra_carbine.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_canberra_carbine_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "25" } "aiming movespeed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.30" } "maxammo primary decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.25" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" // DISPLAY ONLY, since the Hunting Rifle is a bit buggy for my purposes. { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "voice pitch scale" // { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.8" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Canberra.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Canberra.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SniperRifle.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--ENGINEER AA12 - 9057--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9057" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--KRISS VECTOR - 9058--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9058" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--M14 SNIPER - 9059-- // V5.3.1 Damage penalty changed (15 to 20%) and +25hp added, 10% headshot multiplier added //--------------------- //--------------------- "9059" { "name" "County Killer" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "primary" // "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "propername" "1" "item_name" "County Killer" "item_type_name" "Battle Rifle" "item_description" " I heard the Americans in 'Nam couldn't handle these so they were given to us. Dunno what their problem is, I can handle their recoil just fine. Model originally by: 'Rain*' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "m14" "item_iconname" "m14" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_m14" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_m14.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_m14_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // "scattergun no reload single" "1" // "reload time increased hidden" "3.25" // "damage bonus hidden" "5.5" "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" } "attributes" // The stats here are kinda weird, for now { "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "no scope" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "soft zoom" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "1" } "headshot damage increase" { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "1.1" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "15" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.667" // 40 } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.25" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.33" // 8 } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.05" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_SECONDARY" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_M14.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_M14.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SMG.worldreload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--PROTOTYPE SHOTGUN - 9060-- // V5.3.4 Changed from Soldier to Demoman //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9060" { } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--BLEED GRENADE LAUNCHER - 9061-- // V5.1 Nerfed, for good reason, this thing was busted //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "9061" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ARTILLERY_LAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Artisan's Artillery" "item_type_name" "Artillery Cannon" "item_description" " Fire away, boyos! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "howitzer" "item_iconname" "howitzer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_artillery_cannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_artillery_cannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_artillery_cannon_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.67" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.67" } // Backend stuff "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_artillery_grenade_demo.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BiggerStick.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BiggerStick.FireCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--HOTLINE MIAMI MACHETE - 9062-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9062" { "name" "Massachusetts Marauder" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "scout_machete" "item_iconname" "scout_machete" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Boston Brutalizer" "item_type_name" "Machete" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_scout_machete" "item_description" " Why yes, I do like hurting chuckheads. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_scout_machete.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_scout_machete.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.0" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.6" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "3.0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Knife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Club.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Club.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Knife.MissCrit" } } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SOVIET SWEEPER - 9063-- // V5.3.1 Removed damage penalty //------------------------- //------------------------- "9063" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--ENGINEER MAC 10 - 9064-- // V5.2 Upped mag size to match with scouts // V5.3.1 Reduced damage output (25% penalty instead of 15%), removed draw speed bonus //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9064" { "name" "Malicious Mac" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Malicious Mac" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_SMG" "item_description" " You know I have than darn thing on me. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "mac_smg" "item_iconname" "mac_smg" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_mac_smg" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_mac_smg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mac_smg_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" // "scout" "1" } "model_player_per_class" { "engineer" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mac_smg_engineer.mdl" // "scout" "models/weapons/v_models/v_mac_smg_scout.mdl" } "attributes" { "single wep deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.85" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_UMP45.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_UMP45.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" // A little-used feature even in live TF2 - you can set custom Muzzle and Tracer effects. "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" // It's strict, though, so don't expect much out of these. } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--GYROJET PISTOL- 9065 - 9066-- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9065" { "name" "Jetsetter" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "gyrojet" "item_iconname" "gyrojet" // "item_type_name" "Hand Cannon" // "item_type_name" "...Rocket Launcher?" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_name" "Jetsetter" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage falloff Now that is a hand cannon. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_gyrojet" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gyrojet.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gyrojet_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "secondary" } "model_player_per_class" { "scout" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gyrojet_scout.mdl" "engineer" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gyrojet_engineer.mdl" } // "static_attrs" // { // "damage bonus hidden" "2.66" // "clip size penalty hidden" "0.6" // "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.55" // "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.18" // } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Yes, these escape if I don't do this. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.25" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "3.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" // This is just for consistency! { // "animation_replacement" // { // "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" // } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Gyrojet.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Gyrojet.SingleCrit" } } "9066" { "name" "Jetsetter" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_logname" "gyrojet" "item_iconname" "gyrojet" // "item_type_name" "Hand Cannon" // "item_type_name" "...Rocket Launcher?" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Pistol" "item_name" "Jetsetter" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage falloff A prototype that was lost in Fawkes' desk. Rather than inert bullets, Gyrojets fire small rockets called Microjets which have little recoil. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_gyrojet" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_gyrojet.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_gyrojet_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "secondary" } // "static_attrs" // { // "damage bonus hidden" "2.66" // "clip size penalty hidden" "0.6" // "fire rate penalty hidden" "3.55" // "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.18" // } "attributes" { "provide on active" // Yes, these escape if I don't do this. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.25" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "3.75" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.18" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" // This is just for consistency! { // "animation_replacement" // { // "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" // "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" // } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Gyrojet.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Gyrojet.SingleCrit" } } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--HALO MAGNUM- 9067-- // V5.3.6 Fuck this, we cursed now. Changed from a pistol to a throwable. // V5.3.7 Sneaky damage buff :D // V5.3.8 Fuck go back! Brought back original and split off the throwable // V5.4 Primary version is no longer a straight upgrade from stock, Watch your mfin tone Reagy. //--------------------- //--------------------- "9067" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--FINAL COMBAT NEEDLER - 9068-- // V5.1 Reworked, actually usable now // V5.3.1 Removed from scout and given to soldier // V5.3.4 Increased projectile speed //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9068" { } //---------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------- //--DIGGER DOWN UNDER SET - 9069 - 9070 -- //---------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------- "9069" { } "9070" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SUPPORT PDA - 9071--- // V5.3.1 HP boost reduced from 75 to 50 //------------------------ //------------------------ "9071" { "name" "Brawn Over Brain" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "PDA: Brawn Over Brain" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" // "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_description" " Slows down the construction speed of all buildings by 50% and increases their metal cost by 50 metal." "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_handy_partner_pda" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_handy_partner_pda.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_handy_partner_pda_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "50" } // Backend Stuff "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.5" } "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.6" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.6" } "centerfire projectile" // The centerfire attribute shines here, over the AA Gun. { "attribute_class" "building_cost_reduction" "value" "50" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--BATTLE ENGI WRENCH - 9072-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9072" { "name" "Masterkey" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "melee" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Masterkey" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " This wrench replaces your regular Sentry Gun with a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun 'I'm done playin' games with you, boy.' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "masterkey" "item_iconname" "masterkey" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_masterkey_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_masterkey.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_masterkey_engineer.mdl" // Has another draw animation. "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/engineer_cowboy_hat.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.06666667" } "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "2.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Attribute for custom buildings "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_type" "value" "1" // Mini } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //-- Shell shocker 2 - 9073 -- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9073" { } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--BACKUP RIFLE - 9074--- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9074" { } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--CYBERPUNK REVOLVER WHY - 9075-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "9075" { "name" "Silverhand" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Silverhand" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Revolver" "item_description" "On Hit: Lose up to 5 health 'Bitches LOVE cannons!' - Jeremy Jones Model by: 'G o a t K i n g' Animations by: 'ur kitty' Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "silverhand" "item_iconname" "silverhand" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_silverhand" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_silverhand.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_silverhand_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.25" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.25" } "heal on kill" // "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "30" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.35" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Backend stuff "strange restriction type 1" // So you don't start with totally full health on transforming - more impactful for light classes { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" // "heal_on_kill" "value" "-5" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Silverhand.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Silverhand.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SCOUT TORCH - 9076-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9076" { "name" "Firestarter" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Firestarter" "item_type_name" "Torch" "item_description" "+85% damage bonus vs burning players Afterburn deals no damage Look ma, I'm playin' with fire! Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "scout_torch" "item_iconname" "scout_torch" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_torch" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_torch.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_torch_scout.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { // "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.625" "damage bonus hidden" "0.40385" } "attributes" { "damage applies to sappers" { "attribute_class" "set_dmg_apply_to_sapper" "value" "1" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.75" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "1.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.6" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.00" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Crowbar.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Bottle.HitWorld" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Bottle.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Knife.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--SPY RAPIER - 9077-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "9077" { } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--SOLDIER SHOTGUN VEST - 9078-- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9078" // This is a wearable vest for Soldier that gives him faster movement and more ammo - in exchange for an item slot. Hmm. Better think about it, yeah? { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_VFLAK" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_class" "tf_wearable" // Yes! This is a wearable item - like the Gunboats, or the Cozy Camper from live. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Flak Vest" "item_type_name" "Vest" "item_description" " You maggots better run before I pump your asses full of lead! Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "item_logname" "flak_vest" "item_iconname" "what" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/soldier/spr17_flakcatcher/spr17_flakcatcher" "model_player" "models/workshop/player/items/soldier/spr17_flakcatcher/spr17_flakcatcher.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v2" } "attributes" { "maxammo secondary increased" // Because you have no Rocket Launcher { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.5" } "maxammo grenades1 increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "2" } "move speed bonus" // Makes you move at the same speed as Medic { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.25" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "grenades" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--MEDIC SMG TEST 9079 --- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9079" { } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--BOB PDA - 9080 --- //-------------------- //-------------------- "9080" { "name" "Pip-boy 1950" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "0" "item_name" "PDA: Pip-boy 1950" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "pipboy" "item_description" "Slows down the construction speed of all buildings by 33% and increases their metal cost by 20 metal. Patrolling the gravel pits almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter. Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_handy_partner_pda" "model_world" "models/player/items/engineer/bet_pb.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/bet_pb.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bet_pb_engineer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "upgrade rate decrease" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.4" } "Repair rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.2" } // Backend Stuff "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.67" } "reload time increased hidden" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.67" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.67" } "centerfire projectile" { "attribute_class" "building_cost_reduction" "value" "20" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } // Paint's New Stuff //----------------------- //----------------------- //--TEST MEDI GUN- 9081-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9081" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TOTENWERFER" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" // ...probably.. vestigial..? "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_logname" "totenwerfer" "item_name" "Totenwerfer" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Medigun" "item_description" "ÜberCharge increases healing to 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects Try to kill zhim now, I dare you! Weapon by: 'Noclue'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_totenwerfer" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_totenwerfer/c_totenwerfer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/toten_backpack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "heal rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "1.5" } "ubercharge rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.1" } "overheal penalty" { "attribute_class" "custom_maximum_overheal" "value" "0.5" } "kill eater score type" { "attribute_class" "custom_medigun_type" "value" "3" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "custom_medibeamtype" "value" "0" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_charge_type" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Quick_Fix.Healing" // Neither of these sounds work. I'm not sure why. "sound_special2" "TFPlayer.QuickFixInvulnerableOn" // On closer inspection, even live TF2 doesn't use any sounds down here in this section. How they get their sounds working is a complete mystery... } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--SUCC THROWER - 9082-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9082" { } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--FUNNI FAN - 9083-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "9083" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--UNIQUE GHOSTS - 19880 - 19888--- // Had to use odd ids to avoid clashes... //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- // V5.6 Replaced with Flashy Fox, might come back to make this do something else "19880" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Scout)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "move speed bonus" // Has a bit of back-end to make the text appear right! This lowers movement speed while cloaked - opposite of the Tactical Retreat. { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19881" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Soldier)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "rocket jump damage reduction" { "attribute_class" "rocket_jump_dmg_reduction" "value" "0.8" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19882" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Pyro)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "0.8" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19883" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Demoman)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "Demoman" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "+25" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.25" } "rocket jump damage reduction" { "attribute_class" "rocket_jump_dmg_reduction" "value" "0.4" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19884" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Heavy)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "Heavy" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "3" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19885" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Engineer)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Adds 50 metal to your metal reserve Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "Engineer" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.5" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "50" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19886" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Medic)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "Medic" "primary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "heal rate bonus" // This works. { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "1.3" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19887" { "name" "Geared Up Ghost (Sniper)" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Robot" "item_name" "Geared Up Ghost" "item_description" " Eyes up, mercenary. Wearable from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "ghost_wtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/pet_robro" "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/pet_robro.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "Sniper" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "3" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.25" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/sentry_finish.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/sentry_upgrading7.wav" } "19888" { } //------------------ //------------------ //--CSGO AWP- 19889-- //--V5.4 No longer fucks over Heavies, they don't need any more help on that front lmao //------------------ //------------------ "19889" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--SCOUT STEN GUN - 19890-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "19890" { } //------------------- //------------------- //--PATRIOT - 19891-- //------------------- //------------------- "19891" // This one's for you, EmiRebellion { "name" "Patriot" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "item_logname" "patriot" "item_iconname" "patriot" "item_type_name" "Carbine" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Patriot" "item_description" " Defective: Jams after every sixth shot What a thrill... Weapon from: Tangerine Paint and Grunt's Weapon Addons" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "item2" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_patriot" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_patriot.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_patriot.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "3.75" "damage bonus hidden" "0.25" "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.04" "class select override vcd" "class_select_nailgun" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.5" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.05" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // Scout can't aim dipshit lol "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_M4.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_M4.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Patriot.WorldReload" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "sound_empty" "Null" "animation_replacement" { //Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY" // Standing Deployed "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_SECONDARY" // Moving Deployed "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_SECONDARY" // Crouched Deployed "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_SECONDARY" // DOESNT FUCKING WORK AAA "ACT_MP_SWIM_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_SWIM_SECONDARY" // Swimming Deployed } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/draw_patriot2.wav" // Hehe "drop_sound" "#weapons/draw_patriot1.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--SCOPED AR SNIPER - 19892-- - REMOVED //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "19892" { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Knockout Custom Weapons V5.3.8 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--BRRRRT LAUNCHER - 9084-- //--V5.4 Deals more damage in a larger radius, has better reload speed too // V5.6r1 Increased reload speed bonus to 30%, reduced explosion radius penalty to 50%, damage penalty reduced to 50% //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9084" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BARRAGEPOD" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Maniac's Burster" "item_type_name" "Portable Rocket Pod" "item_description" "Alt-fire (Mouse2): Toggle user control of rockets! I bought this with no safety warranty! that means bad things for all of you! Model by: 'spike nitros' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "barrage_pod" "item_iconname" "barrage_pod" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_hornetsnest" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_hornetsnest.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_hornetsnest.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.05" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.33" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.75" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.4" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.7" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_rocket_hornetsnest.mdl" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.12" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "7" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.4" } // Attribute for homing "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_rocket_homing" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_rocket_homing_rate" "value" "0.6" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Burster.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Burster.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Burster.Explode" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Burster.Explode" } } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--HUNTING SHOTGUN PRIMARY - 9085-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9085" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HUNTING_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Ten-Gauge Terror" "item_type_name" "Hunting Shotgun" "item_description" " Try kicking my ass now, when I have a ten gauge up yours! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "hunting_shotgun" "item_iconname" "hunting_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_huntingshotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_huntingshotgun/c_huntingshotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_huntingshotgun/c_huntingshotgun.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_generalformals.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" } "attributes" { "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.2" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.33" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.85" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.9" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HuntingShotgun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HuntingShotgun.FireCrit" } } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--F-BOMB MORTAR - 9086-- -- Remove old model assets! c_bigmorar //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9086" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MORTAR_LAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_class" "tf_weapon_compound_bow" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "anim_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Marshall's Mortar" "item_type_name" "Mortar" "item_description" " Aim and Fire: Holding the fire button will increase your rocket's damage. Do not use in indoor spaces to avoid self-destruction. Model by: 'nano393' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "mortar_soldier" "item_iconname" "mortar_soldier" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_mortar_launcher/c_mortar_launcher" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_mortar_launcher/c_mortar_launcher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_mortar_launcher/c_mortar_launcher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.67" } "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_reload_display_only" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.25" } "Blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.20" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.06" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "3" } "no primary ammo from dispensers while active" { "attribute_class" "no_primary_ammo_from_dispensers" "value" "1" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_mortar_launcher/w_mortar_rocket.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FBomb.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FBomb.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FBomb.Explode" "sound_special2" "Weapon_FBomb.Explode" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY" } } } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--MEGA AK HEAVY - 9087-- //--V5.3.9 Removed the intrinsic aiming speed bonus //------------------------- //------------------------- "9087" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AKCANNON" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Soviet Strength" "item_type_name" "Automatic Cannon" "item_description" "This weapon fires massive bullets with extreme accuracy Sometimes, big bullet is better than many small bullets. Model by: 'PieSavvy' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "ak_cannon" "item_iconname" "ak_cannon" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_akcannon/c_akcannon" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_akcannon/c_akcannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_akcannon/c_akcannon.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.025" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "2.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_AKCannon.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AKCannon.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Tomislav.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Null" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--Pyro Secondary Sawed-Off - 9088 -- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9088" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SAWEDOFF_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Executor" "item_type_name" "Sawed-Off Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon fires both barrels at once May God forgive you, for Pyro will not. Model by: 'Spike Nitros' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "sawedoff_pyro" "item_iconname" "sawedoff_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_doubleshot_pyro" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_doubleshot_pyro/c_doubleshot_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_doubleshot_pyro/c_doubleshot_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Quick fix for the min. viewmodels bugging out! "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--FUCKING GOLF LAUNCHER- 9089-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "9089" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--JUGGERNAUT MINIGUN - 9090-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9090" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JUGGERNAUT_MINIGUN" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Tank Duty" "item_type_name" "Special Equipment" "item_description" " Unstoppable Force: This item grants a special minigun primary weapon. You have 30% passive damage resistance with this item equipped. No capture rate. You must not know who I am, I will tell you who I am. Model by: 'uncle grumpskin' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "juggernaut_minigun" "item_iconname" "juggernaut_minigun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_tankduty/c_tankduty" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tankduty/c_tankduty_minigun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tankduty/c_tankduty_minigun.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/heavy/bullet_resistant_vest.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "100" } "dmg taken from crit reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "0.5" } "energy weapon no ammo" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "-1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "0.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "5.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.8" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6666666666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.3" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.25" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "armor footsteps" { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.5" } "cannot pick up intelligence" { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_capture_rate" "value" "-1" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_MachineGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_TankMini.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TankMini.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Tomislav.WindUp" "sound_special2" "null" "sound_special3" "null" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--Cursed HALO MAGNUM- 9091-- // V5.3.6 Fuck this, we cursed now. Changed from a pistol to a throwable. // V5.3.7 Sneaky damage buff :D // V5.3.8 Fuck go back! Brought back original and split off the throwable // V5.4.1 Removed, stats left as will be reused later //--------------------- //--------------------- "9091" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SCOUT_THROWABLE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_logname" "throwing_knives" "item_iconname" "throwing_knives" "item_type_name" "Throwable" "item_name" "Throwing Knives" "item_description" "Set of 3 throwing knives Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time iS ThAt A 「J0J0」 ReEeReNcE Model by: 'Harry.tf' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_throwingknife" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_throwingknife/c_throwingknife.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_throwingknife/v_throwingknife.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" "damage bonus hidden" "0.334" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "UNIQUE maxammo grenades1 HIDDEN" "3" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "no damage falloff over distance" "1" } "attributes" { "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/custom/c_models/c_throwingknife/c_throwingknife_pro.mdl" } "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.5" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Cleaver.Single" "sound_burst" "Cleaver.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Crowbar_HL1.HitWorld" "sound_special3" "Cleaver.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--MOYAI - 9092-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9092" { "name" "MIRV" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Moyai" "item_type_name" "Rock" "item_description" "Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time Sacred Spirit: This item can 'blast jump', no damage is taken Throwing rocks at people, its not a stone! Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "moyai" "item_iconname" "moyai" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_moyai_mirv_demo" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_moyai_mirv_demo.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_moyai_mirv_demo.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "damage bonus hidden" "0.5" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "2" "fire rate penalty" "1.75" "crit mod disabled" "0" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_moyai_mirv_demo_projectile.mdl" "centerfire projectile" "1" } "attributes" { "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.7" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.35" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Moyai.Hit" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Moyai.Hit" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_default_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_default_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--Frag Grenade - 9093-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9093" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FRAG" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "prefab" "medieval_base use_soldier" "show_in_armory" "1" "tags" { "can_deal_gib_damage" "1" "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Grenade" "propername" "0" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Frag Grenade" "item_description" "Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time Animations and viewmodel from: Pre-Fortress 2 - prefortress.com Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "melee" "item_logname" "fraggrenade" "item_iconname" "fraggrenade" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_frag" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_frag.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_grenade_frag_new.mdl" "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_frag.mdl" "fire rate bonus hidden" "1.33" "override projectile type" "3" // "maxammo grenades1 increased" "3" "effect bar recharge rate increased" "0.5" "no damage falloff over distance" "1" "maxammo grenades1 increased" "2" "centerfire projectile" "1" } "attributes" { "Blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.15" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Throw" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ChargeUp" "sound_reload" "Weapon_StickyBombLauncher.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Explode" "sound_special2" "Player.UseDeny" "sound_special3" "Weapon_StickyBombLauncher.ModeSwitch" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ThrowCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SEWING MACHINE - 9094-- //--V5.3.9 Removed the intrinsic aiming speed bonus //------------------------- //------------------------- "9094" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FLAKCANNON" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Flight-breaker Flakker" "item_type_name" "Automatic Cannon" "item_description" "This weapon fires massive shells with large spread Heavy has now learned how to make giant shotgun shells! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "flak_cannon" "item_iconname" "flak_cannon" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_sewingmachine/c_sewingmachine" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_sewingmachine/c_sewingmachine.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_sewingmachine/c_sewingmachine.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { // These are mostly display only. "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_falloff" "value" "1.5" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_falloff" "value" "1.55" } //Backend stuff aka stuff that actually does things. "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "3.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.48" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "2.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.85" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_FlakGun.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FlakGun.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FlakGun.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_FlakGun.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_FlakGun.Spin" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--HEAVY RIFLE PRIMARY - 9095-- //--V.5.3.9 Removed the explosive property outright and granted a tiny accuracy bonus //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9095" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_RIFLE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Chain of Command" "item_type_name" "Heavy Pump-Action Rifle" "item_description" "This weapon fires large explosive bullets with no damage falloff Chain of pain: On hit, gain mini-crits for a second Now this is a real gun! Come get some, maggots! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heavy_rifle" "item_iconname" "heavy_rifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_heavyrifle/c_heavyrifle" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_heavyrifle/c_heavyrifle.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_heavyrifle/c_heavyrifle.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_generalformals.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.66666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.0001" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.1" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ChainCommand.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ChainCommand.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" } } //---------------------------------------------------// // Renaissance Revival, a Medieval-Mode Weapons Pack // // Version 1.0 // // Made by Yakibomb // //--------------------------------------------------// "9898" //Big Bomb; Big Betty { "name" "MIRV" //keep name for kill taunt "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "prefab" "medieval_base use_demoman" "show_in_armory" "1" "tags" { "can_deal_gib_damage" "1" "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_be_equipped_by_soldier_or_demo" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Grenade" // "propername" "1" "item_name" "Big Ol' Bouncin' Betty" "item_description" "Bombs are very bouncy Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time Ohh she's a beaut' Weapon from: Renaissance Revival" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "ITEM2" "item_logname" "bouncing_betty" "item_iconname" "pumpkindeath" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_grenade_olde_demoman/w_grenade_olde_demoman" "image_inventory_size_h" "114" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_olde_demoman/w_grenade_olde_demoman.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_grenade_olde_demoman/v_grenade_olde_demoman.mdl" "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "override projectile type" "3" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_olde_demoman/w_grenade_olde_demoman_thrown.mdl" "fire rate bonus hidden" "2" "no damage falloff over distance" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.25" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.1" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.75" } "crit mod disabled hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "UNIQUE effect bar recharge rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "obsolete" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Throw" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ChargeUp" "sound_reload" "Weapon_StickyBombLauncher.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Explode" "sound_special2" "Player.UseDeny" "sound_special3" "Weapon_StickyBombLauncher.ModeSwitch" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ThrowCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } "9899" //Big Bomb; Whiff of Brimstone { "name" "MIRV" //keep name for unique kill taunt "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "prefab" "medieval_base use_demoman" "show_in_armory" "1" "tags" { "can_deal_gib_damage" "1" "can_deal_damage" "1" "can_be_equipped_by_soldier_or_demo" "1" "can_deal_critical_damage" "1" "can_deal_long_distance_damage" "1" } "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Grenade" "propername" "0" "item_name" "Whiff of Olde Brimstone" "item_description" "Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time Weapon from: Renaissance Revival" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "ITEM2" "item_logname" "whiff_of_brimstone" "item_iconname" "pumpkindeath" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_grenade_bombs_demoman/bombs" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_cannonball_demoman/w_grenade_cannonball.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_grenade_cannonball_demoman/v_grenade_cannonball.mdl" "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_cannonball_demoman/w_grenade_cannonball_thrown.mdl" "fire rate bonus hidden" "1.33" "override projectile type" "3" //pipe bomb "maxammo grenades1 increased" "2" "effect bar recharge rate increased" "0.5" } "attributes" { "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.7" } "damage bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Throw" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ChargeUp" "sound_reload" "Weapon_StickyBombLauncher.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.Explode" "sound_special2" "Player.UseDeny" "sound_special3" "Weapon_StickyBombLauncher.ModeSwitch" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Mirv.ThrowCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------------------// // V5.3.9 // //-------------------------------------------// //-------------------- //-------------------- //--SOLAR BURN - 9096-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "9096" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SOLAR_FLAMER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Solar Flare" "item_type_name" "Energy Fireball Launcher" "item_description" " Reach for the Stars: this weapon can be used to blast jump This weapon deals critical damage to blast-jumping enemies Pyro reassures you that it's just a bad sunburn. Model by: 'Corvalho' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "solar_flamer" "item_iconname" "solar_flamer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_solar_carbonizer/c_solar_carbonizer" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_solar_carbonizer/c_solar_carbonizer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_solar_carbonizer/c_solar_carbonizer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.1" } "custom projectile model" // Fireball projectiles { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "Set DamageType Ignite" // Pyro weapon... go figure. { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "heal on hit vs burning" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth_vs_burning" "value" "25" } "airblast disabled" // Rocket Launcher so.. yea, figures. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" // This weapon can be used to.. pyro jump? { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.5" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.5" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SFlare.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SFlare.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" // More impactful fire animation "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" // Third Person "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--BUZZSAW - 9097-- //--V5.4 No longer forces enemies to melee on hit //---------------------- //---------------------- "9097" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUZZSAW" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Buzz-killing Machine" "item_type_name" "Circular Buzzsaw" "item_description" " Cut down to size: Deals mini-crit damage against overhealed players Sometimes the best way to do hard work is to just kill. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "buzzsaw_pyro" "item_iconname" "buzzsaw_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_circlesaw/c_circlesaw" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_circlesaw/c_circlesaw.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_circlesaw/c_circlesaw.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.80" } "dmg taken from crit increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "2" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BuzzSaw.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_BuzzSaw.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_BuzzSaw.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BuzzSaw.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_BuzzSaw.HitWorld" // This would be the Building clinking noise when you hit it with a melee. Changes it to be the same as hitting any other object. "sound_special2" "Weapon_BuzzSaw.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--DRAGON FLAMER - 9098-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9098" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER_DRAGON_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "0" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Shaolin Sprayer" "item_type_name" "Improvised Flamethrower" "item_description" " Volatile Fire: This weapon has a strong burst of initial damage Flames can set other pyros on fire. It's surprisingly deadlier than it looks. Model by: 'Jormungandrson' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "dragonflamer_pyro" "item_iconname" "dragonflamer_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_sparkshotgun/c_sparkshotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_sparkshotgun/c_sparkshotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_sparkshotgun/c_sparkshotgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "primary" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "9" } "SET BONUS: dmg from sentry reduced" { "attribute_class" "dmg_from_sentry_reduced" "value" "0.3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.1" } "airblast cost increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_airblast_cost" "value" "2.5" } "flame ammopersec increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_ammopersec" "value" "2.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Backend stuff for the initial damage gimmick "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_burn_pyro" // yes, this sets other pyros on fire god save us all. "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoop" "sound_special3" "Weapon_ChemThrower.WindDown" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ChemThrower.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--THE BIG TOOB - 9099-- //--V5.4 +4 rockets, simple. //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9099" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REPURPOSEDRIFLE_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "item1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Ignition Charge" "item_type_name" "Recoilless Rifle" "item_description" " Don't ask where Pyro found it, be more concerned about it being pointed at you. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "incrifle_pyro" "item_iconname" "incrifle_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_recoilless/c_recoilless" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_tb/c_tb.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_tb/c_tb.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "0.75" } "weapon burn dmg increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "1.5" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "3.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.5" } "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_tb/c_tb_rocket.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Recoilless.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Recoilless.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Recoilless.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--AFTERBURNER -- 9100-- //--V5.4 Re-enabled Airblast but it doesn't reflect projectiles //-------------------- //-------------------- "9100" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AFTERBURNER" // Back from the dead! This was scrapped for Jungle Inferno. "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Afterburner" "item_type_name" "Flamethrower" "item_description" "Compression blast cannot deflect projectiles There was this thing about jet fuel melting steel beams Model by: 'NeoDement' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "afterburner" "item_iconname" "afterburner" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_afterburner/c_afterburner" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_afterburner/c_afterburner.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_afterburner/c_afterburner.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "weapon burn dmg increased" // 180 damage total, 16 DPS over 11.5 seconds { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "1.5" } "weapon burn time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "1.15" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.1" } "airblast cannot push players" { "attribute_class" "airblast_functionality_flags" "value" "3" } "flame ammopersec increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_ammopersec" "value" "5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Afterburner.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Afterburner.FireLoop" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Afterburner.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------- //-------------------- //--TEAR GAS LAUNCHER -- 9101-- //-------------------- //-------------------- "9101" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TEARGASSER" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Chemical Catastrophe" "item_type_name" "Tear gas flamethrower hybrid..?" "item_description" " Deadly Mixture: This weapon applies 2 seconds of Toxin to target (stacks up to 10 seconds) Medics affected by Toxin have reduced healing from their medi-guns. This weapon has improved compression blast properties Great, as if this doesn't sting enough it also singes your already sore skin. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "teargasser" "item_iconname" "teargasser" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_teargassprayer/c_teargassprayer" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_teargassprayer/c_teargassprayer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_teargassprayer/c_teargassprayer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.1" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.33" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "deflection_size_multiplier" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "min_viewmodel_offset" { "attribute_class" "custom_inflictcustom_onhit" "value" "0 2.0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TearGasSpray.FireStart" "sound_special1" "Weapon_TearGasSpray.FireLoop" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TearGasSpray.FireLoopCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--STICKY FLARE GUN - 9102-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9102" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_STICKY_FLARE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Arsonist's highlighter" "item_type_name" "Grenade Launcher" "item_description" "This weapon fires sticky grenades that detonate shortly after impact Direct hits on players do not cause an explosion Keep your feet off the floor. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "toebreaker_nadegun" "item_iconname" "toebreaker_nadegun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_chem_flarelauncher/c_chem_flarelauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_chem_flarelauncher/c_chem_flarelauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_chem_flarelauncher/c_chem_flarelauncher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" // Tranq Darts are needed for the "sticky" grenade effect. } "attributes" { "provide on active" // For whatever reason, this weapon breaks the Solar Flare if it's equipped. { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.5" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "1" } "blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.5" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.33" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_grenade_cyclops_bouncer.mdl" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ChemFlare.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ChemFlare.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_ChemFlare.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--GLASS FLARE GUN - 9103-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9103" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HOMEBREW_PYRO" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Homebrew Shot-Glasser" "item_type_name" "Improvised Flare Gun" "item_description" " Explosives and glass are a surprisingly good mix. Model by: 'heinousbanana' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "glasser_pyro" "item_iconname" "glasser_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_glasser_flare/c_glasser_flare" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_improvisedsnaplock/c_improvisedsnaplock.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_improvisedsnaplock/c_improvisedsnaplock.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" // Rockets, grenades somehow have 20+ meter blast radiuses with this. } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.675" } "damage bonus" // Display Only, rocket projectile for some reason gives you 35% bonus damage anyway. { "attribute_class" "mult_sniper_charge_per_sec" "value" "1.35" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "3" } "Projectile speed decreased" // Display only again { "attribute_class" "building_cost_reduction" "value" "0.6" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.67" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_shotglass.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HomebrewFlare.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HomebrewFlare.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_HomebrewFlare.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // SLAM SHOTGUN -- 9104 //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9104" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_SLAMFIRE" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Slam-Fire" "item_type_name" "Shotgun" "item_description" " Puff and Slam: 33% damage bonus vs burning players You just gotta hold the trigger and let it go, you know? Model by: 'g o a t k i n g' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "slam_shotgun" "item_iconname" "slam_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_slamfire/c_slamfire" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_slamfire/c_slamfire.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_slamfire/c_slamfire.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit vs burning" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth_vs_burning" "value" "10" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.3" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "1.33" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SlamFire.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SlamFire.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--REAPER'S BLADE - 9105-- //--V5.4 Now eats away at your health while active //---------------------- //---------------------- "9105" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REAPER_SCYTHE" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Grimm Omen" "item_type_name" "Scythe" "item_description" " Crits against aiming players Reap what you sow. Model by: 'SexyRobot' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "scythe_pyro" "item_iconname" "scythe_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_scythe/c_scythe" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_scythe/c_scythe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_scythe/c_scythe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "5" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.33" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "6" // Bitflags! These add up to... crits vs. Aiming(2) and Zoomed(4) players. It might also affect Heavies but I dont know. } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_FireAxe.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Machete.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FireAxe.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" // This would be the Building clinking noise when you hit it with a melee. Changes it to be the same as hitting any other object. "sound_special2" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // WHO NEEDS A BIGGER RIFLE -- 9106 // V5.4 Now fires projectiles, although that double damage works.. to the point of where you can one shot an overhealed heavy with it in close range. //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9106" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ANTITANK_RIFLE" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Overkiller" "item_type_name" "Anti-Tank Rifle" "item_description" "Fires fast-moving anti-tank rounds Damage dealt with this weapon ignores any active resistances Now what in bloody hell do you need one of THESE for!?! Model by: 'McRex' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "powershot" "item_iconname" "powershot" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_atgun/c_atgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_atgun/c_atgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_atgun/c_atgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.33" } "soft zoom" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2" } "dmg pierces resists absorbs" //Counters Tank Duty, WALL and Hell Barrier. { "attribute_class" "mod_pierce_resists_absorbs" "value" "1" } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.35" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.2" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" // No knockback for you! "value" "0.01" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.2" } "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "30" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/bfb.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ATRifle.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ATRifle.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--THE PAYOFF - 9107-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9107" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GAMBLER_SHOT" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Payoff" "item_type_name" "Scattergun" "item_description" " Feeling lucky, punk? Model by: 'RetroMike' Animations by: 'deskpacito' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "gamblerscatter" "item_iconname" "gamblerscatter" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_payoff/c_payoff" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_payoff/c_payoff.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_payoff.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "fire rate bonus hidden" "0.9" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.2" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.5" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.1" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Scatter_Gun_Double.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Scatter_Gun_Double.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--HHH Shotgun - 9108-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9108" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HHH_Shotgun" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity4" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Broken Mann's Legacy" "item_type_name" "Accursed Shotgun" "item_description" " Curse of the Broken Mann: This weapon has a higher random critical hit chance You deal increased close range damage but die instantly to any mini-crit or crit damage Your maximum metal count is reduced by 100. Once found in an english river, powerful feelings of atonement manifest from the weapon. Model by: 'ColonelBD' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "hhh_shotgun" "item_iconname" "hhh_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_accursedshotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_accursedshotgun/c_accursedshotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_accursedshotgun/c_accursedshotgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { //Displayed stats "turn to gold" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "66" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } //Curses "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "100" } "voice pitch scale" // Yes seriously, increased frequency for random crits. { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.66666666666" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "-100" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK_SPECIAL" } "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--DOUBLE BARREL RIFLE - 9109-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "14" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" // Thank god for Kristofer K. we can have this masterpiece of a rifle. "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "baseitem" "1" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Poacher's Pride" "item_type_name" "Double-Barrel Hunting Rifle" "item_description" "Professionals have standards." "item_logname" "doublebarrel_rifle" "item_iconname" "doublebarrel_rifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_poacherspride/w_poacherspride" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_poacherspride.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_poacherspride_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_scope" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.4" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_no_dmg_charge" "value" "1" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.33" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.777" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HuntingRifle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HuntingRifle.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_HuntingRifle.WorldReload" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_DEPLOYED_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_ALT" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_ALT" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Elites Test // V5.4 Cut down on the spread and increased reload speed to feel less shitty //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9110" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ELITES" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" // "item_class" "tf_weapon_smg" "propername" "1" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_logname" "elites" "item_iconname" "elites" "item_name" ".40 Dual Elites" "item_type_name" "Dual Pistols" "item_description" "Damage dealt with this weapon ignores any active resistances Two guns for the price of one. Model by: 'Svdl' Animations by: 'deskpacito' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_elites" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_elites.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_elites.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "secondary" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "1.33333333333" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "dmg pierces resists absorbs" { "attribute_class" "mod_pierce_resists_absorbs" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Elite.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Elite.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" } } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--WARP WATCH - 9111-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9111" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WARP_WATCH" "item_class" "tf_weapon_invis" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "pda2" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Time-warp" "item_type_name" "Special prototype time-warp device" "item_description" "Cloak instantly and move at maximum speed while cloaked for a brief moment! Catch me if you can, I'll be foreseeing your death! Model by: 'henaro' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "sandwatch" "item_iconname" "sandwatch" "image_inventory" "backpack/sandwatch/sandwatch.vtf" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_sandwatch/v_sandwatch.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "4" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" //Maximum move speed in the engine. { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" "value" "5" } "set cloak is speed" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "cloak regen rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate" "value" "2" } "cloak consume rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_consume_rate" "value" "6" } "lose cloak on damage" { "attribute_class" "lose_cloak_on_damage" "value" "50" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_rate" "value" "0.2" } "mult decloak rate" { "attribute_class" "mult_decloak_rate" "value" "0.4" } } "visuals" { } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--YOUR DARKEST NIGHTMARE - 9112 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9112" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_REVOLVER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_type_name" "Revolver" "item_name" "Your Darkest Nightmare" "item_description" " Power of Spy-Tech: On hit, deal increased damage for 1 second. Deals crits against disguised enemies. Close combat is ugly business, especially when it involves a big gun. Model by: 'donhonk' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heavymag_spy" "item_iconname" "heavymag_spy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rhinorevolver/c_rhinorevolver" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rhinorevolver/c_rhinorevolver.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rhinorevolver/c_rhinorevolver.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.4" } "single wep deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.2" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.15" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Condition stuff, one is a self-buff and the other is a crit vs condition. "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "crit vs wet players hidden" // Lmao crits disguised players, anti-spy spy gun. { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "16" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NightRevolver.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NightRevolver.SingleCrit" } } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--COLT FAN HAMMER SPAMMER - 9113 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9113" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_COLT_REVOLVER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_type_name" "Revolver" "item_name" "High Noon" "item_description" " Desperado: This weapon mini-crits Texas Star and other High Noon users. Any coward who goes invisible to escape will receive critical damage from this weapon. Speed is key. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "colt_spy" "item_iconname" "colt_spy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_goldcolt/c_goldcolt" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_goldcolt/c_goldcolt_spy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_goldcolt/c_goldcolt_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.85" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "crit vs wet players hidden" // Lmao crits invis players, anti-spy spy gun. { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "32" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GoldColt.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_GoldColt.SingleCrit" } } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--STAMP KNIFE - 9114-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9114" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_STAMP_KNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Soul Stamper" "item_type_name" "Modified stamp seal" "item_description" " Seal the deal. Model by: 'bulka96' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "stamp_blade" "item_iconname" "stamp_blade" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_stampknife/c_stampknife" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_stampknife/c_stampknife.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_stampknife/c_stampknife.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "20" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.25" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRAW" "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_ITEM2_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_END" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_END" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--HEAVY AUTO RIFLE - 9115-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9115" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LMG_HEAVY" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Arisaka Assault" "item_type_name" "General-Purpose Machine Gun" "item_description" " Giant guns make Heavy slow, big gun makes Heavy faster and better killer of baby teams! Model by: 'Hau' Animations by: 'Raptor Dan' Cosmetics by: 'Sky' 'Pie_Tony' 'Strno8' 'DJB2401' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heavy_lmg" "item_iconname" "heavy_lmg" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_lmg_heavy/c_lmg_heavy" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_lmg_heavy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_lmg_heavy_raptor.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/heavy/ammo_up.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.338" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "18.3333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.075" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "18.3333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "3" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.05" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with a machine gun, maggot! "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LMG_Heavy.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LMG_Heavy.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_LMG_Heavy.Overheat" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--SPY EXPLOSIVE PDA - 9116-- This is a mistake //----------------------- //----------------------- "9116" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRAP_EXPLOSIVE" // "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" // "item_slot" "building" "anim_slot" "building" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" // "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Trap: Demolition Charge" "item_type_name" "Proximity Explosive Charge" "item_description" "Placing the charge removes your disguise 8 second cooldown between throws Cannot use sapper until thrown A new way of dealing with strong defenses, or someone in particular. Model by: 'haau' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "c4charge_spy" "item_iconname" "c4charge_spy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_explosivecharge/c_explosivecharge" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_explosivecharge/c_explosivecharge.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_explosivecharge/v_explosivecharge.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { // "override projectile type" "14" "mod max primary clip override" "-1" "damage bonus hidden" "1.5" "fire rate penalty hidden" "10" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.05" "min_viewmodel_offset" "5 -2 -4" } "attributes" { "proximity mines" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_is_proxy" "value" "1" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "2.5" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_explosivecharge/c_explosivecharge_projectile.mdl" } // Backend stuff. This needs a lot more hiding than usual... "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_fizzles" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "add_max_pipebombs" "value" "-7" } "halloween reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Grenade_Normal.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_SpyC4.Explode" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING" // Sapper Placement anim "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_BUILDING" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_GRENADE_BUILDING" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_nvg_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--GIANT SPIKER - 9117-- // Jesus this is a HUGE NEEDLE //----------------------- //----------------------- "9117" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GIANTSPIKER" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Blood Donor" "item_type_name" "Giant bio-mechanical augmentation" "item_description" " Life Steal: On hit, gain damage resistance for a second They told me not to dabble into such mad science, but where's the fun in that! Model by 'boomsta' Weapon by 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "giantspiker_medic" "item_iconname" "giantspiker_medic" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_giantspiker/c_giantspiker" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_giantspiker/c_giantspiker.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_giantspiker/v_giantspiker.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_doctor.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "50" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.76923076923" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "111 1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_UberSaw.HitFlesh" "sound_taunt" "Taunt.MedicViolinUber" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--AMERICA MUSKET GUN- 9118-- // V5.4 This was the Waste Disposal, God Speed you magnificent bastard. //------------------- //------------------- "9118" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MUSKET_SOLDIER" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "vintage" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Second Amendment" "item_type_name" "Flintlock Musket" "item_description" " Air Superiority: Weapon deploys much faster while rocket jumping This weapon has one shot at any given time, ammo regenerates after 3 seconds. The key to our constitution, gentlemen! treat her like she's your wife! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "musket_shotgun" "item_iconname" "musket_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_muricamusket/c_muricamusket" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_murica_musket/c_murica_musket.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_murica_musket/c_murica_musket.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "1" } "attributes" { "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_reload_display_only" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.015" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "40" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.075" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_switch_from_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_rocketjump_deploy_time" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.3" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_grenadelauncher" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/musket_horn1.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--FUNNY VTUBER KNIFE - 9119-- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9119" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DESPAIR_KNIFE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity4" "item_name" "Unholy Reckoning" "item_type_name" "Accursed throwing knife" "item_description" "Ammo pickups do not give ammo Recharges over time Cursed of the Shattered Empress: You die instantly to any damage taken while this weapon is active Cannot use sapper until thrown The empress of despair had one of these, before she was brought to ruin. Model by: 'Statyk' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "shattered_knife" "item_iconname" "shattered_knife" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_accursedknife/c_accursedknife" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_knife_affair/knife_affair.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_knife_affair/knife_affair.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" "override projectile type" "30" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_knife_affair/knife_affair_projectile.mdl" } "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" { "attribute_class" "effectbar_recharge_rate" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1000" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "5" } "tranq on hit" { "attribute_class" "mod_tranq_onhit" "value" "5.0" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_small_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--NEW BOW - 9120-- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9120" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MODERN_COMPOUND_BOW" "prefab" "weapon_huntsman" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Modern Compound" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "item_description" " The latest in bow technology, this beaut packs a punch! Model by: 'RubbishBinMan' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders' Modified by: 'Reagy'" "flip_viewmodel" "0" "item_logname" "bow_compound" "item_iconname" "bow_compound" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_classic_bow" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_classic_bow.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_classic_bow.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.75" } "heal on hit for slowfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "20" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" // Funnily enough, this weapon's damage shit is fucking messy at least when going up { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //--NEW BOW 2 - 9121-- //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9121" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DAMAGE_BOW" "prefab" "weapon_huntsman" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Alternative Big Game Hunter" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_CompoundBow" "item_description" " For when you need the extra fat men to drop dead. Model by: 'Sparkwire' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "bow_damage" "item_iconname" "bow_damage" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_dmg_bow/c_dmg_bow" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_dmg_bow/c_dmg_bow.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_dmg_bow/c_dmg_bow.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" // Funnily enough, this weapon's damage shit is fucking messy at least when going up { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.3" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.25" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.66" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.33" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.7" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.5" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // ELECTRIC WEAPONS - MAGNET GUN - 9122 // V5.6r1 Removed //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9122" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // ELECTRIC WEAPONS - UNUSUAL GRAMOPHONE - 9123 - //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9123" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ACCURSED_GRAMOPHONE" "item_class" "tf_weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity4" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Beatophone" "item_type_name" "Gramophone...?" "item_description" " Curse of the Noise-maker: This item plays music while holding the secondary fire button! Firing this weapon produces a stream of electricity. Any electric shocks you deliver will mark you for death. Embrace the ultimate power that is electrically-charged music. Model by: 'Segab, tree' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "accursed_gramophone" "item_iconname" "accursed_gramophone" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_beatophone/c_beatophone" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_beatophone/c_beatophone.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_beatophone/c_beatophone.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "5" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.04" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "2.5" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "48 1" } } "visuals" { "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Beatophone.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Beatophone.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Beatophone.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Beatophone.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Beatophone.Spin" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattershock_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // HEAVY SENTRY - 9124 - - REMOVED //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9124" { // Removed V5.5.7 // DELETE ASSETS LATER } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--SHOCK CANNON- 9125-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9125" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_SHOCKCANNON" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Van De Graaf Wraff" "item_type_name" "Tesla-Energy Device" "item_description" " Lethal Discharge: This weapon fires an extremely powerful short-range spread of electricity. Heavy will now show you the power of electric shocks! Model by: 'boomsta' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "lightning_minigun" "item_iconname" "lightning_minigun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_lightning_minigun/c_lightning_minigun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_miniraygun/c_miniraygun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_miniraygun/c_miniraygun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.11111111111" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "6.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.8" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.05" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "1.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1.5" } } "visuals" { "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Laika.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Laika.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Laika.SpinUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Laika.StopSpin" "sound_special3" "Weapon_Laika.Spin" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattershock_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--PROTOTYPE BURSTER - 9126-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9126" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BURSTER_RIFLE" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Tinkerer's Tetra-Shot" "item_type_name" "Prototype Burst Rifle" "item_description" " This is a bit out of my field but there's nothing wrong with a little precision. Model by: 'boomsta' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "burstrifle_engi" "item_iconname" "burstrifle_engi" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_burstgun_engi/c_burstgun_engi" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_burstgun/c_burstgun_engi.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_burstgun/c_burstgun_engi.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "1" } "attributes" { "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "mod use metal ammo type" { "attribute_class" "mod_use_metal_ammo_type" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_metal" "value" "75" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_EngiBurstRifle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_EngiBurstRifle.SingleCrit" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Null" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_grenadelauncher" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK_SPECIAL" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // Foxhounds - 9127 -- // V5.4r1 Increased damage and rof slightly //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9127" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FOXHOUNDS" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "propername" "1" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_logname" "foxhounds" "item_iconname" "foxhounds" "item_name" "Operational Foxhounds" "item_type_name" "Dual Revolvers" "item_description" "Damage dealt with this weapon ignores any active resistances I love to reload during a battle! Model by: 'catmilk_' Animations by: 'deskpacito' Cosmetics by: 'Big Bob' 'SediSocks' Sounds from: Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_foxhounds" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_foxhounds.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_foxhounds.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/spy/foxhounds_misc.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -6" "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "1.33333333333" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "dmg pierces resists absorbs" { "attribute_class" "mod_pierce_resists_absorbs" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.20" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Foxhounds.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Foxhounds.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Foxhounds.ReloadSpeech" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/draw_patriot3.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/draw_patriot2.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // Majors Mark - 9127 -- // Basically a clone of the security measure // V5.6r1 Security Measure merged into Major's Mark, Sapper health doubled //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9128" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BVEST2_SPY" "item_class" "tf_weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "equip_region" "shirt" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_logname" "majors_mark" "item_iconname" "majors_mark" "item_name" "Major's Mark" "item_type_name" "Ballistic Vest" "item_description" " Replaces your Knife with a Combat Knife You are unable to backstab while this item is equipped Model by: 'Big Bob' 'SediSocks' Wearable by: 'Reagy'" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/spy/majors_mark/majors_mark" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_combatknife_gunspy/c_combatknife_gunspy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_combatknife_gunspy/c_combatknife_gunspy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/spy/the_major.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt05" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "50" } "dmg taken from crit reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "0.65" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "2.5" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2.5" } "sapper health bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_sapper_health" "value" "2.0" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.76923076923" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Knife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Knife.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Knife.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Knife.MissCrit" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRAW" "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_ITEM2_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_END" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_END" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/draw_patriot2.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/draw_patriot1.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // ASSAULT DOCTRINE - 9129 //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9129" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_ASSAULTCANNON" "prefab" "weapon_minigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Assault Doctrine" "item_type_name" "Minigun" "item_description" " Gun feels familiar, Heavy can't put finger on it.. Model by: 'Sparkwire' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "gunnercannon_heavy" "item_iconname" "gunnercannon_heavy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_gunnercannon/c_gunnercannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_gunnercannon/c_gunnercannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_gunnercannon/c_gunnercannon.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "3" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "minigun spinup time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spinup_time" "value" "0.8" } "minigun spindown time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_minigun_spindown_time" "value" "1.33" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_MachineGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_AssaultDoctrine.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_AssaultDoctrine.FireCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_TankMini.WindUp" "sound_special2" "Weapon_TankMini.WindDown" "sound_special3" "Weapon_TankMini.Spin" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--HEAVY SHOTGUN PRIMARY - 9130-- -- MERGED WITH ARMS-DEAL ARMAMENT DO NOT REMOVE ASSETS! //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9130" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--EVEN HEAVIER SHOTGUN PRIMARY - 9131-- -- REMOVED //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9131" { } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--BETA HUO HEATER - 9132-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "9132" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HUO_HEATER_BETA" "prefab" "weapon_aagun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Heater's Spark Eater" "item_type_name" "Firework Gun" "item_description" "This weapon fires Fireworks with short fuses Deals 25% more damage to burning targets Killing never has looked any more fantastic. Model by: 'KaydemonLP' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heater_heavy" "item_iconname" "heater_heavy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_betaheater/c_betaheater" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_betaheater/c_betaheater.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_betaheater/c_betaheater.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_firework/c_firework_projectile.mdl" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.4" // 4 seconds, around same as DF } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate bonus hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.025" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" // No knockback for you! "value" "0.01" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "1.25" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_AAGun.ClipEmpty" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Heater.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Heater.SingleCrit" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Heater.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explode" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--SCOUT REVOLVER PRIMARY - 9133 -- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9133" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_REVOVER_SCOUT" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_name" "Speedster's Six-Shooter" "item_type_name" "#TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" "item_description" "This weapon fires a tight spread of buckshot. You ain't looking so pretty now, are ya! Model by: 'boomsta' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "propername" "1" "item_logname" "scattershot_revolver" "item_iconname" "scattershot_revolver" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_bigiron/c_bigiron" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bigiron/c_bigiron.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_big_iron.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_nailgun" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.0333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "5.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.4" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // Hell no "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ScoutRevolver.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ScoutRevolver.FireCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_R870.Reload" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--CUT ABOVE - 9134-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9134" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUSTERSAW" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Cut Above" "item_type_name" "Short Sword" "item_description" " Cut them up and chop them down: On hit, gain mini-crits for a second It may not be useful as a saw.. but oh boy does it kill wonderfully! Model by: 'Con, Rev, FanCyy' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "buster_saw" "item_iconname" "buster_saw" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_bustersaw/c_bustersaw" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bustersaw/c_bustersaw.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bustersaw/c_bustersaw.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "3" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.20" } "single wep deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.5" } "self mark for death" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--DEFENSE MEDIGUN- 9135-- //------------------- //------------------- "9135" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEFENSE_ANGEL" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Guardian Angel" "item_type_name" "Medi Gun" "item_description" "Übercharge provides a resistance bubble that blocks up to 100 damage We shall fight until the very end! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'Noclue'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_defense_medigun/c_defense_medigun" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_defense_medigun/c_defense_medigun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/c_models/c_defense_backpack/c_defense_backpack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "ubercharge rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.66" } "powerup max charges" { "attribute_class" "dummy" "value" "4" } "powerup duration" { "attribute_class" "dummy" "value" "2" } "kill eater score type" { "attribute_class" "custom_medigun_type" "value" "1" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "custom_medibeamtype" "value" "2" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" //disables vanilla uber behavior { "attribute_class" "set_charge_type" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--DEFENSE SYRINGEGUN - 9136-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9136" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_DEFENDER" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Self-Preservation" "item_type_name" "Personal Defense Weapon" "item_description" "Fires bullets instead of syringes Doctor's endless Duty: on hit, gain damage resistance for 3 seconds I will continue to thrive even in war, my oath is not over! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon from: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "syringegun_defense" "item_iconname" "syringegun_defense" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_defensesyringe/c_defensesyringe" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_defendersyringe/c_defendersyringe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_defendersyringe/c_defendersyringe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add uber charge on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "0.03" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.25" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.3" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.33" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.67" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "111 3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SelfPreserve.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SelfPreserve.SingleCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- //--SLAM BLASTER - 9137-- //--------------------------------- //--------------------------------- "9137" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SLAM_BLASTER_GL" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "anim_slot" "primary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "SLAM Blaster" "item_type_name" "Explosive Ordnance Launcher" "item_description" "Fires special rounds that force enemies to the ground Explosives detonate automatically after a short duration and explode on impact That hardhat-wearing toymaker gave me this as a gift, what the bloody hell did he do to make this!?! Model by: 'Gadget' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "slamblaster_demo" "item_iconname" "slamblaster_demo" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_slamblaster/c_slamblaster" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_slamblaster/c_slamblaster.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_slamblaster/v_slamblaster.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "damage bonus hidden" "0.85" "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.65" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_slamblaster/w_slamblaster_projectile.mdl" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.5" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "-500" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.001" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_GrenadeLauncherDM.DrumLoad" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--AXE SHOTGUN - THE SHOTGUN - 9138-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9138" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WOODCUTTER_SHOTGUN" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Malicious Multi-Tool" "item_type_name" "Multi-Purpose Shotgun" "item_description" " Two dark sides to a Coin: This weapon fires a wide spread of pellets with short range. Enemies damage by this weapon will take critical damage from the Malicious Multi-Tool melee weapon. The chill down your spin is merely an omen for what comes to pay your debt. Model by: 'ZombiePlasticClock' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "woodcutter_shotgun" "item_iconname" "woodcutter_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_axegun/c_axegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axegun/c_axegun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axegun/c_axegun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "3" } "deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "5.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2777" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.9" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "3.0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.0666666666666666667" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "19 10" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_WoodCutter.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_WoodCutter.FireCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--AXE SHOTGUN - THE MELEE- 9139-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9139" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WOODCUTTER_AXE" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Malicious Multi-Tool" "item_type_name" "Multi-Purpose Shotgun" "item_description" " Two dark sides to a Coin: This weapon deals 35% increased damage to burning players. Enemies damaged by the Malicous Multi-Tool primary weapon will take critical damage from this weapon. Fear not for what you can't see, fear what you can't hear or feel. Model by: 'ZombiePlasticClock' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "woodcutter_axe" "item_iconname" "woodcutter_axe" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_axegun/c_axegun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axegun/c_axegun_melee.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axegun/c_axegun_melee.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.7" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "1048576" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "1.35" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_FireAxe.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Machete.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FireAxe.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" // This would be the Building clinking noise when you hit it with a melee. Changes it to be the same as hitting any other object. "sound_special2" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--LASER THROWER - 9140-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9140" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LASERSPEWER_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Disintegrator" "item_type_name" "Energy Fireball Launcher" "item_description" " Light them up and incinerate: deals 200% more damage to burning players Burn your enemies with power like never before. Model by: 'goldenjohnson' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "rapid_laser_pyro" "item_iconname" "rapid_laser_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_laserthrower/c_laserthrower" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_laserthrower/c_laserthrower.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_laserthrower/c_laserthrower.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "ragdolls become ash" "1" } "attributes" { "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "damage bonus vs burning" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.5" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.67" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.1" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "airblast disabled" // Rocket launcher.. so yea. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_ShotgunBlast_Pyro.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_ShotgunBlast_Pyro.FireCrit" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuild" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" // More impactful fire animation "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" // Third Person "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--IN-HOUSE PDA - 9141---- // V5.6r1 Removed no-working sentry range, added additional stats to description //------------------------ //------------------------ "9141" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PDA_SPECIALIZED" "prefab" "weapon_pda" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_logname" "pda_specialist" "propername" "1" "item_name" "PDA: Hardware Specialist" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer" "item_description" "20% Dispenser restock bonus 50% Dispenser healing bonus 20% Building health penalty Buildings are upgraded faster and cost less to build Well, looks like I'm the real Engineer around here. Model by: 'MrFunreal' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_specialbuildtool/c_specialbuildtool" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_specialbuildtool/c_specialbuildtool.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_specialbuildtool/c_specialbuildtool.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.35" } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.35" } "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.35" } "engy dispenser radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dispenser_radius" "value" "1.75" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "building_cost_reduction" "value" "-20" } "Repair rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "1.2" } "Construction rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0.15" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_engy_building_health" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mod_teleporter_cost" "value" "0.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "1.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dispenser_rate" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_dispenser_healrate" "value" "1.5" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THIRST FOR BLOOD - 9142-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9142" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_KATANA_SCOUT" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Thirst for Blood" "item_type_name" "Ninjato" "item_description" "This weapon has increased range Speed is a way of life, just like me cutting you into shreds! Model by: 'EmAR' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "scout_machete" "item_iconname" "scout_machete" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_ninjato/c_ninjato" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_ninjato/c_ninjato.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_ninjato/c_ninjato.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "melee range multiplier" "1.55" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.55" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.66" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "5" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "5" } "dmg taken from crit increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Knife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Club.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Club.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Knife.MissCrit" } } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // 50 CAL BEEFCAKER RIFLE -- 9143 //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9143" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BIGFIFTY_RIFLE" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Mann-Cannon" "item_type_name" "Anti-Material Rifle" "item_description" " If you hear this big beauty thunder, let it be known, I wasn't pointing it at you. Model by: 'rook' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "big50_rifle" "item_iconname" "big50_rifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_manncannon/c_manncannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_cannon_rifle/c_cannon_rifle.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_cannon_rifle/c_cannon_rifle.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.35" } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.35" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } "aiming movespeed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.7" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" // No knockback for you! "value" "0.01" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BigFifty.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BigFifty.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SNIPER'S TOMMY - 9144-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9144" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TOMMYGUN_SNIPER" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Lil' Mate" "item_type_name" "SMG" "item_description" " You best smile when I show you my Lil' Mate while you can. Model by: 'elbagast' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "sniper_tommy" "item_iconname" "sniper_tommy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_snipertommy/c_snipertommy" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_snipertommy/c_snipertommy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_snipertommy/c_snipertommy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.33333333333" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.2" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.45" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.2" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.95" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SniperTommy.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SniperTommy.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_TommyGun.WorldReload" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_grenadelauncher" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //-- Building Upgrader - 9145 -- // V5.6r1 Removed //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9145" { } //------------------ //------------------ //--BUILDING HEALTH PROVIDER - 9146-- //------------------ //------------------ // "9146" // Swapped with fists to avoid recompiling plugin "7000" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUILDING_TANKER" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Ironclad Construction" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " This wrench replaces your regular Sentry Gun with an Ironclad Artillery Sentry Gun They're gonna love the quality of these buildings, son. Model by: 'Wowza' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders' Sentry replacement by: 'rotzloeffel' 'Gadget'" "item_logname" "wrench_tanker" "item_iconname" "wrench_tanker" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_nailbiter/c_nailbiter_new" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_nailbiter/c_nailbiter.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_nailbiter/c_nailbiter.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "engy building health bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_engy_building_health" "value" "1.2" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.6" } "Construction rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0.4" } "Repair rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.4" } "upgrade rate decrease" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.5" } // Attribute for custom buildings "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_type" "value" "2" // Artillery } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_damage" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_firerate" "value" "1.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_turnspeed" "value" "1.33" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------ //------------------ //--FAST CONSTRUCT WRENCH - 9147-- //------------------ //------------------ "9147" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH_FASTBUILDER" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Construction Expert" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" "Build rate on all buildings are increased by 20% Ain't much, but it's honest work. Model by: 'Folkye' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders' Sentry replacement by: 'rotzloeffel' 'Gadget'" "item_logname" "wrench_fastbuilder" "item_iconname" "wrench_fastbuilder" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_fastbuilder/c_fastbuilder" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_scrap_sentinel/c_scrap_sentinel.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_scrap_sentinel/c_scrap_sentinel.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "Construction rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "1.35" } "Repair rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "1.1" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6" } // Hidden build rate bonuses "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--THE ATOMIC GUN - 9148-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9148" { // Removed V5.5.7 // DELETE ASSETS LATER } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // -- BEEG SMAS - 9149 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9149" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEADBREAKER" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Crown Crusher" "item_type_name" "Warhammer" "item_description" " Demoknight Melee: this weapon has slower deploy and holster times Heavy Impact: enemies with damage resistance conditions take mini-crit damage Does not apply to passive damage resistance Now this is how you properly break bones, lads! Model by: '[unassigned]' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "warhammer" "item_iconname" "warhammer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_warhammer/c_warhammer" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_warhammer/c_warhammer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_warhammer/v_warhammer.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_buckethelm.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "7" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.25" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.35" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.6" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.8" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--DEMOKNIGHT ARMOUR - 9150-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9150" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_DEMOKNIGHT_STEELPLATE" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Scottish Steel" "item_type_name" "Suit of Armour" "item_description" " Replaces your Grenade Launcher You are unable to use a Primary Weapon while this item is equipped Model by: '[unassigned]' Wearable by: 'Suomimies55' Weapon by 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_scotarmour/c_scotarmour" "model_player" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/demo_knightset.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/demo_knightset.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt03" } "attributes" { "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "3" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "dmg taken from crit reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "0.3" } "SET BONUS: dmg from sentry reduced" { "attribute_class" "dmg_from_sentry_reduced" "value" "0.4" } "damage force reduction" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "0.2" } "boots falling stomp" { "attribute_class" "boots_falling_stomp" "value" "1" } "airblast vulnerability multiplier" { "attribute_class" "airblast_vulnerability_multiplier" "value" "0.2" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.001" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "armor footsteps" { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--Magnetic Wrench - 9151-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9151" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MAGNETIC_WRENCH" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Magnetic Horseshoe" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" "Damage upgrades/repairs buildings Magnets, I know how they work... Model by: 'pathnode' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "magwrench" "item_iconname" "magwrench" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_magnetic_horseshoe/c_magnetic_horseshoe" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_magnetic_horseshoe/c_magnetic_horseshoe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_magnetic_horseshoe/c_magnetic_horseshoe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "engineer building teleporting pickup" { "attribute_class" "building_teleporting_pickup" "value" "50" } "add construction on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_construction" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--HEAVY SYRINGE GUN 2 - 9152-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9152" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_HEAVY_RAPIDFIRE" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Geneva Proto-Kill" "item_type_name" "Heavy Syringe Gun" "item_description" " To keep my team alive, I just help them kill our enemies! Model by: 'Mother' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "heavy_syringegun_rapidfire" "item_iconname" "heavy_syringegun_rapidfire" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_chemicalmg/c_chemicalmg" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_chemical_mg/c_chemical_mg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_chemical_mg/c_chemical_mg.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_reload_display_only" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.25" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HeavySyringe_Rapid.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HeavySyringe_Rapid.FireCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--HEALER SYRINGE - 9153-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9153" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_HEAL" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Doctor's Self-care" "item_type_name" "Syringe Gun" "item_description" " If my team won't watch my back for me, I'll do it myself! Model by: 'Zoeybot' Animations by: 'Paysus' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "syringegun_heal" "item_iconname" "syringegun_heal" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_syringegun_heal/c_syringegun_heal" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_syringegun_heal/c_syringegun_heal.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_syringegun_heal/v_syringegun_heal.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "5" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.8" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.9" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--DOUBLE-BURST SYRINGE - 9154-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9154" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_BURST" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Double-shot" "item_type_name" "Syringe Gun" "item_description" "Fires 2-round bursts of high-impact syringes Ein, Zwei, Ein, Zwei... it's almost therapeutic! Model by: 'Teddy' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "syringegun_burst" "item_iconname" "syringegun_burst" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_burst_syringe/c_burst_syringe" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_burst_syringe/c_burst_syringe.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_burst_syringe/c_burst_syringe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.05" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "2.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.25333333333" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_HeavySyringe_Rapid.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_HeavySyringe_Rapid.FireCrit" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Null" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--DEFIBRILLATOR - 9155-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9155" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEFIBRILLATOR" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "item_class" "tf_weapon_taser" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Heart Stopper" "item_type_name" "Portable Defibrillator" "item_description" " Special Hand in Medicine: This weapon drains 25% ubercharge on hit from the user. Higher Ubercharge percentage increases damage dealt. Just because it can save your life doesn't mean it can't KILL YOU. Model by: 'BANG!' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "defibrillator" "item_iconname" "defibrillator" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_defibrillator/c_defibrillator" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_defibrillator/c_defibrillator.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_defibrillator/c_defibrillator.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" // Display only FYI, thanks kiri for the suggest ily { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "6" } "strange restriction type 3" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "-0.25" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 3" { "attribute_class" "custom_uber_scales_damage" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_deploy" "Weapon_Defib.Draw" "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_BoneSaw.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Defib.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Defib.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BoneSaw.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Defib.HitWorld" // This would be the Building clinking noise when you hit it with a melee. Changes it to be the same as hitting any other object. "sound_special2" "Weapon_Defib.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/defib_start.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--SUPERHEAL MEDIGUN- 9156-- //------------------- //------------------- "9156" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SUPERHEAL_MEDIGUN" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Booster Shot" "item_type_name" "Medi Gun" "item_description" " Overcharge: Your health rapidly decays while this weapon is active. This weapon cannot gain Ubercharge at all. This is a sacrifice I'm willing to take! I've done worse things anyway haha- Model by: 'Greg, Colteh' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_quick_medigun/c_quick_medigun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_quick_medigun/c_quick_medigun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_quick_medigun/c_quick_medigun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/c_models/c_quick_medigun/c_quick_medigun_backpack.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" // this adds custom particles, unsure if these were made for this though lol { "attribute_class" "custom_medibeamtype" "value" "2" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "overheal bonus" { "attribute_class" "custom_maximum_overheal" "value" "1.25" } "heal rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "1.7" } "max health additive penalty" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "-100" } "voice pitch scale" // These disable Ubercharge, even from Uber on hit Primaries { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_overheal_uberchargerate" "value" "0" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--STOMPER MEDIGUN- 9157-- -- REMOVED //------------------- //------------------- "9157" { } //----------------------- //----------------------- //--MARKER RING - 9158-- //----------------------- //----------------------- "9158" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MARKER_RING" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Doctor's Omen" "item_type_name" "Ring" "item_description" " This was a reminder of who I once was, I'll let you figure it out. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "marker_ring" "item_iconname" "marker_ring" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_marker_ring/c_marker_ring" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_marker_ring/c_marker_ring.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_marker_ring/c_marker_ring.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" // Mark for death { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" } "mark for death" // Display only { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "add uber charge on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "0.1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------- //--------------------------- //--GOOP LAUNCHER - 9159-- //--------------------------- //--------------------------- "9159" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GOOP_LAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "G.Ü.P. Gun" "item_type_name" "Experimental Chemical Weapon" "item_description" " Fires G.Ü.P. globs that inflict chemical burns Critical hits on burning players deal reduced damage Truly a scientific marvel.. I'm so ready to see how it works! Model by: 'crazy-g' Animations by: 'Paysus' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "gooplauncher_medic" "item_iconname" "gooplauncher_medic" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_goopgun/c_goopgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_goopgun/c_goopgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_goopgun/v_goopgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "6" "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "crit vs burning players" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.9" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.15" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 2" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 3" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.15" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "0.65" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.33" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_goop_projectile.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_GoopGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_GoopGun.SingleCrit" "muzzle_flash" "null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //--------------------- //--------------------- //--LAHTI AT - 9160-- //--------------------- //--------------------- "9160" { } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--BLUNDER SCATTER - 9161- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9161" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BLUNDER_SCATTER" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Hunter's Blunder" "item_type_name" "Lever-action Blunderbuss" "item_description" " I best like my enemies full of so many holes, I can't tell them apart from swiss cheese! Model by: 'Overpovered' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "blunderbuss_scout" "item_iconname" "blunderbuss_scout" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_blunderbuss/c_blunderbuss" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_blunderbuss/c_blunderbuss.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_blunderbuss/c_blunderbuss.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.6" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.66" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // MESSER - 9162 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9162" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LONGMESSER" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Landsknecht's Long-knife" "item_type_name" "Large Messer" "item_description" " Demoknight Melee: this weapon has slower deploy and holster times Now this is a real knife, boyo! Let me show you it's features up close! Model by: 'Barno' Animations by: 'Kylul' & 'Kiyoshi' Cosmetic by: '[unassigned]' 'emrfish6' 'frying dutchman' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "messer_demo" "item_iconname" "messer_demo" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_messer/c_messer" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_messer/c_messer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_messer/v_messer.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_knighthelm/demo_knighthelm_new.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.2" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.25" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.12" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // KING SWORD - 9163 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9163" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_KINGSLAYER" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Kingslayer" "item_type_name" "Claymore" "item_description" " Demoknight Melee: this weapon has slower deploy and holster times Down with the king, chop off his head and put me in his seat instea- wait a minute! Model by: 'MrFunreal' Animations by: 'Kylul' & 'Kiyoshi' Cosmetic by: 'NeoDement' 'Square' 'Harry' 'emrfish6' 'frying dutchman' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "kingslayer" "item_iconname" "kingslayer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_kingsword/c_kingsword" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_kingsword/c_kingsword.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_kingsword/v_kingsword.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/bucket_royale/bucket_royale_new.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.2" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.25" } "attributes" { "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.4" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.67" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--COP BLASTER - 9165-- // V5.6r1 Decreased projectile speed penalty to 20% //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9165" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_COP_BAZOOKA" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "L.A.W" "item_type_name" "Guided Missile Launcher" "item_description" "Alt-fire (Mouse2): Toggle user control of rockets! Upgraded tracking package: This weapon has improved rocket control, direct impacts have no damage fall-off Witness the beauty of a master at work. Model by: '[unassigned]' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "cop_bazooka" "item_iconname" "cop_bazooka" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_police_rocket_launcher/c_police_rocket_launcher" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_police_rocket_launcher/c_police_rocket_launcher.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_police_rocket_launcher/c_police_rocket_launcher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.5" } "Projectile speed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.8" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.25" } "Blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.05" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.06" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } // Attribute for homing "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_rocket_homing" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_rocket_homing_rate" "value" "0.3" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RPGTracker.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RPGTracker.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_BetaRPG.Reload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Airstrike.Explosion" } } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- //-- 1911 - 9166 //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9166" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_PISTOL_CLASSIC" "prefab" "weapon_pistol" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol_scout" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Fight Finisher" "item_type_name" "Pistol" "item_description" " 45 over 9, baby! Model by: 'Ertz' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders" "item_logname" "pistol_1911" "item_iconname" "pistol_1911" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_pocket_m1911/c_pocket_m1911" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_pocket_m1911/c_pocket_m1911.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_pocket_m1911/c_pocket_m1911.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.25" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.75" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.2" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.58333333333" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_1911.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_1911.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SNAKE EATERRRRRRRRRR- 9167-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9167" { // Removed V5.5.7 // DELETE ASSETS LATER } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--Royal Flush Cards- 9168-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9168" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CARDS" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Royal Flush" "item_type_name" "Deck of Cards" "item_description" " Lets play a game... pick a card Model by: 'N-Cognito' Texture by: 'Reagy' Art asset by: 'ChemicalAlia' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "flip_viewmodel" "1" "item_logname" "royal_flush" "item_iconname" "royal_flush" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cards" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cards/w_cards.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_cards/v_cards.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "30" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.2" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "3.2" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "1" } "mark for death" { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.459" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cards/w_cards_projectile.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Cards.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_cardboard_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_cardboard_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--ENGINEER AUGMENTATION 1 - 9169-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9169" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_AUGMENTATION_HUD" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "equip_region" "hat" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Augmentation: External HUD" "item_type_name" "Goggle Augmentation" "item_description" " Replaces your Pistol You are unable to use a Secondary Weapon while this item is equipped Model by: 'Coolchou Zhao' Wearable by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/engineer/augmentation_hud" "model_player" "models/player/items/engineer/more_hud/more_hud.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/more_hud/more_hud.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "engineer dispenser build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "dispenser_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.25" } "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "teleporter_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.33" } "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "1.15" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "3" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--ENGINEER AUGMENTATION 2 - 9170-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9170" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_AUGMENTATION_SPYCHECK" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol_scout" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "equip_region" "hat" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Augmentation: Spy Hunter" "item_type_name" "Goggle Augmentation" "item_description" " Primary Perk: Your pistol is replaced with a Spy Blaster. Spy Blaster deals critical damage to disguised and cloaked spies. Model by: 'svdl' Wearable Model by: 'Coolchou Zhao' Wearable by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/engineer/augmentation_spyhunter" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_augment_spyblaster/c_augment_spyblaster.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_augment_spyblaster/c_augment_spyblaster.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/eyehud/eyehud.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "crit vs wet players hidden" // Lmao crits disguised players, anti-spy gun { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "48" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.65" } "maxammo primary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SpyHunter.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SpyHunter.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--ENGINEER AUGMENTATION 3 - 9171-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9171" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_AUGMENTATION_TRENCHSHOT" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "equip_region" "hat" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_logname" "augmentation_trenchgun" "item_iconname" "augmentation_trenchgun" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Augmentation: Mann-Power" "item_type_name" "Arm Augmentation" "item_description" " Primary Perk: Replace your pistol with a Trench Shotgun Model by: 'BenH' Wearable Model by: 'Coolchou Zhao' Wearable by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/engineer/augmentation_trench" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_augment_trench/c_augment_trench_new.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_augment_trench/c_augment_trench_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/grapple_gauntlet/grapple_gauntlet.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6875" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.33" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "crit mod disabled hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TrenchGun.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TrenchGun.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--ENGINEER AUGMENTATION 4 - 9172-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9172" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_AUGMENTATION_REACTIONARY" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "equip_region" "hat" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Augmentation: Visual Aid" "item_type_name" "Goggle Augmentation" "item_description" " Replaces your Pistol You are unable to use a Secondary Weapon while this item is equipped Model by: 'Coolchou Zhao' Wearable by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/engineer/augmentation_speed" "model_player" "models/player/items/engineer/display_goggle/display_goggle.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/display_goggle/display_goggle.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "deploy time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "0.67" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.05" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--ENGINEER COIL RIFLE - 9173-- // V5.6r1 Removed //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9173" { } //------------------ //------------------ //--COMBAT WRENCH - 9174-- // V5.6r1 Construction rate penalty removed and bonus added, afterburn time increased slightly //------------------ //------------------ "9174" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH_DAMAGE" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Construction Combuster" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " Hard-hat thinking meets electrically-powered arson. Model by: 'neodos' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "wrench_combuster" "item_iconname" "wrench_combuster" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_firewrench/c_firewrench" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_firewrench/c_firewrench.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_firewrench/c_firewrench.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Construction rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "1.5" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "weapon burn dmg increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "2" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.75" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.3" } "Repair rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.75" } "upgrade rate decrease" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.8" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------ //------------------ //--ROBOT WRENCH - 9175-- //------------------ //------------------ "9175" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH_ROBOT" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Heavy Support" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Wrench" "item_description" " This wrench replaces your regular Sentry Gun with a Heavy Lucy-Charm Sentry Gun Building cost is greatly increased and sentries will not build automatically. Well, it's a bit wild but it works just fine. Model by: 'CoBalt' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders' Sentry replacement by: 'Pyanodon'" "item_logname" "wrench_robot" "item_iconname" "wrench_robot" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_toothwrench/c_toothwrench" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_toothwrench/c_toothwrench.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_toothwrench/c_toothwrench.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "attributes" { "engy building health bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_engy_building_health" "value" "1.3333333333333333333" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "Construction rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0.6" } "Repair rate decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.4" } "upgrade rate decrease" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "building_cost_reduction" "value" "1.53846153846" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mod_teleporter_cost" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "sentry_build_rate_multiplier" "value" "0.0001" } // Attribute for custom buildings "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_type" "value" "3" // Lucycharm } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_damage" "value" "0.8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_firerate" "value" "0.67" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "custom_sentry_turnspeed" "value" "0.65" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--MY FISTS THEY ARE MADE OF STEEL - 9176 //------------------- //------------------- "9176" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_STEEL_FIST" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Hydraulic Hammers" "item_type_name" "Hydraulic Gloves" "item_description" " Amplified Force: Enemies hit will be sent flying backwards. I punch harder than strongest man in the world! Model by: 'CoBalt' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "hydraulic_fists" "item_iconname" "hydraulic_fists" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_hammerfists/c_hammerfists" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_hammerfists/c_hammerfists.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_hammerfists.mdl" //"extra_wearable" "models/weapons/c_models/c_hammerfists/c_hammerfists.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "SET BONUS: dmg from sentry reduced" { "attribute_class" "dmg_from_sentry_reduced" "value" "0.15" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "650" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "800" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.2" } } "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1" "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hands" "1" } "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_MetalGloves.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_MetalGloves.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_MetalGloves.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MetalGloves.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_MetalGloves.HitWorld" "sound_special2" "Weapon_MetalGloves.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_boxing_gloves_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--PRIMED DIRECTIVE - 9177-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9177" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TRAP_LAUNCHER" // "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" "prefab" "weapon_stickybomb_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Primed Directive" "item_type_name" "Trap Launcher" "item_description" " All this fancy technology is a bloody headache.. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "techtrap_launcher" "item_iconname" "techtrap_launcher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_techlauncher/c_techlauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_techlauncher/c_techlauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_techlauncher/c_techlauncher.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { // "override projectile type" "30" } "attributes" { "proximity mines" { "attribute_class" "mod_sticky_is_proxy" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "dmg bonus vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.33" } "Blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.25" } "stickybomb charge rate" { "attribute_class" "stickybomb_charge_rate" "value" "0.5" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.125" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_techlauncher/shellprojectile.mdl" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_TrenchLauncher.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_TrenchLauncher.FireCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // FIRE SHOTGUN PRIMARY -- 9178 //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9178" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_FIRESPRAY" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Stainless Scorcher" "item_type_name" "Incendiary Shotgun" "item_description" "Weapon has limited range. Heatsink: 50% damage penalty against burning players You just gotta hold the trigger and let it go, you know? Model by: 'IteGood' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "stainless_shotgun" "item_iconname" "stainless_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_stainless_shotgun/c_stainless_shotgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_stainless_shotgun/c_stainless_shotgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_stainless_shotgun/c_stainless_shotgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "heal on afterburn" { "attribute_class" "add_burn_heals" "value" "2" } "weapon burn dmg increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "1.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "1.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.66666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_range" "value" "0.0666666666666666667" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SparkShot.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SparkShot.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------------- //---------------------------- //--NAILGUN BURSTER - 9179-- //---------------------------- //---------------------------- "9179" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BURSTER_NAILGUN" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Staple Burster" "item_type_name" "Nail Gun" "item_description" "Fires rapid 5-round bursts of nails I'm gonna make a pin cushion out of you, chucklehead! Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "burstnailgun_scout" "item_iconname" "burstnailgun_scout" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_nailgun_burst/c_nailgun_burst" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_nailgun_burst/c_nailgun_burst.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_nailgun_burst/c_nailgun_burst.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_vocal01" } "attributes" { "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.76" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.SingleCrit" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Null" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DEMO KNIFE- 9180--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9180" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEMO_TRENCHKNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Trench Shank" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_description" " Double-Edged Blade: this weapons deals critical hits to enemies wielding the Trench Shank or Maggot Mutilator Broken bottles may be sharp, but this is sharper! Model by: 'CoBalt' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "trench_knife" "item_iconname" "trench_knife" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_trenchknife/c_trenchknife" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_trenchknife/c_trenchknife.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_trenchknife/c_trenchknife.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.15" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Backend stuff for crits vs other users "add condition on hit" // Stunned condition, doesn't do anything. { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "14 42069" } "crit vs wet players hidden" // Stunned condition, doesn't do anything. { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "32768" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Knife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Club.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Club.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Knife.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--SOLDIER KNIFE - 9181-- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9181" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SOLDIER_BOWIEKNIFE" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Maggot Mutilator" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Knife" "item_description" " Double-Edged Blade: this weapons deals critical hits to enemies wielding the Maggot Mutilator or Trench Shank No animal, man or magical monstrosity is strong enough to survive this knife, son! Model by: 'Petachepas' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "ww2_bowie" "item_iconname" "ww2_bowie" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_ww2_bowie/c_ww2_bowie" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_ww2_bowie/c_ww2_bowie.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_ww2_bowie/c_ww2_bowie.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.15" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "3" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } // Backend stuff for crits vs other users "add condition on hit" // Stunned condition, doesn't do anything. { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "14 42069" } "crit vs wet players hidden" // Stunned condition, doesn't do anything. { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "32768" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Knife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Club.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Club.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Knife.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--CIV FUNNI GUN - 9182-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9182" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LIBERATOR_CIVILIAN" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_pistol" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_name" "Lamplighter" "item_type_name" "Single Shot Disposable Pistol" "item_description" "Civilian cannot handle firearms effectively Lucky Roll: Increased crit chance Maybe if I use enough of them I might be able to sell them off for some actual money! Model by: 'ColonelBD' Animations by: 'deskpacito' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "singleshot_civ" "item_iconname" "singleshot_civ" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_lamplighter" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_lamplighter.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_lamplighter.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/civ_bill.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" // So he isn't posing strangely "clip size penalty hidden" "0.1" // 1 shot "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" "0.2" // 40 ammo in secondary! "crit mod disabled hidden" "10.0" "fire rate penalty hidden" "0.8" "damage bonus hidden" "2" "reload time increased hidden" "1.05" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -11" } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_MELEE" "ACT_MP_GESTURE_FLINCH_CHEST" } "sound_reload" "Weapon_Pistol.WorldReload" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_1911.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_1911.ShootCrit" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //-- Traumahawk ----- 9183 ----- //---v5.5.2 Weapon By Colrot --- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "9183" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AXWRENCH" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Traumahawk" "item_type_name" "Improvised Multi Tool" "item_description" "100% damage bonus vs buildings Impostor Detection: Crits vs disguised players Fitting for some loose screws... Model By: 'spike nitros' Cosmetic by: 'Rabscootle' 'Awan' Weapon By: 'Colrot'" "item_logname" "sledgehammer" "item_iconname" "sledgehammer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_axwrench/c_axwrench" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axwrench/c_axwrench.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_axwrench/v_axwrench.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/workshop/player/items/pyro/helpers_hardhat/helpers_hardhat.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "dmg bonus vs buildings hidden" "3.65" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "SET BONUS: dmg from sentry reduced" { "attribute_class" "dmg_from_sentry_reduced" "value" "0.75" } "damage applies to sappers" { "attribute_class" "set_dmg_apply_to_sapper" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.55" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.15" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "crit vs wet players hidden" // 8 (Disguising) + 16 (Disguised) = Anti-Spy Disguise conditions... { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "24" } // Backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.01" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_FireAxe.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Machete.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FireAxe.MissCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" // This would be the Building clinking noise when you hit it with a melee. Changes it to be the same as hitting any other object. "sound_special2" "Weapon_FireAxe.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--GARAND SLAM - 9184-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9184" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GARANDSLAM" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Garand Slam" "item_type_name" "Pump Action Rifle" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage falloff This weapon cannot blast jump Come on and slam! Welcome to the Nam! Wait no, wrong year Model by: 'Haau' 'kibbleknight' Animations by: 'Kylul' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "garand_slam" "item_iconname" "garand_slam" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_garandslam" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_garandslam.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_garandslam.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/set_generalformals.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02_v1" // "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "0.63" "min_viewmodel_offset" "7 -6 -5" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "4" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.4" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.0" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.5" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.15" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_ShotgunGarand.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Null" "animation_replacement" { //The Attacking Animations "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--Remote Sap Test - 9185-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9185" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER_SPY_TEST" "prefab" "weapon_sapper" "item_class" "tf_weapon_sapper" "item_slot" "building" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_remotesap" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Intermission" "item_type_name" "Remote Sapper" "item_description" "Disables buildings for a short amount of time when thrown Drains cloak when in proximity Yeet Me: Press R to throw Model by: 'wowza' Cosmetic by: 'blueNES' 'YeetGod' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "intermission" "item_iconname" "intermission" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_remotesap/c_remotesap.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_remotesap/c_remotesap.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/workshop/player/items/spy/stylish_satchel/stylish_satchel.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "sapper health penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_sapper_health" "value" "0.25" } } } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--INDUSTRALIST - 9186- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9186" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_COMBAT_SCATTER" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Timeless Terrorizer" "item_type_name" "Scattergun" "item_description" "This weapon fires 2 slugs per shot Let them have it! Model by: 'goldenjohnson' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "industrialist_scout" "item_iconname" "industrialist_scout" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_industrialist/c_industrialist" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_industrialist/c_industrialist.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_industrialist/c_industrialist.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.2" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.45" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Terrorizer.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Terrorize.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--HEAVY SCATTERGUN - 9187- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9187" { } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--AUTO SCATTERGUN - 9188- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9188" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AUTOMATIC_SCATTER" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Boston Beatdown Blaster" "item_type_name" "Scattergun" "item_description" " I don't have time to wait, I gotta get to blasting your face off! Model by: 'boomsta' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "bostonblaster_scatter" "item_iconname" "bostonblaster_scatter" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_quickblaster/c_quickblaster" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_quickblaster/c_quickblaster.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_quickblaster/c_quickblaster.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.5" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.6" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.67" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_LeverRifle.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_LeverRifle.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--SPECIAL SCATTERGUN - 9189- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9189" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BALANCE_STRIKER" "prefab" "weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Rosemary" "item_type_name" "Scattergun" "item_description" " Critical Cripple: Deals critical damage to crit-boosted players Don't you even think about it, you moron..! Model by: 'Sparkwire' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "rosemary" "item_iconname" "rosemary" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_rosemary/c_rosemary" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_rosemary/c_rosemary.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_rosemary/c_rosemary.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.1" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.9" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.8" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.625" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "4096" // Crits from Kritz Uber } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Rosemary.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Rosemary.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--MEAT EATER - 9190- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9190" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_MEAT_EATER" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Meatshot Eater" "item_type_name" "Shotgun" "item_description" " Well-Grilled: on hit, become immune to fire for 2 seconds Deals 35% more damage to burning players Cooking on gas over here! Model by: 'goldenjohnson' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "grilled_shotgun" "item_iconname" "grilled_shotgun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_shortergun/c_shortergun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shortergun/c_shortergun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shortergun/c_shortergun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "2.0" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.4" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.4" } "spread penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "2.0" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "69 2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_burning" "value" "1.35" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_MeatShot.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_MeatShot.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--COMBAT BAT - 9191-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9191" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SURVIVAL_BAT" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Un-Chained Fury" "item_type_name" "Bat" "item_description" " Smash Bat: On hit, gain mini-crits for a second and take a small amount of damage Weapon has a significantly higher random critical hit chance If I've got my eyes on you, let it be known you ain't walking home tonight. Model by: 'Sky' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "chainbat" "item_iconname" "chainbat" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_chain_bat/c_chain_bat" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_chain_bat/c_chain_bat.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_chain_bat/c_chain_bat.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.35" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.33" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "1.5" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "-5" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "BostonBasher.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "BostonBasher.Impact" "sound_melee_hit_world" "BostonBasher.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Crowbar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // GILDED GLORY REVOLVER - 9192 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9192" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_GILDED_SHOTGUNREVOLVER" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Judge Death" "item_type_name" "Shotgun Cartridge Revolver" "item_description" "Fire multiple pellets per shot with increased damage ramp-up Your sentence is a fatal shot in the face. Model by: 'OverPovered' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "gilded_shotrevolver" "item_iconname" "gilded_shotrevolver" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_shotrevolver/c_shotrevolver" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shotrevolver/c_shotrevolver.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shotrevolver/c_shotrevolver.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "6" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "15" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "0.9" } "reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.9" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "0.3" } // backend stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.33333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.78125" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_JudgeDeath.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_JudgeDeath.ShootCrit" } } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--DNA PEN KNIFE - 9193-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9193" { } //----------------------------- //----------------------------- //--FIRE BLASTER - 9194-- //----------------------------- //----------------------------- "9194" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FIREBLASTER_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_flamethrower" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_scattergun" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Napalm Blaster" "item_type_name" "Fire Cannon" "item_description" "This weapon fires powerful fireballs An extra spicy mix of the hottest stuff in the black market. Model by: 'CoBalt' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "trenchfireblaster_pyro" "item_iconname" "trenchfireblaster_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_explothrower/c_explothrower" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_explothrower/c_explothrower.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_explothrower/c_explothrower.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "primary" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "8" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.45" } "weapon burn dmg increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "1.5" } "weapon burn time reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burntime" "value" "0.3" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.6666666667" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.9" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.7" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "airblast disabled" // Rocket launcher.. so yea. { "attribute_class" "strange_restriction_type_1" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Explothrower.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Explothrower.ShootCrit" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Weapon_DragonsFury.PressureBuild" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" // More impactful fire animation "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_SECONDARYFIRE" // Third Person "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_CROUCH_SECONDARYFIRE" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_ATTACK_SWIM_SECONDARYFIRE" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--Pyro Secondary Sawed-Off 2 - 9195 -- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9195" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SAWEDOFF_BLAST_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "item1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Prosecutor" "item_type_name" "Sawed-Off Shotgun" "item_description" "This weapon fires explosive incendiary slugs Pyro learnt how to make explosives? god save us all... Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "sawedoff_blast_pyro" "item_iconname" "sawedoff_blast_pyro" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_overunder_pyro/c_overunder_pyro" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_overunder_pyro/c_overunder_pyro.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_overunder_pyro/c_overunder_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Quick fix for the min. viewmodels bugging out! "special taunt" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "1" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.2" } "weapon burn dmg reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_wpn_burndmg" "value" "0.25" } "Reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.15" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_empty" "Weapon_Null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.WorldReload" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--MAKESHIFT MOTOR GUN - 9196--- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9196" { } //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- // KNIGHT SHIELD - 9197 //------------------------------------- //------------------------------------- "9197" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_KNIGHT_SHIELD" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "equip_region" "shirt" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Knightly Honour" "item_type_name" "Medieval Shield" "item_description" "Mouse 2: Charge forward! (8 sec cooldown) Strong Defense: on hit with any of your weapons, gain damage resistance for 3 seconds Does not work with the Battle Axe or Tale of Tragedy. You are unable to use a Secondary Weapon while this item is equipped Model by: 'Mnemosynaut' Wearable by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_knight_shield/c_knight_shield" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_knight_shield/c_knight_shield.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/c_models/c_knight_shield/c_knight_shield.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "loadondemand" "1" "act_as_wearable" "1" "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt02" "armor footsteps" "1" } "attributes" { "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.05" } "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "111 3" } // Attribute for charge "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_leap_ability" "value" "8" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // DULLAHAN - 9198 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9198" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_FORBIDDEN_BLADE" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity4" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Tale of Tragedy" "item_type_name" "Accursed Sword" "item_description" " Curse of the Dark Tale: On hitting an enemy, you are forced to use this weapon until you die. Sword pierces resistances and crits against overhealed players. Killing enemies makes you invisible for 5 seconds, you cannot attack while invisible. Macbeth was certainly... a tale of tragedy. Model by: 'Mnemosynaut, svdl' Cosmetic by: 'GetGrenade' 'emrfish6' 'frying dutchman' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "dullahan_blade" "item_iconname" "dullahan_blade" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_dullahan/c_dullahan" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_dullahan/c_dullahan.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_dullahan/c_dullahan.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/deadking_head/deadking_head_new.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "decapitate type" "1" "melee range multiplier" "1.175" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.25" "ragdolls become ash" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "5" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "262144" // Crits Overhealed players } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "41 42069" } "add condition on hit" // invis on kill, can't attack tho { "attribute_class" "custom_addcond_onkill" "value" "4 5.0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Sword.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Sword.SwingCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Sword.HitHeads" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_single_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" "sound_double_shot" "Weapon_Sword.HitFlesh" "sound_double_shot_npc" "Weapon_Sword.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_knife_large_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--BOMB SUIT- 9199-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9199" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEMO_CROWDCONTROL_BOMBSUIT" "prefab" "weapon_grenade_launcher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Frag Master" "item_type_name" "Bomb Suit" "item_description" "This item gives you a special crowd control explosive launcher Buckle up lads, it's time to get explosive! Wearable Model by: 'Corvalho' Weapon Model by: 'SgtR007' Wearable by: 'Suomimies55' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "fragmaster_bomblauncher" "item_iconname" "fragmaster_bomblauncher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_fragmaster/c_fragmaster" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_fragmaster_bomblauncher/c_fragmaster_bomblauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_fragmaster_bomblauncher/c_fragmaster_bomblauncher.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/blaster_gear/blaster_gear.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "31" "armor footsteps" "1" } "attributes" { // Bomb Suit stuff "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "75" } "dmg taken from crit reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "value" "0.5" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.75" } "deploy time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.33" } // Weapon specific stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.75" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0.1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.05" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_fragmaster_bomblauncher/c_fragmaster_bomblauncher_projectile.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_FragBombLauncher.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_FragBombLauncher.ShootCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DEMO HAMMER- 9200--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9200" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DEMO_BOMBSUITHAMMER" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Helper's Hammer" "item_type_name" "Sledgehammer" "item_description" " Technical Assistant: this weapon can boost construction speed and repair friendly buildings Well, I guess we owe that little building man a little something now and then... Model by: 'Spike Nitros' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "bombsuit_hammer" "item_iconname" "bombsuit_hammer" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_specialhammer/c_specialhammer" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_specialhammer/c_specialhammer.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_specialhammer/c_specialhammer.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/blaster_gear/blaster_helmet.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.15" } "damage applies to sappers" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "1" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } // Backend stuff, this can actually upgrade, repair and boost buildings but b a r e l y "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0.25" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--BUSHMAN SNIPER - 9201-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9201" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JUNGLE_SNIPERRIFLE" "prefab" "weapon_sniperrifle" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Jungle Predator" "item_type_name" "Scoped Shotgun" "item_description" " Go to hell, Wanker. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "jungle_sniperrifle" "item_iconname" "jungle_sniperrifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_junglesniper/c_junglesniper" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_junglesniper/c_junglesniper.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_junglesniper/c_junglesniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "class_select_revrifle" // Just like with the Nailgun, the Revolver Rifle's class select is fairly neutral, and nice for this weapon! } "attributes" { "soft zoom" { "attribute_class" "mod_sniper_soft_zoom" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.9" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.06" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "15" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.02" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.83333333333" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_JungleShotgun.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_JungleShotgun.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SniperRifle.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- //--MODERN SNIPER - 9202-- //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9202" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--TFC AUTOMATIC RIFLE - 9203--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9203" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TFC_AUTOMATIC_RIFLE" "prefab" "weapon_smg" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Automatic Rifle" "item_type_name" "Automatic Rifle" "item_description" "This weapon has no damage fall-off Now then, who wants some? Model by: 'N-Cognito' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "tfc_automaticrifle" "item_iconname" "tfc_automaticrifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_tfc_automaticrifle/c_tfc_automaticrifle" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tfc_automaticrifle/c_tfc_automaticrifle.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tfc_automaticrifle/c_tfc_automaticrifle.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "1.3333333333333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.00001" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SniperTommy.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SniperTommy.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--SNIPER WEARABLE - 9204-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9204" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_BANDOLIER_SNIPER" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "equip_region" "hat" "anim_slot" "secondary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Ammo'd-Up Australian" "item_type_name" "Special Equipment" "item_description" " Special modifications: You gain access to a modified SMG primary weapon You should've kept lying down, because now i'm gonna fill you full of holes. Model by: 'Ertz' Wearable by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "smg_bandolier" "item_iconname" "smg_bandolier" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_sniper_ammobelt/c_sniper_ammobelt" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_smg_bandolier/c_smg_bandolier.mdl" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_smg_bandolier/c_smg_bandolier.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/sniper/sniper_ammobelt/sniper_ammobelt.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt03" } "attributes" { "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "5" } "max health additive bonus" // This was widely requested to be added { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "25" } "maxammo secondary increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "2" } "maxammo grenades1 increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_grenades1" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.223" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "10" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.0458" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "7.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.556" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.0762" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with a machine gun, maggot! "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SMG_Modified.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SMG_Modified.ShootCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------ //------------------------ //--SNIPER SHARP MACHETE- 9205-- //------------------------ //------------------------ "9205" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_JUNGLE_MACHETE" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Hack N' Slasher" "item_type_name" "Machete" "item_description" " Cuts just about anything I feed it, including you. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "jungle_machete" "item_iconname" "jungle_machete" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_junglemachete/c_junglemachete" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_junglemachete/c_junglemachete.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_junglemachete/c_junglemachete.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.55" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--ANTI-CROWD LAUNCHER- 9206-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9206" { } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // 44 MAG - 9207 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9207" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_44MAG" "prefab" "weapon_revolver" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Number 29" "item_type_name" "Heavy Revolver" "item_description" " Do you feel lucky? well, do you??? Model by: 'Ertz' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "dirty44_magnum" "item_iconname" "dirty44_magnum" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_duke/c_duke" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_duke/c_duke.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_duke/c_duke.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "attributes" { "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.44" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.56" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.44" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.44" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Dirty44Mag.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Dirty44Mag.ShootCrit" } } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- //--BIGGER STICK MELEE - 9208-- //------------------------------- //------------------------------- "9208" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SOLDIER_HUGEBLADE" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Grim Charger" "item_type_name" "Bayonette" "item_description" " Running out of ammo is no excuse to stop fighting! you will fight until you die or are the last maggot standing! Model by: 'grampa' soldier' Cosmetic by: 'emrfish6' 'frying dutchman' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "bayonet_blade" "item_iconname" "bayonet_blade" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_bayonet_blade/c_bayonet_blade" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bayonet_blade/c_bayonet_blade.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bayonet_blade/c_bayonet_blade.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_sheath.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.2" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "40" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Knife.Miss" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Club.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Club.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Knife.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_shovel_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--HEAVY SHOTGUN PRIMARY 2 - 9209-- --REMOVED, keep sound assets tho //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9209" { } //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- //--SPITFIRE- 9210-- //----------------------------------- //----------------------------------- "9210" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SPITFIRE_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Spitfire" "item_type_name" "Missile Launcher" "item_description" "Direct hits have no damage fall-off I'm going to make myself into the art of war, get ready maggots! Model by: 'Ertz' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "spitfire_rocketlauncher" "item_iconname" "spitfire_rocketlauncher" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/soldier/nosediver/nosediver.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "40" } "no damage falloff over distance" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_dmg_falloff" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.7" } "clip size bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "1.5" } "projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.5" } "rocket jump damage reduction" { "attribute_class" "rocket_jump_dmg_reduction" "value" "0.2" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.65" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.6" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.03" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "2" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/c_models/c_spitfire_rocketlauncher/w_rocket_spitfire.mdl" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Burster.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Burster.ShootCrit" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Burster.Explode" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Burster.Explode" } } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--BFG LOL- 9211--- // V5.6r1 Reduced aiming move speed penalty, increased projectile speed //---------------------- //---------------------- "9211" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BFG_9000" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "item_class" "tf_weapon_compound_bow" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "BFG 9000" "item_type_name" "Bio Force Gun" "item_description" "Holding the fire button increases damage (Ominous Music Playing) Model by: 'ZombiePlasticClock' Sounds by: 'Astonov' 'Sevan' Original Weapon by: 'Reagy' Repurposed by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "bfg_9000" "item_iconname" "bfg_9000" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_bfg/c_bfg" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_bfg/c_bfg_hb.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_bfg/v_bfg_hb.mdl" //"models/weapons/v_models/v_bfg/v_bfg_new.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/doomguy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" } "attributes" { "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "2" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_bfg_projectile2.mdl" } "centerfire projectile" { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "2.0" } "Blast radius increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "1.2" } "mod ammo per shot" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "40" } "hidden primary max ammo bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "10" } "Projectile speed decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "0.40" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.2" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "6.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "8.0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_aiming_movespeed" "value" "0.95" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY" } "sound_reload" "null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_bfg9000.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_bfg9000.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_bfg9000.Explode" "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--DISPLACER CANNON- 9212--- // V5.6r1 Adjusted rate of fire and decreased blast radius penalty //---------------------- //---------------------- "9212" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_DISPLACER" "prefab" "weapon_rocketlauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Displacer Cannon" "item_type_name" "XV11382 Displacement Field Generator" "item_description" " We are not alone Model by: 'Choev' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "displacer_cannon" "item_iconname" "displacer_cannon" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_displacer_cannon/c_displacer_cannon" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_displacer_cannon/c_displacer_cannon.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_displacer_cannon/c_displacer_cannon.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01_v2" } "attributes" { "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_displacer_projectile.mdl" } "damage bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.30" } "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" { "attribute_class" "mod_no_reload_display_only" "value" "1" } "mod max primary clip override" { "attribute_class" "mod_max_primary_clip_override" "value" "-1" } "maxammo primary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "0.5" } "blast radius decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.4" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.8" } "blast dmg to self increased" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "1.5" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "ragdolls become ash" { "attribute_class" "ragdolls_become_ash" "value" "1" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "set_scattergun_no_reload_single" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_reload" "null" "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Displacer.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Displacer.Single" "sound_special1" "Weapon_bfg9000.Explode" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--CLEAN SWEEP- 9213--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9213" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CLEAN_SWEEP" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity3" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Clean Sweep" "item_type_name" "Broomstick" "item_description" "Enemies hit are flung a short distance away Model by: 'Haau' Weapon by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "clean_sweep" "item_iconname" "clean_sweep" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_broomstick_bat/c_broomstick_bat" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_broomstick_bat/c_broomstick_bat.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "attributes" { "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "250" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "275" } "crit vs burning players" { "attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.459" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Fist.HitWorld" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--Heartbreaker- 9214----- REMOVED //---------------------- //---------------------- "9214" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--Sentry Pistol- 9215--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9215" { } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--Fly spy- 9216--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9216" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_JUMPPACK_SPY" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Spy - Fly - Die" "item_type_name" "Rocket Jump Pack" "item_description" " Fires a short-duration blast that launches Spy in the direction they are aiming. Think fast, or die trying! Cosmetic by: 'Pie_Tony' 'Tabby' Weapon from: New Old Weapons Pack Repurposed by: 'Majro'" "item_logname" "medic_satchel_spy" "item_iconname" "what" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/player/items/pyro/furious_flyer_mk2/furious_flyer_mk2" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_rocketpack_pyro.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/engineer/flyboy_new.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "2" "damage bonus hidden" "0.001" "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" "fire rate penalty hidden" "45" "mod max primary clip override" "-1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "centerfire projectile" { "attribute_class" "centerfire_projectile" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_ammo_per_shot" "value" "-1" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "0.01" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "damage force increase hidden" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "-1.75" } "strange restriction type 3" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "210" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Scout.TripleJumpSFX" "sound_burst" "Scout.TripleJumpSFX" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Null" "sound_special1" "Building_JumpPad.Launch" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------------ //------------------------------ //-- Stand Proud ----- 9217 ----- //---Weapon By Colrot and Mister Mann --- //------------------------------ //------------------------------ "9217" // Replace with whatever number... { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TSAR_PLATINA" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "Stand Proud" "item_type_name" "Close-Range Stand" "item_description" "This weapon has reduced crit chance Stand Rush: Deal mini-crits on the next successful punch and unable to switch to other weapons for a short time. I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer. Model by: 'N-Cognito' Weapon by: 'Colrot' and 'Mister Mann'" "item_logname" "tsar_platina" "item_iconname" "tsar_platina" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_tsar_platina" // "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_tsar_platina/c_tsar_platina.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_tsar_platina/v_tsar_platina.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/heavy/heavy_kujo_combined.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" ".30" } "damage force reduction" { "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "value" "0.67" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.15" } "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "10" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "41 7" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 0.3" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "1.5" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.46" } "voice pitch scale" /// Hidden holster penalty { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.5" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.15" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0.152" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } // "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1" For when can be fucked to recompile the cosmetic "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hands" "1" // Hide 'em. } "sound_melee_miss" "EvictionNotice.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Tsar.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Tsar.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Tsar.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------- //-------------------------- // MADNESS SIGNPOST - 9218 //-------------------------- //-------------------------- "9218" { } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--Civ Royal Flush Cards- 9219-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9219" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CARDS_CIV" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "unique" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Royal Flush" "item_type_name" "Deck of Cards" "item_description" "Civilian cannot throw cards effectively Lucky Roll: Increased crit chance Lets play a game... pick a card Model by: 'N-Cognito' Texture by: 'Reagy' Art asset by: 'ChemicalAlia' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "flip_viewmodel" "1" "item_logname" "royal_flush_civ" "item_iconname" "royal_flush" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/w_models/w_cards" "model_world" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cards/w_cards.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_cards/v_cards.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "override projectile type" "30" "clip size penalty hidden" "0.2" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "3.2" "crit mod disabled hidden" "10.0" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "bleeding duration" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "1" } "mark for death" { "attribute_class" "mark_for_death" "value" "1" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" } "Reload time decreased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.85" } "dmg penalty vs buildings" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.459" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.06" } "projectile spread angle penalty" { "attribute_class" "voice_pitch_scale" "value" "4" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_cards/w_cards_projectile.mdl" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "1.1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Jarate.Single" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Cards.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_cardboard_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_cardboard_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--ENGI LMG PROTOTYPE -- 9220 //------------------- //------------------- "9220" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_RELIC" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Rust Valley Relic" "item_type_name" "Machine Gun..?" "item_description" " Constructed from a long-dead mining facility... Model by: 'Hau' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "relic_minigun" "item_iconname" "relic_minigun" "image_inventory" "backpack/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_more_gun/c_more_gun" "model_world" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_more_gun/c_more_gun_new.mdl" "model_player" "models/workshop/weapons/v_models/v_more_gun/v_more_gun_new.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "heal on hit for rapidfire" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addhealth" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.177" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.045" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "8.33333333333" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "8.33333333333" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.066666666666667" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "unimplemented_mod_sniper_no_charge" // No aiming with a machine gun, maggot! "value" "1" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.9" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_RelicMG.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_RelicMG.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_LMG.WorldReload" //"tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Null" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--FREE-WALKER WATCH - 9221-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9221" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_WALKER_WATCH" "item_class" "tf_weapon_invis" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "pda2" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Stalker's Walk" "item_type_name" "Invis Watch" "item_description" "Watch cloaks very slowly Off to visit your mother! Model by: 'IteGood' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "watchwalker" "item_iconname" "watchwalker" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_walkerwatch/c_walkerwatch" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_walkergadget/v_walkergadget_spy.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "4" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" } "attributes" { "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "10" } "cloak regen rate increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_meter_regen_rate" "value" "6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" // hard to notice, but it's nice "value" "1.1" } "lose cloak on damage" { "attribute_class" "lose_cloak_on_damage" "value" "100" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_cloak_rate" "value" "1.7" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.15" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--CARBINE CONCEPT - 9222--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9222" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SNIPER_CARBINE" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_weapon_compound_bow" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "item_quality" "rarity2" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Frontliner" "item_type_name" "Infantry Rifle" "item_description" " Aimed Fire: Hold the fire button to deal increased damage It gets a bit boring, being so far away... Model by: 'Harry.tf' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "frontliner" "item_iconname" "frontliner" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_frontliner/c_frontliner" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_frontliner/c_frontliner.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_frontliner/c_frontliner.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "override projectile type" "1" } "attributes" { "no scope" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "1" } "sniper crit no scope" { "attribute_class" "mult_flame_life" "value" "1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "0.75" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_SniperTommy.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_SniperTommy.SingleCrit" "tracer_effect" "bullet_hunting_revolver_tracer01" "muzzle_flash" "muzzle_scattergun" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_ITEM2_VM_CHARGE" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRYFIRE" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_PRIMARY_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_CHARGE_IDLE_3" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE_2" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE_3" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_RUN_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_DEPLOYED_IDLE" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_DEPLOYED" "ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PRIMARY" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------- //------------------- //--BLOODY HELL YOU'RE AWFUL - 9223 //------------------- //------------------- "9223" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_AUTORIFLE_SNIPER" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_hunterrifle" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Aberrant Atrocity" "item_type_name" "Improvised Hybrid Assault Weapon" "item_description" " Duality of Death: Unscoped fire releases a full-auto spray of bullets Zooming in fires higher-power precision shots that deal headshot damage Now I'm going to have to make a necklace out of you. Model by: 'IteGood' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "sniper_autorifle" "item_iconname" "sniper_autorifle" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_timmy/c_timmy" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_timmy/c_timmy.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_timmy_sniper.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.125" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.04" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "headshot_damage_modify" "value" "5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "5" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.05" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Demo_MG.Fire" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Demo_MG.FireCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_LMG.WorldReload" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--BIG ASS NAIL GUN - 9224-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9224" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_ENGI_NAILGUN_MACHINEGUN" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "primary" "item_class" "tf_weapon_nailgun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Nail Storm" "item_type_name" "Heavy-Duty Nailgun" "item_description" "Hold the trigger to unleash a violent stream of nails! We use these to put together the greatest buildings in Texas, as well as nail morons to our doors. Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "nail_minigun" "item_iconname" "nail_minigun" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_heavynailgun/c_heavynailgun" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_heavynailgun/c_heavynailgun.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_heavynailgun/c_heavynailgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "0 0 -8" "class select override vcd" "taunt07" } "attributes" { "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.45" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.556" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_primary" "value" "4" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "1.5" } "move speed penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "0.85" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "0.5" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_NailgunMetal.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_LMG.WorldReload" "sound_empty" "Null" "sound_reload" "Null" "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK_SPECIAL" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_START" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_VM_RELOAD_FINISH" "ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_STAND_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_STAND_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_CROUCH_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_CROUCH_IDLE" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_SWIM_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_SWIM" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_LOOP" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" "ACT_MP_RELOAD_AIRWALK_PRIMARY_END" "ACT_MP_AIRWALK" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //-- Heavy Double Barrel - 9225-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9225" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_HEAVY_DOUBLEBARREL" "prefab" "weapon_shotgun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Baikal Boomstick" "item_type_name" "Double-Barrel Shotgun" "item_description" "Mighty Blast: This weapon inflicts knockback on hit Gun for bear hunt, is good. Model by: 'Haau' 'VitreousGlassy' Animations by: 'Raptor Dan' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "hwg_doublebarrel" "item_iconname" "hwg_doublebarrel" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_baikal_boomstick/c_baikal_boomstick" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_baikal_boomstick.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_baikal_boomstick_raptor.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "reload time increased hidden" "1.666666666667" } "attributes" { "fire rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "0.75" } "bullets per shot bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_bullets_per_shot" "value" "3.0" } "weapon spread bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" "0.85" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.4" } "clip size penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_clipsize" "value" "0.33333333333" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_look_velocity_on_damage" "value" "400" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "apply_z_velocity_on_damage" "value" "300" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_BBstick.Shoot" "sound_burst" "Weapon_BBstick.ShootCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_SuperShotGun.WorldReload" "tracer_effect" "bullet_scattergun_tracer01" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_heavy_gun_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //-- Damage Control - 9226-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9226" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_CROSSBOW" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity3" "item_name" "The Damage Control" "item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_Crossbow" "item_description" "Damage increase based of Ubercharge The cost-effective solution is to quell the affected masses than finding the cure... Model by: 'blues in g' Weapon by: 'Colrot'" "item_logname" "damage_control" "item_iconname" "damage_control" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_damage_control" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_damage_control/c_damage_control.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/v_models/v_damage_control/v_damage_control.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "clip size penalty hidden" "0.015" // 1 in the clip "override projectile type" "30" "allowed in medieval mode" "1" "damage bonus hidden" "14" //at Full Uber, does 140 "fire rate penalty hidden" "1.75" "hidden primary max ammo bonus" "0.2" "Projectile speed increased hidden" "1.25" } "attributes" { "add uber charge on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_ubercharge" "value" "-0.20" } "reload time increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_reload_time" "value" "1.2" } "sniper no headshots" { "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode" "value" "1" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "1" } //plugin stuff "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_buildings" "value" "0.29" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_spread_scale" "value" ".25" } "strange restriction type 3" { "attribute_class" "custom_uber_scales_damage" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_CompoundBow.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_CompoundBow.SingleCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- Flashy Fox - 9227-- // V5.6r1 Dropped movement speed from 520hu/s to 480hu/s, dropped damage vulnerability to 25% from 35% //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9227" { "name" "TF_SCOUT_SPEEDBOOSTER" "prefab" "weapon_armor" "item_quality" "rarity2" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_class" "tf_wearable" "item_type_name" "Tail uwu~" "item_name" "Flashy Fox" "item_description" "Reduced point capture speed Its the finest tail for miles around. Cosmetic by: 'Reagy' Item by: 'Reagy' Questioned by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "propername" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "FORCE_NOT_USED" "item_logname" "what" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "104" "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/custom/scout/flashy_fox" "model_player" "models/player/items/custom/scout/flashy_fox/flashy_fox_new.mdl" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "secondary" } "act_as_wearable" "1" "attributes" { "move speed bonus" // Has a bit of back-end to make the text appear right! This lowers movement speed while cloaked - opposite of the Tactical Retreat. { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.2" } "dmg taken increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken" "value" "1.25" } "cannot pick up intelligence" { "attribute_class" "cannot_pick_up_intelligence" "value" "1" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "custom_capture_rate" "value" "-1" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- GLADIATOR SET - 9228-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9228" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_GLADIATOR_ARMOUR" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // this was done for balance reasons and to disable secondary slot by force. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Gorey Gladiator" "item_type_name" "Suit of Armour" "item_description" " Gladiator's Wrath: Passive: Dealing damage grants mini-crits for one second. Primary fire: Nearby enemies will bleed for 5 seconds and grant you mini-crits. Gladiator's Wrath Primary fire has a 10 second cooldown. This weapon replaces your secondary weapon! Model by: 'GetGrenade' Wearable by: 'Reagy' Weapon by 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "gladiator_rage" "item_iconname" "pumpkindeath" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_gladiator/c_gladiator" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/gladiator/gladiator_combined.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt03_v3" } "attributes" { "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "80" } "move speed bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed" "value" "1.25" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.2" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.001" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "armor footsteps" { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } // Backend stuff for the actual uh.. mechanic lol "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "112 1" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "2.25" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" } "strange restriction type 1" { "attribute_class" "bleeding_duration" "value" "5" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.01" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.05" } "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "19.0" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Gladiator.Scream" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Gladiator.Scream" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Gladiator.Cast" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Gladiator.Cast" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //---------------------- //---------------------- //--SOLDIER MACE MELEE ONE- 9229--- //---------------------- //---------------------- "9229" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SOLDIER_MACE_SPIKE" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Brute Basher" "item_type_name" "Spike Mace" "item_description" " Soldierknight Melee: This weapon has slower deploy and holster times - deranged screaming - Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "soldier_mace_spike" "item_iconname" "soldier_mace_spike" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_soldier_spikemace/c_soldier_spikemace" "model_world" "models/weapons/custom/w_models/w_problemsolver.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_problemsolver.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/demo/demo_sheath.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "is_a_sword" "72" "melee range multiplier" "1.2" "melee bounds multiplier" "1.25" } "attributes" { "critboost on kill" { "attribute_class" "add_onkill_critboost_time" "value" "3" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.8" } "fire rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.1" } "mark self on miss" { "attribute_class" "self_mark_for_death_on_miss" "value" "5" } // Backend stuff to disable wrench shenanigans "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_construction_value" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_repair_value" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "upgrade_rate_mod" "value" "0" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_single_wep_deploy_time" "value" "1.35" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_deploy_time" "value" "1.35" } } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_light_gun_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- CENTURION SET - 9230-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9230" { "name" "TF_WEARABLE_CENTURION_ARMOUR" "item_class" "tf_weapon_grenade_mirv" // this was done for balance reasons and to disable secondary slot by force. "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "primary" "anim_slot" "melee" "item_quality" "rarity2" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Centurion Command" "item_type_name" "Suit of Armour" "item_description" " Centurion's Might: Passive: Dealing damage marks enemies for death and gain damage resistance for 5 seconds. Primary Fire: Mark nearby enemies for death and gain damage resistance for 5 seconds. Centurion's Might Primary fire has a 10 second cooldown. This weapon replaces your secondary weapon! Model by: 'Populus' Wearable by: 'Reagy' Weapon by 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "centurion_rage" "item_iconname" "pumpkindeath" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_centurion/c_centurion" "model_player" "models/weapons/custom/v_models/v_berserk_fists.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/player/items/custom/soldier/centurion/centurion_combined.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt03_v2" } "attributes" { "max health additive bonus" { "attribute_class" "add_maxhealth" "value" "100" } "health regen" { "attribute_class" "add_health_regen" "value" "15" } "reduced_healing_from_medics" { "attribute_class" "mult_healing_from_medics" "value" "0.2" } "maxammo secondary reduced" { "attribute_class" "mult_maxammo_secondary" "value" "0.001" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } "armor footsteps" { "attribute_class" "mod_armor_footsteps" "value" "2" } // Backend stuff for the actual uh.. mechanic lol "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond_self" "value" "111 5" } "add condition on hit" { "attribute_class" "add_onhit_addcond" "value" "30 5" } "hand scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_explosion_radius" "value" "2.25" } "rocket limited lifetime" { "attribute_class" "rocket_lifetime" "value" "0.00001" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "blast_dmg_to_self" "value" "0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.05" } "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "2" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "19.0" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmgself_push_force" "value" "0.01" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "hat" "1" } "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Centurion.Command" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Centurion.Command" "sound_special1" "Weapon_Centurion.Cast" "sound_special2" "Weapon_Centurion.Cast" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_pack_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_pack_drop.wav" } //------------------------- //------------------------- //--CENTURION SHORTSWORD - 9231-- //------------------------- //------------------------- "9231" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_SOLDIER_SHORT_SWORD" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "item_class" "tf_weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Iron Will" "item_type_name" "Short Sword" "item_description" " Morality Boost: Alt-Fire (Mouse2) to provide a teammate with damage resistance! (20 sec cooldown) Listen here maggot! you're walking home alive whether you want to or not! Now get fighting! Model by: 'Gadget' Weapon by: 'The One Of Wonders'" "item_logname" "soldier_shortsword" "item_iconname" "soldier_shortsword" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_shortsword/c_shortsword" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shortsword/c_shortsword.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_shortsword/c_shortsword.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "civ boost cond override" { "attribute_class" "add_civ_boost_override" "value" "111 1" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "1.6" } "voice pitch scale" { "attribute_class" "mult_postfiredelay" "value" "1.6" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav" } //--------------------------------------------------// //-- Fred's Fight Starters v0.3.1 --// // v5.3.7 Disabled some items due to dupes etc // //--------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE DEPUTY - 9901-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9901" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE PIGEON-FANCIER'S COOP - 9902-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9902" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE CONDIMENT CANNON - 9904-- // Potential rework needed //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9904" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE INSANERATOR - 9908-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9908" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_INSANERATOR" "item_class" "tf_weapon_flaregun" "item_quality" "rarity3" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_slot" "secondary" "anim_slot" "ITEM1" "propername" "1" "item_name" "Insanerator" "item_type_name" "Handheld Furnace" //Break// "item_description" "'Choo Choo!' Model by: 'Sparkwire & Natko' Weapon from: Fred's Fight Starters" //Break// "item_logname" "insanerator" "item_iconname" "insanerator" // No Prefab as the flaregun prefab adds a the '100% crits burning targets' line to the weapon no matter what. "image_inventory" "backpack/insanerator/insanerator.vtf" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" // We add this because there is no prefab for the weapon. "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/c_insanerator/w_insanerator.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_insanerator/v_model/v_insanerator.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "special taunt" "1" // This make the taunt unable to be interupted by Thriller! "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -10" // Because I didnt specify a prefab for this weapon I need to manually set the perameters for the min_viewmodel. } "attributes" { "override projectile type" { "attribute_class" "override_projectile_type" "value" "2" } "explosive bullets" { "attribute_class" "explosive_bullets" "value" "1" } "Set DamageType Ignite" { "attribute_class" "set_dmgtype_ignite" "value" "7.5" } "Projectile speed increased" { "attribute_class" "mult_projectile_speed" "value" "1.35" } "rocket gravity" { "attribute_class" "mod_rocket_gravity" "value" "0.75" } // I'm unsure how much I like this model. it takes so long to appear ingame I might scrap it in the future for just a rocket model. "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_projectile_model" "value" "models/weapons/w_models/w_coal_projectile.mdl" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } } "visuals" { "sound_single_shot" "Weapon_Insanerator.Single" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Insanerator.SingleCrit" "sound_reload" "Weapon_Insanerator.WorldReload" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_pickup.wav" "drop_sound" "#ui/item_metal_weapon_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE BIG BORIS - 9909-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9909" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--LAST RESORT SOLDIER - 9911-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9911" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--LAST RESORT DEMO - 9912-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9912" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE PUMP SHOT (ENGIE) - 9914-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9914" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE PUMP SHOT (HEAVY) - 9915-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9915" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE PUMP SHOT (PYRO) - 9916-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9916" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE PUMP SHOT (SOLDIER) - 9917-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9917" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE BOMBARDMENT - 9918-- // Potential rework //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9918" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //--THE HIT INDUCTION - 9920-- // Decided to keep this for now // V5.6r1 Removed //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9920" { } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9923-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9923" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_SCOUT" "prefab" "weapon_bat" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. Ring-a-ding-ding baby check out my bells! Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_scunt" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "scout" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "20" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9924-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9924" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_SOLDIER" "prefab" "weapon_shovel" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. I did not take this from the festive tree of festivals! It fell off... Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_soldier" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "soldier" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "40" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9926-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9926" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_PYRO" "prefab" "weapon_fireaxe" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. [ Giggling ] Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_pyro" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "pyro" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9928-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9928" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_DEMO" "prefab" "weapon_bottle" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. WHERES ME EGGNOG!? Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_demo" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "demoman" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "35" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9929-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9929" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_HWG" "prefab" "weapon_fists" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. Is festive times, you be festive Or else... Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_hwg" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_hwg.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "heavy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9930-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9930" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_ENGINEER" "prefab" "weapon_wrench" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. Sometimes you just need a little more cheer... Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_engi" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "engineer" "1" } "static_attrs" { "min_viewmodel_offset" "10 0 -7" "class select override vcd" "taunt01_vocal04" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "25" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9931-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9931" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_MEDIC" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. Oh ho ho! Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_medic" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_med.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "medic" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9932-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9932" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_SNIPER" "prefab" "weapon_club" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. Least its not a golf trophy Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_sniper" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_snp.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_snp.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "sniper" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9933-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9933" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_SPY" "prefab" "weapon_knife" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Small Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Festive Cheer: This weapon deals critical damage to other Festive Twig users, gibbing them on kill. Its not the size that matters, its how you use it. Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_spy" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_twig.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "used_by_classes" { "spy" "1" } "static_attrs" { "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "melee range multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_range_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "melee bounds multiplier" { "attribute_class" "melee_bounds_multiplier" "value" "1.2" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "50" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "animation_replacement" { "ACT_VM_DRAW" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_DRAW" "ACT_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_IDLE" "ACT_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_HITCENTER" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_SWINGHARD" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_UP" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN" "ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_ITEM2_STUN" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_START" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_IDLE" "ACT_MELEE_VM_INSPECT_END" "ACT_ITEM2_VM_INSPECT_END" } "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- FESTIVE TWIG - 9934-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9934" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_TWIG_CIV" "prefab" "weapon_umbrella" "show_in_armory" "1" "propername" "1" "item_quality" "rarity2" "item_name" "Lil Festive Twig" "item_type_name" "Wooden Branch" "item_description" " Little Grinch: This weapon mini-crits other Festive Twig users, cannot receive crits from other Festive Twigs. Oh goodie! Did you get me my presents? Model by: 'Reagy' 'Agent Melon' Weapon by: 'Reagy'" "item_logname" "twiggy_civ" "item_iconname" "twiggy" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_twigbells/c_twigbells" "model_world" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells.mdl" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/twigbells/twigbells_civ.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "2" "used_by_classes" { "civilian" "1" } "static_attrs" { "class select override vcd" "taunt01" "particle on melee hit" "mini_fireworks" "class select override vcd" "taunt01" } "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "heal on kill" { "attribute_class" "heal_on_kill" "value" "200" } "allowed in medieval mode" { "attribute_class" "allowed_in_medieval_mode" "value" "1" } } "visuals" { "sound_melee_miss" "Weapon_Twig.Swing" "sound_melee_hit" "Weapon_Twig.HitFlesh" "sound_melee_hit_world" "Weapon_Twig.HitWorld" "sound_burst" "Weapon_Twig.MissCrit" } "mouse_pressed_sound" "#weapons/stand_pick.wav" "drop_sound" "#weapons/stand_drop.wav" } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- BIO WASTE PUMP - 9935-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9935" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_BIOWASTEPUMP" "prefab" "weapon_medigun" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_name" "Bio Waste Pump" "item_type_name" "War Crime" "item_description" "Target enemies to apply Toxin Patients deal Mini-Crits to Toxified enemies ÜberCharge creates a cloud of Toxic gas around yourself and friendly heal target Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'Noclue'" "propername" "1" "equip_region" "medigun_backpack" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_biomed_gun/c_biomed_gun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "84" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_biomed_gun/c_biomed_gun.mdl" "extra_wearable" "models/weapons/c_models/c_biomed_backpack/c_biomed_backpack.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "attributes" { "ubercharge rate bonus" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_uberchargerate" "value" "1.33" } "heal rate penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_medigun_healrate" "value" "0.8" } "mod soldier buff type" { "attribute_class" "custom_medigun_type" "value" "2" } "scattergun no reload single" { "attribute_class" "custom_medibeamtype" "value" "3" } "lunchbox adds minicrits" { "attribute_class" "set_charge_type" "value" "2" } } "visuals" { "player_bodygroups" { "medic_backpack" "1" } } } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- LEIDWERFER - 9936-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9936" { "name" "TF_WEAPON_LEIDWERFER" "prefab" "weapon_syringegun" "item_type_name" "War Crime" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_name" "Leidwerfer" "item_logname" "leidwerfer" "item_iconname" "leidwerfer" "item_description" "On hit: Apply 1 second of Toxin to target (stacks up to 10 seconds) Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'Noclue'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_leechgun/c_leechgun" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "128" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_leechgun/c_leechgun.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "min_ilevel" "8" "max_ilevel" "8" "attributes" { "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.6" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_inflictcustom_onhit" "value" "0 1.0" } } } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- OUTBREAKER - 9937-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "9937" { "name" "The Ubersaw" "prefab" "weapon_bonesaw" "item_logname" "outbreaker" "item_iconname" "outbreaker" "show_in_armory" "1" "item_type_name" "War Crime" "item_name" "Outbreaker" "item_description" "On hit: Apply 5 seconds of Toxin to target (stacks up to 10 seconds) Take 35% reduced damage from targets inflicted with Toxin Model by: 'svdl' Weapon by: 'Noclue'" "propername" "1" "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_biosyringe/c_biosyringe" "image_inventory_size_w" "128" "image_inventory_size_h" "82" "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_biosyringe/c_biosyringe.mdl" "attach_to_hands" "1" "attributes" { "provide on active" { "attribute_class" "provide_on_active" "value" "1" } "damage penalty" { "attribute_class" "mult_dmg" "value" "0.4" } "custom projectile model" { "attribute_class" "custom_inflictcustom_onhit" "value" "0 5.0" } "cosmetic taunt sound" { "attribute_class" "custom_resist_customcond" "value" "0 0.65" } "crit mod disabled" { "attribute_class" "mult_crit_chance" "value" "0" } "special taunt" { "attribute_class" "special_taunt" "value" "1" } } } //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- Secret Joke Weapons :) -- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- //-- GHOST WALKER - 20000-- //-------------------------------- //-------------------------------- "20000" { } } "attributes" { // Knockout Custom Attributes "7500" { "name" "damage force reduction HIDDEN" "attribute_class" "damage_force_reduction" "description_string" "#Attrib_DamageForceReduction" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "1" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "7501" { "name" "airblast vulnerability multiplier HIDDEN" "attribute_class" "airblast_vulnerability_multiplier" "description_string" "#Attrib_AirBlastVulnerabilityMultipier" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "1" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "7502" { "name" "dmg taken from crit reduced HIDDEN" "attribute_class" "mult_dmgtaken_from_crit" "description_string" "#Attrib_DmgTaken_From_Crit_Reduced" "description_format" "value_is_inverted_percentage" "hidden" "1" "effect_type" "positive" "armory_Desc" "on_wearer" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "7503" { "name" "dmg taken from crit increased HIDDEN" "attribute_class" 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"mult_dmg_vs_burning" "description_string" "#Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsBurning" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "negative" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "9904" { "name" "keep disguise KNIFE" "attribute_class" "set_keep_disguise" "description_string" "#Attrib_KeepDisguiseKnife" "description_format" "value_is_additive" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "1" } "9905" { "name" "move speed penalty while cloaked" "attribute_class" "mult_player_movespeed_cloaked" "description_string" "#Attrib_MoveSpeed_Penalty_Cloaked" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "negative" "armory_Desc" "on_wearer" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "9906" { "name" "dmg bonus vs players" "attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_players" "description_string" "#Attrib_DmgVsPlayer_Increased" "description_format" "value_is_percentage" "hidden" "0" "effect_type" "positive" "stored_as_integer" "0" } "9907" { "name" "no cloak" "attribute_class" 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